Commit a96a5f7a authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

stop_L1L2(): Do not turn of RF, is done in ru_thread

parent 8cfd19c6
......@@ -771,25 +771,6 @@ int stop_L1L2(module_id_t enb_id)
return -1;
/* stop trx devices, multiple carrier currently not supported by RU */
if ([enb_id]) {
if ([enb_id]->rfdevice.trx_stop_func) {[enb_id]->rfdevice.trx_stop_func(&[enb_id]->rfdevice);
LOG_I(ENB_APP, "turned off RU rfdevice\n");
} else {
LOG_W(ENB_APP, "can not turn off rfdevice due to missing trx_stop_func callback, proceding anyway!\n");
if ([enb_id]->ifdevice.trx_stop_func) {[enb_id]->ifdevice.trx_stop_func(&[enb_id]->ifdevice);
LOG_I(ENB_APP, "turned off RU ifdevice\n");
} else {
LOG_W(ENB_APP, "can not turn off ifdevice due to missing trx_stop_func callback, proceding anyway!\n");
} else {
LOG_W(ENB_APP, "no RU found for index %d\n", enb_id);
return -1;
/* these tasks need to pick up new configuration */
terminate_task(enb_id, TASK_ENB_APP, TASK_RRC_ENB);
terminate_task(enb_id, TASK_ENB_APP, TASK_L2L1);
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