Commit c30d58f9 authored by aikaterini.trilyraki's avatar aikaterini.trilyraki

minor change to eth_raw.c

parent bdaf0115
......@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@ int eth_socket_init_raw(openair0_device *device) {
/* Construct the Ethernet header */
ether_aton_r(device->openair0_cfg.my_addr, (struct ether_addr *)(&(eh.ether_shost)));
ether_aton_r(device->openair0_cfg.remote_addr, (struct ether_addr *)(&(eh.ether_dhost)));
ether_aton_r(local_mac, (struct ether_addr *)(&(eh.ether_shost)));
ether_aton_r(remote_mac, (struct ether_addr *)(&(eh.ether_dhost)));
eh.ether_type = htons((short)device->openair0_cfg.my_port);
printf("[%s] binding mod_%d to hardware address %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n",((device->host_type == BBU_HOST) ? "BBU": "RRH"),Mod_id,eh.ether_shost[0],eh.ether_shost[1],eh.ether_shost[2],eh.ether_shost[3],eh.ether_shost[4],eh.ether_shost[5]);
......@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ int transport_init(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg, cha
int card = 0;
eth->flags = ETH_UDP_MODE;
eth->flags = ETH_RAW_MODE;
eth->buffer_size = (unsigned int)openair0_cfg[card].samples_per_packet*sizeof(int32_t); // buffer size = 4096 for sample_len of 1024
printf("[ETHERNET]: Initializing openair0_device for %s ...\n", ((device->host_type == BBU_HOST) ? "BBU": "RRH"));
......@@ -369,8 +369,8 @@ int16_t osa_log_verbosity = LOG_MED;
//char *rrh_UE_ip = "";
//int rrh_UE_port = 51000;
char *rrh_UE_ip = "";
int rrh_UE_port = 51000;
/* flag given in runtime to specify if the RF head is local or remote*/
uint8_t local_remote_RF;
......@@ -2977,13 +2977,13 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
openair0_cfg[card].remote_addr = "";
//openair0_cfg[card].remote_addr = "";
// openair0_cfg[card].remote_addr = "74:d4:35:cc:88:45";
openair0_cfg[card].remote_addr = "74:d4:35:cc:88:45";
openair0_cfg[card].remote_port = 50000;
openair0_cfg[card].my_addr = "";
//openair0_cfg[card].my_addr = "";
//openair0_cfg[card].my_addr = "d4:be:d9:22:0a:ac";
openair0_cfg[card].my_port = 50001;
openair0_cfg[card].tx_delay = 5;
openair0_cfg[card].my_addr = "d4:be:d9:22:0a:ac";
openair0_cfg[card].my_port = 50000;
openair0_cfg[card].tx_delay = 10;
openair0_cfg[card].tx_forward_nsamps = 0;
openair0_cfg[card].txlaunch_wait = 0;
openair0_cfg[card].txlaunch_wait_slotcount = 0;
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