Commit f8a79c9e authored by Y_Tomita's avatar Y_Tomita

Changed difinition of some valuables to add initialization.

parent 375dde8a
......@@ -19,20 +19,21 @@
// this mutex is used to set multiple UE's UL value in L2 FAPI simulator.
FILL_UL_INFO_MUTEX_t fill_ul_mutex;
nfapi_tx_request_pdu_t* tx_request_pdu_list;
//below 2 difinitions move to phy_stub_UE.c to add initialization when difinition.
extern UL_IND_t *UL_INFO;
extern nfapi_tx_request_pdu_t* tx_request_pdu_list;
// New
/// Pointers to config_request types. Used from nfapi callback functions.
nfapi_dl_config_request_t* dl_config_req;
nfapi_ul_config_request_t* ul_config_req;
nfapi_hi_dci0_request_t* hi_dci0_req;
//below 3 difinitions move to phy_stub_UE.c to add initialization when difinition.
extern nfapi_dl_config_request_t* dl_config_req;
extern nfapi_ul_config_request_t* ul_config_req;
extern nfapi_hi_dci0_request_t* hi_dci0_req;
int tx_req_num_elems;
int next_ra_frame;
module_id_t next_Mod_id;
//below 2 difinitions move to lte-ue.c to add initialization when difinition.
//int next_ra_frame;
//module_id_t next_Mod_id;
eth_params_t stub_eth_params;
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