• Melissa Elkadi's avatar
    Decoding MIB and SIB1 in NR UE · dea0f80e
    Melissa Elkadi authored
    In this commit, we changed the stub function of the NRUE
    to handle the MIB and SIB1, which arrive in a single
    DL_TTI_REQ. If we have not received the MIB, we first
    call the scheduler, then we handle any received NFAPI
    messages. The NFAPI message handler will then call
    the nr_ue_dl_indication() again, which will process
    first the MIB, then SIB1. It seems that we are not
    properly sending the SIB1 response back to the gNB so
    the NRUE eventually crashes. We are however, properly
    decoding the MIB and SIB which is a step in the right
NR_IF_Module.c 47.1 KB