Commit 9499a141 authored by francescomani's avatar francescomani

review changes

parent 6d147349
......@@ -1160,17 +1160,17 @@ void RCconfig_NRRRC(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i, gNB_RRC_INST *rrc) {
(NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).mnc_digit_length[l] == 3),"BAD MNC DIGIT LENGTH %d",
NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).mnc_digit_length[l]);
printf("SSB SCO %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_SSB_SUBCARRIEROFFSET_IDX].iptr);
LOG_I(RRC,"SSB SCO %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_SSB_SUBCARRIEROFFSET_IDX].iptr);
NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ssb_SubcarrierOffset = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_SSB_SUBCARRIEROFFSET_IDX].iptr;
printf("pdsch_AntennaPorts %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_IDX].iptr);
LOG_I(RRC,"pdsch_AntennaPorts %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_IDX].iptr);
NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pdsch_AntennaPorts = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PDSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_IDX].iptr;
printf("pusch_AntennaPorts %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PUSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_IDX].iptr);
LOG_I(RRC,"pusch_AntennaPorts %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PUSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_IDX].iptr);
NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_AntennaPorts = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_PUSCH_ANTENNAPORTS_IDX].iptr;
printf("minTXRXTIME %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_MINRXTXTIME_IDX].iptr);
LOG_I(RRC,"minTXRXTIME %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_MINRXTXTIME_IDX].iptr);
printf("SIB1 TDA %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_SIB1_TDA_IDX].iptr);
LOG_I(RRC,"SIB1 TDA %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_SIB1_TDA_IDX].iptr);
NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).sib1_tda = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_SIB1_TDA_IDX].iptr;
printf("Do CSI-RS %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_DO_CSIRS_IDX].iptr);
LOG_I(RRC,"Do CSI-RS %d\n",*GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_DO_CSIRS_IDX].iptr);
NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).do_CSIRS = *GNBParamList.paramarray[i][GNB_DO_CSIRS_IDX].iptr;
NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).scc = scc;
NRRRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).scd = scd;
......@@ -445,13 +445,12 @@ int rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(module_id_t Mod_idP,
RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->UL_tti_req_ahead[0] = calloc(n, sizeof(nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t));
"could not allocate memory for RC.nrmac[]->UL_tti_req_ahead[]\n");
/* fill in slot/frame numbers: slot is fixed, frame will be updated by
* scheduler */
uint16_t sf_ahead = (uint16_t) ceil((float)6/(0x01<<(*scc->ssbSubcarrierSpacing)));
uint16_t sl_ahead = sf_ahead * (0x01<<(*scc->ssbSubcarrierSpacing));
/* fill in slot/frame numbers: slot is fixed, frame will be updated by scheduler
extern sf_ahead is initialized in ru_thread but that function is not executed yet here*/
const uint16_t sf_ahead = (uint16_t) ceil((float)6/(0x01<<(*scc->ssbSubcarrierSpacing)));
const uint16_t sl_ahead = sf_ahead * (0x01<<(*scc->ssbSubcarrierSpacing));
/* consider that scheduler runs sl_ahead: the first sl_ahead slots are
* already "in the past" and thus we put frame 1 instead of 0! Note that
* extern variable sl_ahead is not initialized yet, so computing it above */
* already "in the past" and thus we put frame 1 instead of 0!*/
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
nfapi_nr_ul_tti_request_t *req = &RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->UL_tti_req_ahead[0][i];
req->SFN = i < (sl_ahead-1);
......@@ -501,10 +500,9 @@ int rrc_mac_config_req_gNB(module_id_t Mod_idP,
nr_ulstart_slot = tdd->nrofDownlinkSlots + (tdd->nrofUplinkSymbols == 0);
nr_slots_period /= get_nb_periods_per_frame(tdd->dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity);
if(RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->common_channels[0].frame_type == TDD)
AssertFatal(1==0,"Dynamic TDD not handled yet\n");
// if TDD configuration is not present and the band is not FDD, it means it is a dynamic TDD configuration
AssertFatal(RC.nrmac[Mod_idP]->common_channels[0].frame_type == FDD,"Dynamic TDD not handled yet\n");
for (int slot = 0; slot < n; ++slot) {
/* FIXME: it seems there is a problem with slot 0/10/slots right after UL:
......@@ -487,10 +487,9 @@ void nr_schedule_msg2(uint16_t rach_frame, uint16_t rach_slot,
// go to previous slot if the current scheduled slot is beyond the response window
// and if the slot is not among the PDCCH monitored ones (38.213 10.1)
while ((*msg2_frame>frame_limit) ||
((*msg2_frame==frame_limit) &&
(*msg2_slot>slot_limit)) ||
((*msg2_frame*nr_slots_per_frame[mu]+*msg2_slot-monitoring_offset)%monitoring_slot_period !=0)) {
while (*msg2_frame > frame_limit
|| (*msg2_frame == frame_limit && *msg2_slot > slot_limit)
|| ((*msg2_frame * nr_slots_per_frame[mu] + *msg2_slot - monitoring_offset) % monitoring_slot_period != 0)) {
if(!tdd || ((*msg2_slot%tdd_period_slot) > 0)) {
if (*msg2_slot==0)
......@@ -75,10 +75,9 @@ void calculate_preferred_dl_tda(module_id_t module_id, const NR_BWP_Downlink_t *
nr_mix_slots = tdd->nrofDownlinkSymbols != 0 || tdd->nrofUplinkSymbols != 0;
nr_slots_period /= get_nb_periods_per_frame(tdd->dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity);
if(frame_type == TDD)
AssertFatal(1==0,"Dynamic TDD not handled yet\n");
// if TDD configuration is not present and the band is not FDD, it means it is a dynamic TDD configuration
AssertFatal(nrmac->common_channels->frame_type == FDD,"Dynamic TDD not handled yet\n");
int target_ss;
if (bwp) {
......@@ -1200,10 +1200,9 @@ int nr_acknack_scheduling(int mod_id,
first_ul_slot_tdd = tdd->nrofDownlinkSlots + nr_slots_period * (slot / nr_slots_period);
first_ul_slot_period = tdd->nrofDownlinkSlots;
if(RC.nrmac[mod_id]->common_channels[CC_id].frame_type == TDD)
AssertFatal(1==0,"Dynamic TDD not handled yet\n");
// if TDD configuration is not present and the band is not FDD, it means it is a dynamic TDD configuration
AssertFatal(RC.nrmac[mod_id]->common_channels[CC_id].frame_type == FDD,"Dynamic TDD not handled yet\n");
NR_sched_pucch_t *csi_pucch;
......@@ -74,10 +74,9 @@ void calculate_preferred_ul_tda(module_id_t module_id, const NR_BWP_Uplink_t *ub
nr_mix_slots = tdd->nrofDownlinkSymbols != 0 || tdd->nrofUplinkSymbols != 0;
nr_slots_period /= get_nb_periods_per_frame(tdd->dl_UL_TransmissionPeriodicity);
if(frame_type == TDD)
AssertFatal(1==0,"Dynamic TDD not handled yet\n");
// if TDD configuration is not present and the band is not FDD, it means it is a dynamic TDD configuration
AssertFatal(nrmac->common_channels->frame_type == FDD,"Dynamic TDD not handled yet\n");
const struct NR_PUCCH_Config__resourceToAddModList *resList = ubwp->bwp_Dedicated->pucch_Config->choice.setup->resourceToAddModList;
// for the moment, just block any symbol that might hold a PUCCH, regardless
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