Commit bbf0044e authored by Cedric Roux's avatar Cedric Roux

basic simulator: initial release

This commit introduces a 'basic simulator'.

This basic simulator is made of:
- the standard eNB code using a special driver that mimics the USRP driver
- the standard UE code using a special driver that mimics the USRP driver
- no channel simulation
- some special code to deal with faster-than-realtime behaviour of this
  basic simulator

It connects one UE to one eNB. It requires an EPC, populated with the
correct configuration for the UE.

This is the initial release and may contain bugs (most probably race
conditions due to the faster-than-realtime behaviour).

To use it, see the documentation at:

It has been tested with 25, 50 and 100 RBs, FDD mode.
(No check at all has been done to know if it could work in TDD mode.)
parent a66fe371
......@@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ add_boolean_option(UE_TIMING_TRACE False "Activate UE timing trace")
add_boolean_option(DISABLE_LOG_X False "Deactivate all LOG_* macros")
add_boolean_option(USRP_REC_PLAY False "Enable USRP record playback mode")
add_boolean_option(UE_NAS_USE_TUN False "Enable UE NAS TUN device instead of ue_ip.ko")
add_boolean_option(BASIC_SIMULATOR False "Has to be True when building the basic simulator, False otherwise")
add_boolean_option(DEBUG_CONSOLE False "makes debugging easier, disables stdout/stderr buffering")
......@@ -563,14 +564,26 @@ add_library(oai_mobipass MODULE ${TPLIB_MOBIPASS_SOURCE} )
get_target_property(mobipas_cflags oai_mobipass COMPILE_FLAGS)
set_target_properties(oai_mobipass PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${mobipass_cflags} -fvisibility=hidden")
# TCP bridge libraries
# this one is for internal use at Eurecom and is not documented
add_library(oai_tcp_bridge MODULE ${HWLIB_TCP_BRIDGE_SOURCE} )
add_library(tcp_bridge MODULE ${HWLIB_TCP_BRIDGE_SOURCE} )
#get_target_property(tcp_bridge_cflags oai_tcp_bridge COMPILE_FLAGS)
#set_target_properties(oai_tcp_bridge PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${tcp_bridge_cflags} -fvisibility=hidden")
set_target_properties(oai_tcp_bridge PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-fvisibility=hidden")
#get_target_property(tcp_bridge_cflags tcp_bridge COMPILE_FLAGS)
#set_target_properties(tcp_bridge PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${tcp_bridge_cflags} -fvisibility=hidden")
set_target_properties(tcp_bridge PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-fvisibility=hidden")
# this one is to connect OAI eNB and OAI UE in the basic simulator
# see targets/ARCH/tcp_bridge/README.tcp_bridge_oai for usage
add_library(tcp_bridge_oai MODULE ${HWLIB_TCP_BRIDGE_OAI_SOURCE} )
set_target_properties(tcp_bridge_oai PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-fvisibility=hidden")
......@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ DISABLE_LOG_X="False"
trap handle_ctrl_c INT
function print_help() {
......@@ -159,6 +160,9 @@ Options
Build for I/Q record-playback modes
Use TUN devices for the UEs instead of ue_ip.ko
Generates a basic [1 UE + 1 eNB + no channel] simulator.
See targets/ARCH/tcp_bridge/README.tcp_bridge_oai for documentation.
Usage (first build):
oaisim (eNB + UE): ./build_oai -I --oaisim -x --install-system-files
Eurecom EXMIMO + COTS UE : ./build_oai -I --eNB -x --install-system-files
......@@ -354,6 +358,10 @@ function main() {
echo_info "Enabling UE NAS TUN device usage instead of ue_ip.ko"
shift 1;;
echo_info "Compiling the basic simulator"
shift 1;;
-h | --help)
exit 1;;
......@@ -919,6 +927,96 @@ fi
echo_info "10. Bypassing the Tests ..."
# basic simulator
if [ "$BASIC_SIMULATOR" = "1" ]; then
echo_info "Build basic simulator"
[ "$CLEAN" = "1" ] && rm -rf $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/basic_simulator
mkdir -p $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/basic_simulator
mkdir -p $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/basic_simulator/enb
mkdir -p $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/basic_simulator/ue
# enb
echo "cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)" > $cmake_file
echo "set ( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE $CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( CFLAGS_PROCESSOR_USER \"$CFLAGS_PROCESSOR_USER\" )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( RRC_ASN1_VERSION \"${REL}\")" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( ENABLE_VCD_FIFO $VCD_TIMING )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( XFORMS $XFORMS )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( RF_BOARD \"OAI_USRP\")" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( TRANSP_PRO \"None\")" >> $cmake_file
