Commit c885a247 authored by laurent's avatar laurent

removed all frame/subframe copies distributed update, replace by a single function

parent 6259a6b6
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -632,10 +632,12 @@ void rx_rf(RU_t *ru,int *frame,int *subframe) {
if (proc->first_rx == 1) {
ru->ts_offset = proc->timestamp_rx;
proc->timestamp_rx = 0;
//ru->ts_offset = proc->timestamp_rx;
//proc->timestamp_rx = 0;
proc->first_rx = false;
} else {
if (proc->timestamp_rx - old_ts != fp->samples_per_tti) {
LOG_E(HW,"impossible shift in RFSIM\n");
ru->ts_offset += (proc->timestamp_rx - old_ts - fp->samples_per_tti);
proc->timestamp_rx = ts-ru->ts_offset;
......@@ -4,11 +4,18 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <openair1/PHY/defs_eNB.h>
#define CU_IP ""
#define CU_PORT "7878"
#define DU_IP ""
#define DU_PORT "8787"
#define MTU 65536
#define UDP_TIMEOUT 100000L // in nano second
#define MAX_BLOCKS 16
#define blockAlign 32 //bytes
typedef struct {
char *sourceIP;
char *sourcePort;
......@@ -38,8 +45,6 @@ typedef struct frequency_s {
} frequency_t;
typedef struct {
int frame;
int subframe;
uint16_t max_preamble[4];
uint16_t max_preamble_energy[4];
uint16_t max_preamble_delay[4];
......@@ -47,10 +52,6 @@ typedef struct {
} fs6_ul_t;
typedef struct {
int frame;
int subframe;
int ul_frame;
int ul_subframe;
int num_pdcch_symbols;
int num_dci;
DCI_ALLOC_t dci_alloc[32];
......@@ -70,15 +71,17 @@ typedef struct {
} fs6_dl_uespec_t;
bool createUDPsock (char *sourceIP, char *sourcePort, char *destIP, char *destPort, UDPsock_t *result);
int receiveSubFrame(UDPsock_t *sock, uint64_t expectedTS, void *bufferZone, int bufferSize, uint16_t contentType);
int receiveSubFrame(UDPsock_t *sock, void *bufferZone, int bufferSize, uint16_t contentType);
int sendSubFrame(UDPsock_t *sock, void *bufferZone, ssize_t secondHeaderSize, uint16_t contentType);
#define initBufferZone(xBuf) \
uint8_t xBuf[FS6_BUF_SIZE];\
uint8_t xBuf[FS6_BUF_SIZE]; \
((commonUDP_t *)xBuf)->nbBlocks=0;
#define hUDP(xBuf) ((commonUDP_t *)xBuf)
#define hDL(xBuf) (((fs6_dl_t*)((commonUDP_t *)xBuf)+1))
#define hDL(xBuf) ((fs6_dl_t*)(((commonUDP_t *)xBuf)+1))
#define hUL(xBuf) ((fs6_ul_t*)(((commonUDP_t *)xBuf)+1))
#define hDLUE(xBuf) ((fs6_dl_uespec_t*) (((fs6_dl_t*)(((commonUDP_t *)xBuf)+1))+1))
static inline size_t alignedSize(uint8_t *ptr) {
commonUDP_t *header=(commonUDP_t *) ptr;
......@@ -115,4 +118,5 @@ void phy_init_RU(RU_t *);
void feptx_prec(RU_t *);
void feptx_ofdm(RU_t *);
void oai_subframe_ind(uint16_t sfn, uint16_t sf);
extern uint16_t sf_ahead;
......@@ -68,11 +68,20 @@ bool createUDPsock (char *sourceIP, char *sourcePort, char *destIP, char *destPo
// sock: udp socket
// expectedTS: the expected timestamp, 0 if unknown
// bufferZone: a reception area of bufferSize
int receiveSubFrame(UDPsock_t *sock, uint64_t expectedTS, void *bufferZone, int bufferSize, uint16_t contentType) {
int receiveSubFrame(UDPsock_t *sock, void *bufferZone, int bufferSize, uint16_t contentType) {
int rcved=0;
commonUDP_t *bufOrigin=(commonUDP_t *)bufferZone;
static uint8_t crossData[65536];
static int crossDataSize=0;
