Commit a3e72721 authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/usrp_x400-rebase' into integration_2022_wk10

No related merge requests found
......@@ -43,16 +43,31 @@
//#include "targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.h"
#include "executables/softmodem-common.h"
char *get_devname(int devtype) {
const char* devtype_names[MAX_RF_DEV_TYPE] = {
"USRP B200",
"USRP X300",
"USRP N300",
"USRP X400",
"No HW",
const char *get_devname(int devtype) {
if (devtype < MAX_RF_DEV_TYPE && devtype !=MIN_RF_DEV_TYPE )
return devnames[devtype];
return devtype_names[devtype];
return "none";
int set_device(openair0_device *device)
char *devname = get_devname(device->type);
const char *devname = get_devname(device->type);
if (strcmp(devname,"none") != 0) {
LOG_I(HW,"[%s] has loaded %s device.\n",((device->host_type == RAU_HOST) ? "RAU": "RRU"),devname);
} else {
......@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ typedef enum {
/*!\brief device is USRP N300/N310*/
/*!\brief device is USRP X400/X410*/
/*!\brief device is BLADE RF*/
/*!\brief device is LMSSDR (SoDeRa)*/
......@@ -107,7 +109,9 @@ typedef enum {
} dev_type_t;
/* list of names of devices, needs to match dev_type_t */
extern const char* devtype_names[MAX_RF_DEV_TYPE];
/*!\brief transport protocol types
typedef enum {
......@@ -535,7 +539,7 @@ extern "C"
/*! \brief get device name from device type */
char *get_devname(int devtype);
const char *get_devname(int devtype);
/*! \brief Initialize openair RF target. It returns 0 if OK */
int openair0_device_load(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg);
/*! \brief Initialize transport protocol . It returns 0 if OK */
......@@ -273,18 +273,20 @@ static int sync_to_gps(openair0_device *device) {
static int trx_usrp_start(openair0_device *device) {
usrp_state_t *s = (usrp_state_t *)device->priv;
// setup GPIO for TDD, GPIO(4) = ATR_RX
//set data direction register (DDR) to output
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "DDR", 0xfff, 0xfff);
//set lower 7 bits to be controlled automatically by ATR (the rest 5 bits are controlled manually)
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "CTRL", 0x7f,0xfff);
//set pins 4 (RX_TX_Switch) and 6 (Shutdown PA) to 1 when the radio is only receiving (ATR_RX)
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "ATR_RX", (1<<4)|(1<<6), 0x7f);
// set pin 5 (Shutdown LNA) to 1 when the radio is transmitting and receiveing (ATR_XX)
// (we use full duplex here, because our RX is on all the time - this might need to change later)
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "ATR_XX", (1<<5), 0x7f);
// set the output pins to 1
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "OUT", 7<<7, 0xf80);
if (device->type != USRP_X400_DEV) {
// setup GPIO for TDD, GPIO(4) = ATR_RX
//set data direction register (DDR) to output
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "DDR", 0xfff, 0xfff);
//set lower 7 bits to be controlled automatically by ATR (the rest 5 bits are controlled manually)
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "CTRL", 0x7f,0xfff);
//set pins 4 (RX_TX_Switch) and 6 (Shutdown PA) to 1 when the radio is only receiving (ATR_RX)
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "ATR_RX", (1<<4)|(1<<6), 0x7f);
// set pin 5 (Shutdown LNA) to 1 when the radio is transmitting and receiveing (ATR_XX)
// (we use full duplex here, because our RX is on all the time - this might need to change later)
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "ATR_XX", (1<<5), 0x7f);
// set the output pins to 1
s->usrp->set_gpio_attr("FP0", "OUT", 7<<7, 0xf80);
s->wait_for_first_pps = 1;
s->rx_count = 0;
......@@ -847,7 +849,7 @@ rx_gain_calib_table_t calib_table_x310[] = {
/*! \brief USRPB210 RX calibration table */
/*! \brief USRPn3xf RX calibration table */
rx_gain_calib_table_t calib_table_n310[] = {
......@@ -857,6 +859,16 @@ rx_gain_calib_table_t calib_table_n310[] = {
/*! \brief Empty RX calibration table */
rx_gain_calib_table_t calib_table_none[] = {
{816000000.0, 0.0},
/*! \brief Set RX gain offset
* \param openair0_cfg RF frontend parameters set by application
......@@ -1011,7 +1023,9 @@ extern "C" {
usrp_master_clock = 122.88e6;
args += boost::str(boost::format(",master_clock_rate=%f") % usrp_master_clock);
//args += ", send_buff_size=33554432";
if ( 0 != system("sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=62500000 net.core.wmem_max=62500000") )
LOG_W(HW,"Can't set kernel parameters for N3x0\n");
if (device_adds[0].get("type") == "x300") {
......@@ -1025,6 +1039,13 @@ extern "C" {
LOG_W(HW,"Can't set kernel parameters for X3xx\n");
if (device_adds[0].get("type") == "x4xx") {
printf("Found USRP x400\n");
device->type = USRP_X400_DEV;
usrp_master_clock = 245.76e6;
args += boost::str(boost::format(",master_clock_rate=%f") % usrp_master_clock);
s->usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(args);
if (args.find("clock_source")==std::string::npos) {
......@@ -1103,8 +1124,13 @@ extern "C" {
std::cerr << "-- Using calibration table: calib_table_n310" << std::endl;
if (device->type == USRP_X400_DEV) {
openair0_cfg[0].rx_gain_calib_table = calib_table_none;
std::cerr << "-- Using calibration table: calib_table_none" << std::endl;
if (device->type==USRP_N300_DEV || device->type==USRP_X300_DEV) {
if (device->type==USRP_N300_DEV || device->type==USRP_X300_DEV || device->type==USRP_X400_DEV) {
LOG_I(HW,"%s() sample_rate:%u\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)openair0_cfg[0].sample_rate);
switch ((int)openair0_cfg[0].sample_rate) {
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