Commit 938abd4b authored by Rohit Gupta's avatar Rohit Gupta

override timeout_cmd + addl OAI CN test cases

parent 8e413d0f
......@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
eNB_terminate_missing_procs = testcase.findtext('eNB_terminate_missing_procs',default='True')
eNB_search_expr_true = testcase.findtext('eNB_search_expr_true','')
if re.compile('\w+').match(eNB_search_expr_true) != None:
eNB_search_expr_true = eNB_search_expr_true + 'duration=' + str(timeout_cmd-90) + 's'
eNB_search_expr_true = eNB_search_expr_true + ' duration=' + str(timeout_cmd-90) + 's'
UEMachine = testcase.findtext('UE',default='')
UE_config_file = testcase.findtext('UE_config_file',default='')
......@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
UE_search_expr_true = testcase.findtext('UE_search_expr_true','')
UE_stop_script = testcase.findtext('UE_stop_script','')
if re.compile('\w+').match(UE_search_expr_true) != None:
UE_search_expr_true = UE_search_expr_true + 'duration=' + str(timeout_cmd-90) + 's'
UE_search_expr_true = UE_search_expr_true + ' duration=' + str(timeout_cmd-90) + 's'
EPCMachine = testcase.findtext('EPC',default='')
EPC_config_file = testcase.findtext('EPC_config_file',default='')
......@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
EPC_terminate_missing_procs = testcase.findtext('EPC_terminate_missing_procs',default='True')
EPC_search_expr_true = testcase.findtext('EPC_search_expr_true','')
if re.compile('\w+').match(EPC_search_expr_true) != None:
EPC_search_expr_true = EPC_search_expr_true + 'duration=' + str(timeout_cmd-90) + 's'
EPC_search_expr_true = EPC_search_expr_true + ' duration=' + str(timeout_cmd-90) + 's'
index_eNBMachine = MachineList.index(eNBMachine)
index_UEMachine = MachineList.index(UEMachine)
......@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
if eNB_traffic_exec != "":
cmd_traffic = eNB_traffic_exec + ' ' + eNB_traffic_exec_args
if cmd_traffic.find('-c') >= 0:
cmd_traffic = cmd_traffic + '-t ' + str(timeout_cmd - 60)
cmd_traffic = cmd_traffic + ' -t ' + str(timeout_cmd - 60)
task_eNB = task_eNB + ' (date; ' + cmd_traffic + ' ) > ' + logfile_traffic_eNB + ' 2>&1 & \n'
task_eNB = task_eNB + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n'
task_eNB = task_eNB + 'echo eNB_traffic_exec PID = $! \n'
......@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
if UE_traffic_exec != "":
cmd_traffic = UE_traffic_exec + ' ' + UE_traffic_exec_args
if cmd_traffic.find('-c') >= 0:
cmd_traffic = cmd_traffic + '-t ' + str(timeout_cmd - 60)
cmd_traffic = cmd_traffic + ' -t ' + str(timeout_cmd - 60)
task_UE = task_UE + ' ( date; ' + cmd_traffic + ' ) >' + logfile_traffic_UE + ' 2>&1 & \n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n'
task_UE = task_UE + 'echo UE_traffic_exec PID = $! \n'
......@@ -820,7 +820,7 @@ def handle_testcaseclass_softmodem (testcase, oldprogramList, logdirOAI5GRepo ,
if EPC_traffic_exec != "":
cmd_traffic = EPC_traffic_exec + ' ' + EPC_traffic_exec_args
if cmd_traffic.find('-c') >= 0:
cmd_traffic = cmd_traffic + '-t ' + str(timeout_cmd - 60)
cmd_traffic = cmd_traffic + ' -t ' + str(timeout_cmd - 60)
task_EPC = task_EPC + '( date; ' + cmd_traffic + ' ) > ' + logfile_traffic_EPC + ' 2>&1 & \n'
task_EPC = task_EPC + 'array_exec_pid+=($!) \n'
task_EPC = task_EPC + 'echo EPC_traffic_exec PID = $! \n'
......@@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ while i < len (sys.argv):
print "-MachineList : overrides the MachineList parameter in test_case_list.xml"
print "-MachineListGeneric : overrides the MachineListGeneric parameter in test_case_list.xml"
print "--skip-git-head-check: skip checking of GitHead remote/local branch (only for debugging)"
print "--timeout_cmd: Override the default parameter (timeout_cmd) in test_case_list.xml. This parameter is in seconds and should be > 120
print "--timeout_cmd: Override the default parameter (timeout_cmd) in test_case_list.xml. This parameter is in seconds and should be > 120"
else :
print "Unrecongnized Option: <" + arg + ">. Use -h to see valid options"
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