Commit a17c2474 authored by Cedric Roux's avatar Cedric Roux

add more locks in view/textlist.c

no deadlock should be possible as of the current state of
things. When the textlist's lock is set the GUI lock is
never on.

Let's cross fingers that things don't change crazily in
the future...
parent 749917b5
......@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ static void *textlist_thread(void *_this)
_append(this, s, &deleted);
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&this->lock)) abort();
if (dirty) {
text_list_state(this->g, this->w, &visible_lines, &start_line,
......@@ -58,6 +57,7 @@ static void *textlist_thread(void *_this)
/* this call is not necessary, but if things change in text_list... */
widget_dirty(this->g, this->w);
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&this->lock)) abort();
......@@ -90,6 +90,8 @@ static void scroll(void *private, gui *g,
int new_line;
int inc;
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&this->lock)) abort();
text_list_state(g, w, &visible_lines, &start_line, &number_of_lines);
inc = 10;
if (inc > visible_lines - 2) inc = visible_lines - 2;
......@@ -107,6 +109,8 @@ static void scroll(void *private, gui *g,
this->autoscroll = 0;
this->autoscroll = 1;
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&this->lock)) abort();
static void click(void *private, gui *g,
......@@ -116,7 +120,11 @@ static void click(void *private, gui *g,
int *d = notification_data;
int button = d[1];
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&this->lock)) abort();
if (button == 1) this->autoscroll = 1 - this->autoscroll;
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&this->lock)) abort();
view *new_textlist(int maxsize, float refresh_rate, gui *g, widget *w)
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