lmsComms.cpp 10.5 KB
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@file   LMScomms.cpp
@author Lime Microsystems (www.limemicro.com)
@brief  Implementation of data transmission to LMS boards

#include "lmsComms.h"

LMScomms::LMScomms(const IConnection::eConnectionType port_type) : ConnectionManager(port_type)
    callback_logData = nullptr;
    unsigned short test = 0x1234;
    unsigned char* bytes = (unsigned char*)&test;
    if(bytes[0] == 0x12 && bytes[1] == 0x34)
        mSystemBigEndian = true;
        mSystemBigEndian = false;


/** @brief Transfers data between packet and connected device
    @param pkt packet containing output data and to receive incomming data
    @return 0: success, other: failure
LMScomms::TransferStatus LMScomms::TransferPacket(GenericPacket& pkt)
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mControlPortLock);
	TransferStatus status = TRANSFER_SUCCESS;
    if(IsOpen() == false)
        return NOT_CONNECTED;

    int packetLen;
    if(activeControlPort->GetType() == IConnection::SPI_PORT)
        protocol = LMS_PROTOCOL_NOVENA;
        protocol = LMS_PROTOCOL_LMS64C;
        return TRANSFER_FAILED;
        packetLen = ProtocolLMS64C::pktLength;
        packetLen = pkt.outBuffer.size() > ProtocolNovena::pktLength ? ProtocolNovena::pktLength : pkt.outBuffer.size();
        packetLen = 0;
        return TRANSFER_FAILED;
    int outLen = 0;
    unsigned char* outBuffer = NULL;
    outBuffer = PreparePacket(pkt, outLen, protocol);
    unsigned char* inBuffer = new unsigned char[outLen];
    memset(inBuffer, 0, outLen);

    int outBufPos = 0;
    int inDataPos = 0;
    if(outLen == 0)
        //printf("packet outlen = 0\n");
        outLen = 1;

    if(protocol == LMS_PROTOCOL_NOVENA)
        bool transferData = true; //some commands are fake, so don't need transferring
        if(pkt.cmd == CMD_GET_INFO)
            //spi does not have GET INFO, fake it to inform what device it is
            pkt.status = STATUS_COMPLETED_CMD;
            pkt.inBuffer.resize(64, 0);
            pkt.inBuffer[0] = 0; //firmware
            pkt.inBuffer[1] = LMS_DEV_NOVENA; //device
            pkt.inBuffer[2] = 0; //protocol
            pkt.inBuffer[3] = 0; //hardware
            pkt.inBuffer[4] = EXP_BOARD_UNSUPPORTED; //expansion
            transferData = false;

            if (callback_logData)
                callback_logData(true, outBuffer, outLen);
            int bytesWritten = Write(outBuffer, outLen);
            if( bytesWritten == outLen)
                if(pkt.cmd == CMD_LMS7002_RD)
                    inDataPos = Read(&inBuffer[inDataPos], outLen);
                    if(inDataPos != outLen)
                        status = TRANSFER_FAILED;
                        if (callback_logData)
                            callback_logData(false, inBuffer, inDataPos);
                ParsePacket(pkt, inBuffer, inDataPos, protocol);
                status = TRANSFER_FAILED;
        for(int i=0; i<outLen; i+=packetLen)
            int bytesToSend = packetLen;
            if (callback_logData)
                callback_logData(true, &outBuffer[outBufPos], bytesToSend);
            if( Write(&outBuffer[outBufPos], bytesToSend) )
                outBufPos += packetLen;
                long readLen = packetLen;
                int bread = Read(&inBuffer[inDataPos], readLen);
                if(bread != readLen && protocol != LMS_PROTOCOL_NOVENA)
                    status = TRANSFER_FAILED;
                if (callback_logData)
                    callback_logData(false, &inBuffer[inDataPos], bread);
                inDataPos += bread;
                status = TRANSFER_FAILED;
        ParsePacket(pkt, inBuffer, inDataPos, protocol);
    delete outBuffer;
    delete inBuffer;
    return status;

/** @brief Returns connected device information
LMSinfo LMScomms::GetInfo()
    LMSinfo info;
    info.device = LMS_DEV_UNKNOWN;
    info.expansion = EXP_BOARD_UNKNOWN;
    info.firmware = 0;
    info.hardware = 0;
    info.protocol = 0;
    GenericPacket pkt;
    pkt.cmd = CMD_GET_INFO;
    LMScomms::TransferStatus status = TransferPacket(pkt);
    if (status == LMScomms::TRANSFER_SUCCESS && pkt.inBuffer.size() >= 5)
        info.firmware = pkt.inBuffer[0];
        info.device = pkt.inBuffer[1] < LMS_DEV_COUNT ? (eLMS_DEV)pkt.inBuffer[1] : LMS_DEV_UNKNOWN;
        info.protocol = pkt.inBuffer[2];
        info.hardware = pkt.inBuffer[3];
        info.expansion = pkt.inBuffer[4] < EXP_BOARD_COUNT ? (eEXP_BOARD)pkt.inBuffer[4] : EXP_BOARD_UNKNOWN;
    return info;