echo "set(PACKAGE_NAME \"simulator_enb\")" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (DEADLINE_SCHEDULER \"False\" )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (CPU_AFFINITY \"False\" )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( T_TRACER \"True\" )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (UE_AUTOTEST_TRACE $UE_AUTOTEST_TRACE)" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (UE_DEBUG_TRACE $UE_DEBUG_TRACE)" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (UE_TIMING_TRACE $UE_TIMING_TRACE)" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (DISABLE_LOG_X $DISABLE_LOG_X)" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (USRP_REC_PLAY $USRP_REC_PLAY)" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (BASIC_SIMULATOR \"True\" )" >> $cmake_file
echo 'include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../CMakeLists.txt)' >> $cmake_file
echo_info "Build eNB"
echo_info "logs are in $dlog/basic_simulator_enb.txt"
cd $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/basic_simulator/enb
cmake .
make -j`nproc` coding params_libconfig tcp_bridge_oai lte-softmodem
ln -sf
cd ../..
} > $dlog/basic_simulator_enb.txt 2>&1
check_warnings "$dlog/basic_simulator_enb.txt"
# ue
echo_info "Compile conf2uedata"
compilations \
nas_sim_tools conf2uedata \
conf2uedata $dbin/conf2uedata
echo "cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)" > $cmake_file
echo "set ( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE $CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( CFLAGS_PROCESSOR_USER \"$CFLAGS_PROCESSOR_USER\" )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( RRC_ASN1_VERSION \"${REL}\")" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( ENABLE_VCD_FIFO $VCD_TIMING )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( XFORMS $XFORMS )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( RF_BOARD \"OAI_USRP\")" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( TRANSP_PRO \"None\")" >> $cmake_file
echo "set(PACKAGE_NAME \"simulator_ue\")" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (DEADLINE_SCHEDULER \"False\" )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (CPU_AFFINITY \"False\" )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set ( T_TRACER \"False\" )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (UE_AUTOTEST_TRACE $UE_AUTOTEST_TRACE)" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (UE_DEBUG_TRACE $UE_DEBUG_TRACE)" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (UE_TIMING_TRACE $UE_TIMING_TRACE)" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (DISABLE_LOG_X $DISABLE_LOG_X)" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (USRP_REC_PLAY $USRP_REC_PLAY)" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (LINUX True )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (PDCP_USE_NETLINK True )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (BASIC_SIMULATOR \"True\" )" >> $cmake_file
echo "set (UE_NAS_USE_TUN \"True\" )" >> $cmake_file
echo 'include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../CMakeLists.txt)' >> $cmake_file
echo_info "Build UE"
echo_info "logs are in $dlog/basic_simulator_ue.txt"
cd $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/basic_simulator/ue
cmake .
make -j`nproc` coding params_libconfig tcp_bridge_oai lte-uesoftmodem
ln -sf
cd ../..
} > $dlog/basic_simulator_ue.txt 2>&1
check_warnings "$dlog/basic_simulator_ue.txt"
echo_info "Generate UE SIM data"
$OPENAIR_DIR/targets/bin/conf2uedata -c $OPENAIR_DIR/openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf -o $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/basic_simulator/ue
main "$@"
......@@ -110,6 +110,16 @@ typedef struct {
extern volatile int *T_freelist_head;
extern T_cache_t *T_cache;
/* When running the basic simulator, we may fill the T cache too fast.
* Let's not crash if it's full, just wait.
while (T_cache[T_LOCAL_slot].busy) usleep(100)
/* used at header of Tn, allocates buffer */
#define T_LOCAL_DATA \
char *T_LOCAL_buf; \
......@@ -118,6 +128,7 @@ extern T_cache_t *T_cache;
T_LOCAL_slot = __sync_fetch_and_add(T_freelist_head, 1) \
& (T_CACHE_SIZE - 1); \
(void)__sync_fetch_and_and(T_freelist_head, T_CACHE_SIZE - 1); \
if (T_cache[T_LOCAL_slot].busy) { \
printf("%s:%d:%s: T cache is full - consider increasing its size\n", \
__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
......@@ -8,10 +8,20 @@
#define T_MAX_ARGS 16
/* maximum size of a message - increase if needed */
#define T_BUFFER_MAX (1024*64)
/* let's have 100 RBs functional for the basic simulator */
