Commit 938904d7 authored by Y_Tomita's avatar Y_Tomita

Add function to create pre_scd_thread in case of L2sim.

parent 9aa4e35a
......@@ -165,6 +165,8 @@ static inline int rxtx(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc, char *thread_nam
// *******************************************************************
RU_t *ru =[0];
if (nfapi_mode == 1) {
// I am a PNF and I need to let nFAPI know that we have a (sub)frame tick
......@@ -230,6 +232,36 @@ static inline int rxtx(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc, char *thread_nam
if (release_thread(&proc[1].mutex_rxtx,&proc[1].pipe_ready,"wakeup_tx")<0) return(-1);
#if defined(PRE_SCD_THREAD)
if (nfapi_mode == 2){
new_dlsch_ue_select_tbl_in_use = dlsch_ue_select_tbl_in_use;
dlsch_ue_select_tbl_in_use = !dlsch_ue_select_tbl_in_use;
memcpy(&pre_scd_eNB_UE_stats,&RC.mac[ru->eNB_list[0]->Mod_id]->UE_list.eNB_UE_stats, sizeof(eNB_UE_STATS)*MAX_NUM_CCs*NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX);
memcpy(&pre_scd_activeUE, &RC.mac[ru->eNB_list[0]->Mod_id]->, sizeof(boolean_t)*NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX);
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&ru->proc.mutex_pre_scd)!= 0) {
LOG_E( PHY, "[eNB] error locking proc mutex for eNB pre scd\n");
exit_fun("error locking mutex_time");
if (ru->proc.instance_pre_scd == 0) {
if (pthread_cond_signal(&ru->proc.cond_pre_scd) != 0) {
LOG_E( PHY, "[eNB] ERROR pthread_cond_signal for eNB pre scd\n" );
exit_fun( "ERROR pthread_cond_signal cond_pre_scd" );
LOG_E( PHY, "[eNB] frame %d subframe %d rxtx busy instance_pre_scd %d\n",
proc->frame_rx,proc->subframe_rx,ru->proc.instance_pre_scd );
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&ru->proc.mutex_pre_scd)!= 0) {
LOG_E( PHY, "[eNB] error unlocking mutex_pre_scd mutex for eNB pre scd\n");
exit_fun("error unlocking mutex_pre_scd");
eNB->UL_INFO.frame = proc->frame_rx;
......@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ extern volatile int oai_exit;
extern int emulate_rf;
extern int numerology;
extern clock_source_t clock_source;
extern uint8_t dlsch_ue_select_tbl_in_use;
extern PARALLEL_CONF_t get_thread_parallel_conf(void);
extern WORKER_CONF_t get_thread_worker_conf(void);
......@@ -142,6 +143,11 @@ int connect_rau(RU_t *ru);
extern uint16_t sf_ahead;
#if defined(PRE_SCD_THREAD)
void init_ru_vnf(void);
/* Functions to attach and configure RRU */
......@@ -2798,6 +2804,114 @@ void stop_RU(int nb_ru)
//Some of the member of ru pointer is used in pre_scd.
//This funtion is for initializing ru pointer for L2 FAPI simulator.
#if defined(PRE_SCD_THREAD)
void init_ru_vnf(void) {
int ru_id;
RU_t *ru;
RU_proc_t *proc;
int i;
int CC_id;
dlsch_ue_select_tbl_in_use = 1;
// create status mask
RC.ru_mask = 0;
// read in configuration file)
printf("configuring RU from file\n");
LOG_I(PHY,"number of L1 instances %d, number of RU %d, number of CPU cores %d\n",RC.nb_L1_inst,RC.nb_RU,get_nprocs());
if (RC.nb_CC != 0)
for (i=0;i<RC.nb_L1_inst;i++)
for (CC_id=0;CC_id<RC.nb_CC[i];CC_id++) RC.eNB[i][CC_id]->num_RU=0;
LOG_D(PHY,"Process RUs RC.nb_RU:%d\n",RC.nb_RU);
for (ru_id=0;ru_id<RC.nb_RU;ru_id++) {
ru =[ru_id];
// ru->rf_config_file = rf_config_file;
ru->idx = ru_id;
ru->ts_offset = 0;
// use eNB_list[0] as a reference for RU frame parameters
// NOTE: multiple CC_id are not handled here yet!
if (ru->num_eNB > 0) {
// LOG_D(PHY, "%s()[%d].num_eNB:%d ru->eNB_list[0]:%p RC.eNB[0][0]:%p rf_config_file:%s\n", __FUNCTION__, ru_id, ru->num_eNB, ru->eNB_list[0], RC.eNB[0][0], ru->rf_config_file);
if (ru->eNB_list[0] == 0)
LOG_E(PHY,"%s() DJP - ru->eNB_list ru->num_eNB are not initialized - so do it manually\n", __FUNCTION__);
ru->eNB_list[0] = RC.eNB[0][0];
// DJP - feptx_prec() / feptx_ofdm() parses the eNB_list (based on num_eNB) and copies the txdata_F to txdata in RU
LOG_E(PHY,"DJP - delete code above this %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
// frame_parms is not used in L2 FAPI simulator
eNB0 = ru->eNB_list[0];
LOG_D(PHY, "RU FUnction:%d ru->if_south:%d\n", ru->function, ru->if_south);
LOG_D(PHY, "eNB0:%p\n", eNB0);
if (eNB0)
if ((ru->function != NGFI_RRU_IF5) && (ru->function != NGFI_RRU_IF4p5))
AssertFatal(eNB0!=NULL,"eNB0 is null!\n");
if (eNB0) {
LOG_I(PHY,"Copying frame parms from eNB %d to ru %d\n",eNB0->Mod_id,ru->idx);
// attach all RU to all eNBs in its list/
LOG_D(PHY,"ru->num_eNB:%d eNB0->num_RU:%d\n", ru->num_eNB, eNB0->num_RU);
for (i=0;i<ru->num_eNB;i++) {
eNB0 = ru->eNB_list[i];
eNB0->RU_list[eNB0->num_RU++] = ru;
LOG_I(PHY,"Initializing RRU descriptor %d : (%s,%s,%d)\n",ru_id,ru_if_types[ru->if_south],eNB_timing[ru->if_timing],ru->function);
// set_function_spec_param(ru);
LOG_I(PHY,"Starting ru_thread %d\n",ru_id);
// init_RU_proc(ru);
proc = &ru->proc;
proc->instance_pre_scd = -1;
pthread_mutex_init( &proc->mutex_pre_scd, NULL);
pthread_cond_init( &proc->cond_pre_scd, NULL);
pthread_create(&proc->pthread_pre_scd, NULL, pre_scd_thread, (void*)ru);
pthread_setname_np(proc->pthread_pre_scd, "pre_scd_thread");
} // for ru_id
// sleep(1);
LOG_D(HW,"[lte-softmodem.c] RU threads created\n");
/* --------------------------------------------------------*/
/* from here function to use configuration module */
......@@ -1063,6 +1063,13 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
#if defined(PRE_SCD_THREAD)
if (nfapi_mode==2) { // ru pointer is necessary for pre_scd.
if (nfapi_mode==1) { // PNF
......@@ -255,6 +255,7 @@ extern void kill_eNB_proc(int inst);
// In lte-ru.c
extern void init_RU(const char*);
extern void stop_ru(RU_t *ru);
extern void init_ru_vnf(void);
extern void init_RU_proc(RU_t *ru);
extern void stop_RU(int nb_ru);
extern void kill_RU_proc(RU_t *ru);
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