Commit ccd01614 authored by Lionel Gauthier's avatar Lionel Gauthier

git-svn-id: 818b1a75-f10b-46b9-bf7c-635c3b92a50f
parent 4901cc9a
......@@ -649,15 +649,6 @@ rlc_um_data_req (void *rlc_pP, frame_t frameP, mem_block_t *sdu_pP)
(uint8_t*)&sdu_pP->data[sizeof (struct rlc_um_data_req_alloc)],
((struct rlc_um_data_req *) (sdu_pP->data))->data_size);*/
/*#ifndef USER_MODE
rlc_um_time_us = (unsigned long int)(rt_get_time_ns ()/(RTIME)1000);
sec = (rlc_um_time_us/ 1000000);
min = (sec / 60) % 60;
sec = sec % 60;
usec = rlc_um_time_us % 1000000;
msg ("[RLC_UM_LITE][RB %d] at time %2d:%2d.%6d\n", rlc_p->rb_id, min, sec , usec);
// IMPORTANT : do not change order of affectations
((struct rlc_um_tx_sdu_management *) (sdu_pP->data))->sdu_size = ((struct rlc_um_data_req *) (sdu_pP->data))->data_size;
//rlc_p->nb_sdu += 1;
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