Commit f925527c authored by Xenofon Foukas's avatar Xenofon Foukas

Fixed agent to support proper frame and subframe reporting in progRAN messages

parent 184139e3
......@@ -294,6 +294,17 @@ int get_current_subframe (mid_t mod_id) {
uint16_t get_sfn_sf (mid_t mod_id) {
uint16_t frame, subframe;
uint16_t sfn_sf;
frame = (uint16_t) get_current_frame(mod_id);
subframe = (uint16_t) get_current_subframe(mod_id);
sfn_sf = (frame << 12) | subframe;
return sfn_sf;
int get_num_ues (mid_t mod_id){
return ((UE_list_t *)enb_ue[mod_id])->num_UEs;
......@@ -108,6 +108,10 @@ int get_current_frame(mid_t mod_id);
int get_current_subframe(mid_t mod_id);
/*Return the frame and subframe number in compact 16-bit format.
Bits 0-3 frame, rest for subframe. Required by progRAN protocol*/
uint16_t get_sfn_sf (mid_t mod_id);
int get_num_ues(mid_t mod_id);
int get_ue_crnti (mid_t mod_id, mid_t ue_id);
......@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ int enb_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id,
goto error;
//TODO:Set the SFN and SF of the last report held in the agent.
dl_report->sfn_sn = get_current_time_ms(enb_id, 1);
dl_report->sfn_sn = get_sfn_sf(enb_id);
dl_report->has_sfn_sn = 1;
//TODO:Set the number of DL CQI reports for this UE. One for each CC
dl_report->n_csi_report = 1;
......@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ int enb_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id,
goto error;
//TODO:Set the SFN and SF of the generated report
full_ul_report->sfn_sn = 100;
full_ul_report->sfn_sn = get_sfn_sf(enb_id);
full_ul_report->has_sfn_sn = 1;
//TODO:Set the number of UL measurement reports based on the types of measurements
//configured for this UE and on the servCellIndex
......@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ int enb_agent_mac_stats_reply(mid_t mod_id,
goto error;
// Current frame and subframe number
ni_report->sfn_sf = 0;
ni_report->sfn_sf = get_sfn_sf(enb_id);
ni_report->has_sfn_sf = 1;
// Received interference power in dbm
ni_report->rip = 0;
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