Commit 59a821ee authored by Rohit Gupta's avatar Rohit Gupta

fixed minor bug for logging

parent a9667e0f
......@@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@ cmd = ' rm -fr ' + NFSTestsResultsDir + ' ; mkdir -p ' + NFSTestsResultsDir
res = oai_localhost.send_recv(cmd)
print "Deleting NFSTestResults Dir..." + res
print "Copying files from GilabCI Runner Machine : " + host + "locallogdir = " + locallogdir + ", NFSTestsResultsDir = " + NFSTestsResultsDir
print "Copying files from GilabCI Runner Machine : " + host + " .locallogdir = " + locallogdir + ", NFSTestsResultsDir = " + NFSTestsResultsDir
SSHSessionWrapper('localhost', user, None, pw , NFSTestsResultsDir , locallogdir, "put_all")
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