Commit 25e5016d authored by Xenofon Foukas's avatar Xenofon Foukas

Restructured statistics handler to consider the request message parameters

parent e3fc28df
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ enb_agent_message_decoded_callback messages_callback[][3] = {
{enb_agent_hello, 0, 0}, /*PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_HELLO_MSG*/
{enb_agent_echo_reply, 0, 0}, /*PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ECHO_REQUEST_MSG*/
{0, 0, 0}, /*PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_ECHO_REPLY_MSG*/ //Must add handler when receiving echo reply
{enb_agent_mac_reply, 0, 0}, /*PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_STATS_REQUEST_MSG*/
{enb_agent_mac_handle_stats, 0, 0}, /*PROTOCOL__PROGRAN_MESSAGE__MSG_STATS_REQUEST_MSG*/
......@@ -40,71 +40,127 @@
#include "LAYER2/RLC/rlc.h"
#include "log.h"
int enb_agent_mac_reply(uint32_t xid, const void *params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg){
int enb_agent_mac_handle_stats(uint32_t xid, const void *params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg){
// TODO: Must deal with sanitization of input
// TODO: Must check if RNTIs and cell ids of the request actually exist
int i;
void *buffer;
int size;
err_code_t err_code;
// test code
//TODO: We do not deal with multiple CCs at the moment and eNB id is 0
int cc_id = 0;
int enb_id = 0;
eNB_MAC_INST *eNB = &eNB_mac_inst[enb_id];
UE_list_t *eNB_UE_list= &eNB->UE_list;
// Create and serialize a stats reply message. This would be done by one of the agents
// Let's assume that we want the power headroom, the pending CEs for UEs 1 & 2 and their
// DL CQI reports as well as the noise and interference for cell 1
report_config_t report_config;
// We set the flags indicating what kind of stats we need for each UE. Both UEs will have
// the same flags in this example
uint32_t ue_flags = 0;
// Set the power headroom flag
// Set the pending CEs flag
// Set the DL CQI report flag
// We do the same with the Cell flags
uint32_t c_flags = 0;
// Set the noise and interference flag
// We create the appropriate configurations
ue_report_type_t ue_configs[2];
cc_report_type_t cell_configs[1];
// Create the config for UE with RNTI 1
ue_report_type_t ue1_config;
ue1_config.ue_rnti = 1;
ue1_config.ue_report_flags = ue_flags;
// Do the same for UE with RNTI 2
ue_report_type_t ue2_config;
ue2_config.ue_rnti = 2;
ue2_config.ue_report_flags = ue_flags;
// Add them to the UE list
ue_configs[0] = ue1_config;
ue_configs[1] = ue2_config;
// Do the same for cell with id 1
cc_report_type_t c1_config;
c1_config.cc_id = 1;
c1_config.cc_report_flags = c_flags;
// Add them to the cell list
cell_configs[0] = c1_config;
//Create the full report configuration
report_config.nr_ue = 2;
report_config.nr_cc = 1;
report_config.ue_report_type = ue_configs;
report_config.cc_report_type = cell_configs;
Protocol__ProgranMessage *input = (Protocol__ProgranMessage *)params;
Protocol__PrpStatsRequest *stats_req = input->stats_request_msg;
// Check the type of request that is made
switch(stats_req->body_case) {
Protocol__PrpCompleteStatsRequest *comp_req = stats_req->complete_stats_request;
if (comp_req->report_frequency == PROTOCOL__PRP_STATS_REPORT_FREQ__PRSRF_PERIODICAL) {
//TODO: Must create a periodic report. Implement once the
// timer functionality is supported
return -1;
} else if (comp_req->report_frequency == PROTOCOL__PRP_STATS_REPORT_FREQ__PRSRF_CONTINUOUS) {
//TODO: Must create an event based report mechanism
return -1;
} else if (comp_req->report_frequency == PROTOCOL__PRP_STATS_REPORT_FREQ__PRSRF_OFF) {
//TODO: Must implement to deactivate the event based reporting
} else { //One-off reporting
//Set the proper flags
ue_flags = comp_req->ue_report_flags;
c_flags = comp_req->cell_report_flags;
//Create a list of all eNB RNTIs and cells
//Set the number of UEs and create list with their RNTIs stats configs
report_config.nr_ue = eNB_UE_list->num_UEs;
report_config.ue_report_type = (ue_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(ue_report_type_t) * report_config.nr_ue);
if (report_config.ue_report_type == NULL) {
// TODO: Add appropriate error code
err_code = -100;
goto error;
for (i = 0; i < report_config.nr_ue; i++) {
report_config.ue_report_type[i].ue_rnti = eNB_UE_list->eNB_UE_stats[UE_PCCID(enb_id,i)][i].crnti;
report_config.ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags = ue_flags;
//Set the number of CCs and create a list with the cell stats configs
report_config.nr_cc = MAX_NUM_CCs;
report_config.cc_report_type = (cc_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(cc_report_type_t) * report_config.nr_cc);
if (report_config.cc_report_type == NULL) {
// TODO: Add appropriate error code
err_code = -100;
goto error;
for (i = 0; i < report_config.nr_cc; i++) {
//TODO: Must fill in the proper cell ids
report_config.cc_report_type[i].cc_id = i;
report_config.cc_report_type[i].cc_report_flags = c_flags;
Protocol__PrpCellStatsRequest *cell_req = stats_req->cell_stats_request;
// UE report config will be blank
report_config.nr_ue = 0;
report_config.ue_report_type = NULL;
report_config.nr_cc = cell_req->n_cell;
report_config.cc_report_type = (cc_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(cc_report_type_t) * report_config.nr_cc);
if (report_config.cc_report_type == NULL) {
// TODO: Add appropriate error code
err_code = -100;
goto error;
for (i = 0; i < report_config.nr_cc; i++) {
//TODO: Must fill in the proper cell ids
report_config.cc_report_type[i].cc_id = cell_req->cell[i];
report_config.cc_report_type[i].cc_report_flags = cell_req->flags;
Protocol__PrpUeStatsRequest *ue_req = stats_req->ue_stats_request;
// Cell report config will be blank
report_config.nr_cc = 0;
report_config.cc_report_type = NULL;
report_config.nr_ue = ue_req->n_rnti;
report_config.ue_report_type = (ue_report_type_t *) malloc(sizeof(ue_report_type_t) * report_config.nr_ue);
if (report_config.ue_report_type == NULL) {
// TODO: Add appropriate error code
err_code = -100;
goto error;
for (i = 0; i < report_config.nr_ue; i++) {
report_config.ue_report_type[i].ue_rnti = ue_req->rnti[i];
report_config.ue_report_type[i].ue_report_flags = ue_req->flags;
//TODO: Add appropriate error code
err_code = -100;
goto error;
if (enb_agent_mac_stats_reply(xid, &report_config, msg) < 0 ){
goto error;
return 0;
error :
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ typedef struct {
} report_config_t;
int enb_agent_mac_reply(uint32_t xid, const void *params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg);
int enb_agent_mac_handle_stats(uint32_t xid, const void *params, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg);
int enb_agent_mac_stats_reply(uint32_t xid, const report_config_t *report_config, Protocol__ProgranMessage **msg);
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