Commit dfbef96b authored by Florian Kaltenberger's avatar Florian Kaltenberger

git-svn-id: 818b1a75-f10b-46b9-bf7c-635c3b92a50f
parent 3e85fff3
function p_dpss = init_dpss(p,tau_max)
%% init DPSS
% channel parameters
theta_max = tau_max * p.frame_length*100 / p.useful_carriers; % TS = 1/(p.frame_length*100)
N_sub = floor(theta_max*p.useful_carriers)+1; % number of approximate subspace dimensions
%N_sub = 1;
% DPSS generation
% the fftshift is needed dependig in which format the frequency response is used
p_dpss.V=diag(exp(-2*pi*1i*theta_max/2*(0:( p.useful_carriers-1))))*Udps;
% compute the optimal subspace dimension based on the expected SNR
for SNR=p_dpss.SNR
% calculate optimum subspace dimension as bias variance tradeoff for a
% given noise variance (assuming pilot symbols with energy one)
sigma2 = 10.^(-SNR/10);
[~,p_dpss.Dopt(SNR+1)]=findminimumd(sigma2, p.useful_carriers,nDmax,1/theta_max*Sdps);
% % precompute the filters for DPSS estimation for the required number of
% % basis function
% Dvec = min(Dopt):max(Dopt);
% for ind=1:length(Dvec)
% Dind = Dvec(ind);
% for itx=1:p.nant_tx
% % f_start and t_start indicate the start of the pilots in time
% % and frequency according to the specifications (see .doc file).
% % t_start has to be >=2, since the first symbol is the PSS.
% f_start = mod(itx-1,2)*2+1;
% t_start = floor((itx-1)/2)+1;
% % filter for DPSS channel estimation
% M = conj(diag(squeeze(transmit_f(itx,t_start,f_start:4:end))) * V(f_start:4:end,1:Dind));
% Mpinv = (M'*M)\M.';
% % to compute the basis coefficients do
% % psi = Mpinv*(symb0(2:6:end));
% end
% end
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