# define T_BUFFER_MAX (1024*64*2)
# define T_BUFFER_MAX (1024*64)
/* size of the local cache for messages (must be pow(2,something)) */
#define T_CACHE_SIZE (8192 * 2)
/* we don't need much space for the basic simulator */
# define T_CACHE_SIZE 1024
# define T_CACHE_SIZE (8192 * 2)
/* maximum number of bytes a message can contain */
#ifdef T_SEND_TIME
......@@ -300,6 +300,20 @@ static void forward(void *_forwarder, char *buf, int size)
if (f->tail != NULL) f->tail->next = new;
f->tail = new;
/* When runnng the basic simulator, the tracer may be too slow.
* Let's not take too much memory in the tracee and
* wait if there is too much data to send. 200MB is
* arbitrary.
while (f->memusage > 200 * 1024 * 1024) {
if (pthread_cond_signal(&f->cond)) abort();
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&f->lock)) abort();
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&f->lock)) abort();
#endif /* BASIC_SIMULATOR */
f->memusage += size+4;
/* warn every 100MB */
if (f->memusage > f->last_warning_memusage &&
......@@ -84,6 +84,11 @@ void lte_adjust_synch(LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
diff = max_pos_fil - (frame_parms->nb_prefix_samples>>3);
/* a hack without which the UE does not connect (to be fixed somehow) */
diff = 0;
if ( abs(diff) < SYNCH_HYST )
ue->rx_offset = 0;
......@@ -75,6 +75,11 @@ int generate_pss(int32_t **txdataF,
a = (frame_parms->nb_antenna_ports_eNB == 1) ? amp: (amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2_Q15)>>15;
//printf("[PSS] amp=%d, a=%d\n",amp,a);
/* a hack to remove at some point (the UE doesn't synch with 100 RBs) */
a = (frame_parms->nb_antenna_ports_eNB == 1) ? 4*amp: (amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2_Q15)>>15;
Nsymb = (frame_parms->Ncp==NORMAL)?14:12;
for (aa=0; aa<frame_parms->nb_antenna_ports_eNB; aa++) {
The driver tcp_bridge_oai.c is to be used with the basic simulator.
To build the basic simulator:
cd [openair top directory]
. oaienv
cd cmake_targets
./build_oai --basic-simulator
cd ../common/utils/T/tracer
To use it, you need to run the eNB and the UE.
The eNB requires the T tracer.
Open two terminals.
In one terminal, run:
cd [openair top directory]
cd common/utils/T/tracer
./enb -d ../T_messages.txt
In the other terminal, run:
cd [openair top directory]
cd cmake_targets/basic_simulator/enb
export ENODEB=1
sudo -E ./lte-softmodem -O [configuration file]
[configuration file] is just a regular configuration file.
The eNB needs an EPC.
To run the UE, open a terminal and run:
cd [openair top directory]
cd cmake_targets/basic_simulator/ue
sudo ./lte-uesoftmodem -C 2680000000 -r 25
Adapt the value of -r, it has to match the value N_RB_DL in the configuration
file of the eNB. (Same for -C which should match the value downlink_frequency
in the configuration file.)
The UE configuration (security keys) is generated from the file
openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf. You need to configure
your EPC to know about the UE. If you change the file
openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf then you need to
regenerate the configuration files using the program targets/bin/conf2uedata.
You run it as:
$OPENAIR_DIR/targets/bin/conf2uedata -c $OPENAIR_DIR/openair3/NAS/TOOLS/ue_eurecom_test_sfr.conf -o $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/basic_simulator/ue
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -692,6 +692,9 @@ static void *UE_thread_rxn_txnp4(void *arg) {
exit_fun("noting to add");
if (pthread_cond_signal(&proc->cond_rxtx) != 0) abort();
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&proc->mutex_rxtx) != 0) {
LOG_E( PHY, "[SCHED][UE] error unlocking mutex for UE RXTX\n" );
exit_fun("noting to add");
......@@ -751,6 +754,12 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg) {
AssertFatal ( 0== pthread_mutex_unlock(&UE->proc.mutex_synch), "");
if (is_synchronized == 0) {
while (!((instance_cnt_synch = UE->proc.instance_cnt_synch) < 0)) {
printf("ue sync not ready\n");
if (instance_cnt_synch < 0) { // we can invoke the synch
// grab 10 ms of signal and wakeup synch thread
for (int i=0; i<UE->frame_parms.nb_antennas_rx; i++)
......@@ -833,6 +842,17 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg) {
// update thread index for received subframe
UE->current_thread_id[sub_frame] = thread_idx;
int t;
for (t = 0; t < 2; t++) {
UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc = &UE->proc.proc_rxtx[t];
while (proc->instance_cnt_rxtx >= 0) pthread_cond_wait( &proc->cond_rxtx, &proc->mutex_rxtx );
LOG_D(PHY,"Process Subframe %d thread Idx %d \n", sub_frame, UE->current_thread_id[sub_frame]);
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