if (crossDataSize) {
LOG_D(HW,"copy a block received in previous subframe\n");
memcpy(bufferZone, crossData, crossDataSize);
do {
//read all subframe data from the control unit
......@@ -80,7 +89,8 @@ int receiveSubFrame(UDPsock_t *sock, uint64_t expectedTS, void *bufferZone, int
if ( ret==-1) {
if ( errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno== EINTR ) {
return rcved; // Timeout, subframe incomplete
LOG_I(HW,"Received: Timeout, subframe incomplete\n");
return rcved;
} else {
LOG_E(HW,"Critical issue in socket: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return -1;
......@@ -89,28 +99,26 @@ int receiveSubFrame(UDPsock_t *sock, uint64_t expectedTS, void *bufferZone, int
if (hUDP(bufferZone)->contentType != contentType)
if ( hUDP(bufferZone)->timestamp != expectedTS) {
if ( hUDP(bufferZone)->timestamp < expectedTS) {
LOG_W(HW,"Received a paquet from past subframes, dropping it\n");
if (rcved && bufOrigin->timestamp != hUDP(bufferZone)->timestamp ) {
if ( hUDP(bufferZone)->timestamp > bufOrigin->timestamp ) {
LOG_W(HW,"Received data for TS: %lu before end of TS : %lu completion\n",
memcpy(crossData, bufferZone, ret );
return rcved;
} else {
LOG_W(HW,"Received a paquet in future subframes\n");
if ( rcved == 0 ) {
LOG_W(HW,"First paquet in the sub-frame, keeping it\n");
LOG_W(HW,"Dropping late packet\n");
} else {
} while ( !rcved || rcved < hUDP(bufferZone)->nbBlocks );
} while ( rcved == 0 || rcved < bufOrigin->nbBlocks );
LOG_D(HW,"Received: nb_blocks: %d, TS: %lu, frame: %d, subframe: %d\n",
rcved, bufOrigin->timestamp, *(((int *)bufOrigin)+1), *(((int *)bufOrigin)+2));
LOG_D(HW,"Received: nb_blocks: %d, TS: %lu\n",rcved, bufOrigin->timestamp);
return rcved;
......@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ int generate_pbch(LTE_eNB_PBCH *eNB_pbch,
pbch_E = (frame_parms->Ncp==NORMAL) ? 1920 : 1728; //RE/RB * #RB * bits/RB (QPSK)
// pbch_E_bytes = pbch_coded_bits>>3;
LOG_D(PHY,"%s(eNB_pbch:%p txdataF:%p amp:%d frame_parms:%p pbch_pdu:%p frame_mod4:%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, eNB_pbch, txdataF, amp, frame_parms, pbch_pdu, frame_mod4==0);
LOG_D(PHY,"%s(eNB_pbch:%p txdataF:%p amp:%d frame_parms:%p pbch_pdu:%p frame_mod4:%d)\n", __FUNCTION__, eNB_pbch, txdataF, amp, frame_parms, pbch_pdu, frame_mod4);
if (frame_mod4==0) {
......@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ void common_signal_procedures (PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int frame, int subframe) {
LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp=&eNB->frame_parms;
int **txdataF = eNB->common_vars.txdataF;
uint8_t *pbch_pdu=&eNB->pbch_pdu[0];
//LOG_D(PHY,"common_signal_procedures: frame %d, subframe %d fdd:%s dir:%s\n",frame,subframe,fp->frame_type == FDD?"FDD":"TDD", subframe_select(fp,subframe) == SF_DL?"DL":"UL?");
LOG_D(PHY,"common_signal_procedures: frame %d, subframe %d fdd:%s dir:%s\n",frame,subframe,fp->frame_type == FDD?"FDD":"TDD", subframe_select(fp,subframe) == SF_DL?"DL":"UL?");
// generate Cell-Specific Reference Signals for both slots
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