Commit dbbdbeb7 authored by Navid Nikaein's avatar Navid Nikaein

add template 26 for OAI pre-ci test with OCG and OTG

git-svn-id: 818b1a75-f10b-46b9-bf7c-635c3b92a50f
parent 1886c532
<!-- Basic configuration of a customized traffic : one state-->
<IP_VERSION>ipv6</IP_VERSION> <!-- OPTIONS: ipv4 (default), ipv6 -->
<FLOW_START_ms>1000</FLOW_START_ms> <!-- indicates the start time of the app or the actual duration of the traffic-->
<FLOW_DURATION_ms>10000</FLOW_DURATION_ms> <!-- indicates the start time of the app or the actual duration of the traffic-->
<BACKGROUND_TRAFFIC>disable</BACKGROUND_TRAFFIC> <!-- options: enable, disable. If enable, it generates a background traffic corresponding to the traffic direction-->
<IDT_DIST>uniform</IDT_DIST> <!-- available distributions: none (default), uniform, poission, gaussian, exponential,pareto, cauchy,fixed, weibull, gammav-->
<IDT_MIN_ms>40</IDT_MIN_ms> <!--Minimum IDT values in milliseconds-->
<IDT_MAX_ms>50</IDT_MAX_ms> <!--Minimum IDT values in milliseconds-->
<SIZE_DIST>uniform</SIZE_DIST> <!-- available distributions: none (default), uniform, poission, gaussian, exponential,pareto, cauchy,fixed, weibull, gammav-->
<SIZE_MIN_byte>128</SIZE_MIN_byte> <!--Minimum PAYLOAD size values in bytes-->
<SIZE_MAX_byte>1400</SIZE_MAX_byte> <!--MAximum PAYLOAD size values in bytes-->
<IP_VERSION>ipv6</IP_VERSION> <!-- OPTIONS: ipv4 (default), ipv6 -->
<FLOW_START_ms>1000</FLOW_START_ms> <!-- indicates the start time of the app or the actual duration of the traffic-->
<FLOW_DURATION_ms>10000</FLOW_DURATION_ms> <!-- indicates the start time of the app or the actual duration of the traffic-->
<BACKGROUND_TRAFFIC>disable</BACKGROUND_TRAFFIC> <!-- options: enable, disable. If enable, it generates a background traffic corresponding to the traffic direction-->
<IDT_DIST>uniform</IDT_DIST> <!-- available distributions: none (default), uniform, poission, gaussian, exponential,pareto, cauchy,fixed, weibull, gammav-->
<IDT_MIN_ms>100</IDT_MIN_ms> <!--Minimum IDT values in milliseconds-->
<IDT_MAX_ms>150</IDT_MAX_ms> <!--Minimum IDT values in milliseconds-->
<SIZE_DIST>uniform</SIZE_DIST> <!-- available distributions: none (default), uniform, poission, gaussian, exponential,pareto, cauchy,fixed, weibull, gammav-->
<SIZE_MIN_byte>256</SIZE_MIN_byte> <!--Minimum PAYLOAD size values in bytes-->
<SIZE_MAX_byte>768</SIZE_MAX_byte> <!--Maximum PAYLOAD size values in bytes-->
<EMULATION_TIME_ms>15000</EMULATION_TIME_ms> <!--if 0 set to infinity-->
<CURVE>disable</CURVE> <!-- option: enable, disable. If CURVE is enabled, graphes are ploted in real time (UL and DL) of WOD and throughput measurement for each packet -->
<THROUGHPUT>enable</THROUGHPUT> <!-- option: enable, disable. If enable, throughput measurements are plotted in real time-->
<LATENCY>enable</LATENCY> <!-- option: enable, disable. If enable, latency measurements are plotted in real time-->
<OWD_RADIO_ACCESS>enable</OWD_RADIO_ACCESS> <!-- option: enable, disable. If enable owd curve shows the one way radio access delay, else it shows end to end owd -->
<LOG> <!-- set the global log level -->
<SEED_VALUE>0</SEED_VALUE> <!-- value 0 means randomly generated by OAI -->
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