Commit 6e679f86 authored by Cedric Roux's avatar Cedric Roux

enb.c logs MAC/RLC/PDCP

very basic, to be refined, find a nice way to display (plot? text?)
protocol data movement
parent 94a0e69a
......@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
typedef struct {
view *phyview;
view *macview;
view *rlcview;
view *pdcpview;
view *rrcview;
view *legacy;
} enb_gui;
......@@ -302,6 +305,7 @@ static void enb_main_gui(enb_gui *e, gui *g, event_handler *h, void *database)
widget_add_child(g, col, text, -1);
container_set_child_growable(g, col, text, 1);
textview = new_view_textlist(10000, 10, g, text);
e->macview = textview;
line = new_container(g, HORIZONTAL);
widget_add_child(g, top_container, line, -1);
......@@ -316,6 +320,7 @@ static void enb_main_gui(enb_gui *e, gui *g, event_handler *h, void *database)
widget_add_child(g, col, text, -1);
container_set_child_growable(g, col, text, 1);
textview = new_view_textlist(10000, 10, g, text);
e->rlcview = textview;
/* pdcp */
col = new_container(g, VERTICAL);
......@@ -326,6 +331,7 @@ static void enb_main_gui(enb_gui *e, gui *g, event_handler *h, void *database)
widget_add_child(g, col, text, -1);
container_set_child_growable(g, col, text, 1);
textview = new_view_textlist(10000, 10, g, text);
e->pdcpview = textview;
line = new_container(g, HORIZONTAL);
widget_add_child(g, top_container, line, -1);
......@@ -465,6 +471,22 @@ int main(int n, char **v)
view_add_log(eg.phyview, "ENB_ULSCH_UE_ACK", h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.phyview, "ENB_ULSCH_UE_NACK", h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.macview, "ENB_MAC_UE_DL_SDU", h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.macview, "ENB_MAC_UE_UL_SCHEDULE", h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.macview, "ENB_MAC_UE_UL_SCHEDULE_RETRANSMISSION",
h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.macview, "ENB_MAC_UE_UL_PDU", h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.macview, "ENB_MAC_UE_UL_SDU", h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.macview, "ENB_MAC_UE_UL_CE", h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.rlcview, "ENB_RLC_DL", h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.rlcview, "ENB_RLC_UL", h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.rlcview, "ENB_RLC_MAC_DL", h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.rlcview, "ENB_RLC_MAC_UL", h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.pdcpview, "ENB_PDCP_UL", h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.pdcpview, "ENB_PDCP_DL", h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.rrcview, "ENB_RRC_CONNECTION_SETUP_COMPLETE",
h, database, is_on);
view_add_log(eg.rrcview, "ENB_RRC_SECURITY_MODE_COMMAND",
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