Commit d49f087f authored by matzakos's avatar matzakos

Remove redundant second call for initialization of oai ue tun interface

parent a4d4c48b
......@@ -867,8 +867,6 @@ void *nas_nrue_task(void *args_p)
if (*(payload_container + offset) == 0x29) { // PDU address IEI
if ((*(payload_container+offset+1) == 0x05) && (*(payload_container +offset+2) == 0x01)) { // IPV4
// FixME: seems wrong: pdcp_module_init has already created the interface
netlink_init_tun("ue", 1);
sprintf(baseNetAddress, "%d.%d", *(payload_container+offset+3), *(payload_container+offset+4));
int third_octet = *(payload_container+offset+5);
int fourth_octet = *(payload_container+offset+6);
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