Commit 781a1248 authored by Navid Nikaein's avatar Navid Nikaein

fix issues when running omg in standalone mode

git-svn-id: 818b1a75-f10b-46b9-bf7c-635c3b92a50f
parent 6d0e5dde
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mobility_parser.h"
#include "hashtable.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "omg.h"
node_info* head_node_info =NULL;
......@@ -411,6 +411,7 @@ void usage(void){
"\n\t-Y: assign maximum height of the simulation area (Y_max)"\
"\n\t-y: assign minimum height of the simulation area (Y_min)"\
"\n\t-N: assign number of nodes"\
"\n\t-n: assign number of frames" \
"\n\t-B: assign maximum duration of sleep/pause time (max_break)"
"\n\t-b: assign minimum duration of sleep/pause time (min_break)"\
"\n\t-J: assign maximum duration of journey (max_journey_time)"\
......@@ -422,9 +423,10 @@ void usage(void){
float n_frames=200.0;
int get_options(int argc, char *argv[]){
char tag;
while ((tag = getopt(argc, argv, "vj:J:g:B:b:S:s:Y:y:X:x:N:h:e:t:")) != EOF) {
while ((tag = getopt(argc, argv, "vj:J:g:B:b:S:s:Y:y:X:x:n:N:he:t:")) != EOF) {
switch (tag) {
......@@ -433,7 +435,10 @@ int get_options(int argc, char *argv[]){
omg_param_list.nodes = atoi(optarg);
LOG_D(OMG, "Number of nodes : %d \n",omg_param_list.nodes);
case 'n':
n_frames = atof(optarg);
LOG_D(OMG, "Number of frames : %f \n",n_frames );
case 't':
omg_param_list.nodes_type = atoi(optarg);
LOG_D(OMG, "Type of nodes : %d \n",omg_param_list.nodes_type);
......@@ -534,7 +539,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char z_area[20];
char fname[64],vname[64];
Data_Flow_Unit omv_data ;
float n_frames=200.0;
//float n_frames=200.0;
omg_param_list.nodes = 200;
omg_param_list.min_X = 0;
omg_param_list.max_X = 1000;
......@@ -557,15 +562,18 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
omg_param_list.sumo_step = 1;
omg_param_list.sumo_host = "localhost";
omg_param_list.sumo_port = 8890;
omg_param_list.mobility_type = STATIC;
omg_param_list.nodes_type = UE;
// overwrite the default params if defined
get_options(argc, argv);
get_options(argc, argv);
// check if we are out of range
if(omg_param_list.max_X == 0.0 || omg_param_list.max_Y == 0.0 ) {
init_omg_global_params(); //initialization de Node_Vector et Job_Vector
//char sumo_line[300];
......@@ -612,9 +620,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
init_omg_global_params(); //initialization de Node_Vector et Job_Vector
omg_param_list.mobility_type = SUMO;
omg_param_list.nodes_type = UE;
init_mobility_generator(omg_param_list); // initial positions + sleep /// need to indicate time of initialization
//LOG_I(OMG, "*****DISPLAY NODE LIST********\n");
......@@ -689,9 +696,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
perror("close on read\n" );
for (emu_info_time = 1.0 ; emu_info_time <= n_frames; emu_info_time+=1.0){
for (emu_info_time = 0.0 ; emu_info_time <= n_frames; emu_info_time+=0.1){
//printf("updating node positions\n");
// update_nodes(emu_info_time*1000);
//double emu_info.time += 1.0/100; // emu time in ms
/* for (i=(STATIC+1); i<MAX_NUM_MOB_TYPES; i++){ //
if (Node_Vector[i] != NULL){
......@@ -700,8 +708,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
else {LOG_D( "nodes are STATIC\n"); }
printf(" **********asking for positions in SUMO **********\n ");
Current_positions = get_current_positions(SUMO, UE, emu_info_time*1000); // type: enb, ue, all
printf(" **********asking for positions in %d **********\n ", omg_param_list.mobility_type);
Current_positions = get_current_positions(omg_param_list.mobility_type,
emu_info_time); // type: enb, ue, all
if(Current_positions !=NULL) {
printf(" **********Current_positions at time %f**********\n ",emu_info_time);
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