Commit 0bf444b9 authored by Cedric Roux's avatar Cedric Roux

add some functions in database.c

parent 9eb0128b
......@@ -422,6 +422,15 @@ char *event_name_from_id(void *_database, int id)
return d->i[d->pos[id]].name;
int event_id_from_name(void *_database, char *name)
database *d = _database;
id *i = (id*)bsearch(&(id){name:name}, d->i, d->isize, sizeof(id), id_cmp);
if (i == NULL)
{ printf("%s:%d: '%s' not found\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, name); abort(); }
return i->id;
database_event_format get_format(void *_database, int event_id)
database *d = _database;
......@@ -438,3 +447,9 @@ database_event_format get_format(void *_database, int event_id)
return ret;
int number_of_ids(void *_d)
database *d = _d;
return d->isize;
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ void list_ids(void *database);
void list_groups(void *database);
void on_off(void *d, char *item, int *a, int onoff);
char *event_name_from_id(void *database, int id);
int event_id_from_name(void *database, char *name);
int number_of_ids(void *database);
/* get format of an event */
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