Commit 8336ab7a authored by Rohit Gupta's avatar Rohit Gupta

stop Gitlab CI execution when cleanup fails

parent 088eb0e7
......@@ -1015,6 +1015,8 @@ class oaiCleanOldProgramThread (threading.Thread):
error = error + '\n threadID = ' + str(self.threadID) + '\n threadname = ' + self.threadname + '\n CleanUpOldProgs = ' + self.CleanUpOldProgs + '\n CleanUpAluLteBox = ' + self.CleanUpAluLteBox + '\n ExmimoRfStop = ' + self.ExmimoRfStop + '\n'
error = error + traceback.format_exc()
print error
print "There is error in cleaning up old programs. The test case execution cannot continue...."
# \brief Run parallel threads in all machines for clean up old execution of test cases
# \param oai_list list of handlers that can be used to execute programs on remote machines
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<CleanUpOldProgs>oaisim* oaisim_nos1* lte-softmodem* lte-softmodem-nos1* mme_gw* run_epc* run_hss* hss hss_sim configure_cots_bandrich_ue* wvdial* iperf iperf_script ping tshark</CleanUpOldProgs>
<CleanUpAluLteBox>sudo -S -E /opt/ltebox/tools/stop_ltebox</CleanUpAluLteBox>
<ExmimoRfStop>$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/build_oai -w EXMIMO -c; sudo -S -E $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/tools/stop_exmimo2; dmesg|tail</ExmimoRfStop>
<ExmimoRfStop>$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/build_oai -w EXMIMO -c; sudo -S -E $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/tools/stop_exmimo2; uname -a; dmesg|tail</ExmimoRfStop>
<TestCaseExclusionList>0104+ 015506 015507 015508 015509 015510 015511 015602 015605 015702 015705 015802 015805 016002 016005 016102 016105 016302 016305</TestCaseExclusionList>
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