/** @brief Takes generic packet and converts to specific protocol buffer
    @param pkt generic data packet to convert
    @param length returns length of returned buffer
    @param protocol which protocol to use for data
    @return pointer to data buffer, must be manually deleted after use
unsigned char* LMScomms::PreparePacket(const GenericPacket& pkt, int& length, const eLMS_PROTOCOL protocol)
    unsigned char* buffer = NULL;
    if(protocol == LMS_PROTOCOL_UNDEFINED)
        return NULL;

    if(protocol == LMS_PROTOCOL_LMS64C)
        ProtocolLMS64C packet;
        int maxDataLength = packet.maxDataLength;
        packet.cmd = pkt.cmd;
        packet.status = pkt.status;
        int byteBlockRatio = 1; //block ratio - how many bytes in one block
        switch( packet.cmd )
        case CMD_PROG_MCU:
        case CMD_GET_INFO:
        case CMD_SI5351_RD:
        case CMD_SI5356_RD:
            byteBlockRatio = 1;
        case CMD_SI5351_WR:
        case CMD_SI5356_WR:
            byteBlockRatio = 2;
        case CMD_LMS7002_RD:
        case CMD_BRDSPI_RD:
        case CMD_BRDSPI8_RD:
            byteBlockRatio = 2;
        case CMD_ADF4002_WR:
            byteBlockRatio = 3;
        case CMD_LMS7002_WR:
        case CMD_BRDSPI_WR:
        case CMD_ANALOG_VAL_WR:
            byteBlockRatio = 4;
            byteBlockRatio = 1;
        if (packet.cmd == CMD_LMS7002_RD || packet.cmd == CMD_BRDSPI_RD)
            maxDataLength = maxDataLength/2;
        if (packet.cmd == CMD_ANALOG_VAL_RD)
            maxDataLength = maxDataLength / 4;
        int blockCount = pkt.outBuffer.size()/byteBlockRatio;
        int bufLen = blockCount/(maxDataLength/byteBlockRatio)
        bufLen *= packet.pktLength;
        if(bufLen == 0)
            bufLen = packet.pktLength;
        buffer = new unsigned char[bufLen];
        memset(buffer, 0, bufLen);
        int srcPos = 0;
        for(int j=0; j*packet.pktLength<bufLen; ++j)
            int pktPos = j*packet.pktLength;
            buffer[pktPos] = packet.cmd;
            buffer[pktPos+1] = packet.status;
            if(blockCount > (maxDataLength/byteBlockRatio))
                buffer[pktPos+2] = maxDataLength/byteBlockRatio;
                blockCount -= buffer[pktPos+2];
                buffer[pktPos+2] = blockCount;
            memcpy(&buffer[pktPos+3], packet.reserved, sizeof(packet.reserved));
            int bytesToPack = (maxDataLength/byteBlockRatio)*byteBlockRatio;
            for (int k = 0; k<bytesToPack && srcPos < pkt.outBuffer.size(); ++srcPos, ++k)
                buffer[pktPos + 8 + k] = pkt.outBuffer[srcPos];
        length = bufLen;
    else if(protocol == LMS_PROTOCOL_NOVENA)
        if(pkt.cmd == CMD_LMS7002_RST)
            buffer = new unsigned char[8];
            buffer[0] = 0x88;
            buffer[1] = 0x06;
            buffer[2] = 0x00;
            buffer[3] = 0x18;
            buffer[4] = 0x88;
            buffer[5] = 0x06;
            buffer[6] = 0x00;
            buffer[7] = 0x38;
            length = 8;
            buffer = new unsigned char[pkt.outBuffer.size()];
            memcpy(buffer, &pkt.outBuffer[0], pkt.outBuffer.size());
            if (pkt.cmd == CMD_LMS7002_WR)
                for(int i=0; i<pkt.outBuffer.size(); i+=4)
                    buffer[i] |= 0x80;
            length = pkt.outBuffer.size();
    return buffer;

/** @brief Parses given data buffer into generic packet
    @param pkt destination packet
    @param buffer received data from board
    @param length received buffer length
    @param protocol which protocol to use for data parsing
    @return 1:success, 0:failure
int LMScomms::ParsePacket(GenericPacket& pkt, const unsigned char* buffer, const int length, const eLMS_PROTOCOL protocol)
    if(protocol == LMS_PROTOCOL_UNDEFINED)
        return -1;

    if(protocol == LMS_PROTOCOL_LMS64C)
        ProtocolLMS64C packet;
        int inBufPos = 0;
        pkt.inBuffer.resize(packet.maxDataLength*(length / packet.pktLength + (length % packet.pktLength)), 0);
        for(int i=0; i<length; i+=packet.pktLength)
            pkt.cmd = (eCMD_LMS)buffer[i];
            pkt.status = (eCMD_STATUS)buffer[i+1];
            memcpy(&pkt.inBuffer[inBufPos], &buffer[i+8], packet.maxDataLength);
            inBufPos += packet.maxDataLength;
    else if(protocol == LMS_PROTOCOL_NOVENA)
        pkt.cmd = CMD_LMS7002_RD;
        pkt.status = STATUS_COMPLETED_CMD;
        for(int i=0; i<length; i+=2)
            //reading from spi returns only registers values
            //fill addresses as zeros to match generic format of address, value pairs
            pkt.inBuffer.push_back(0); //should be address msb
            pkt.inBuffer.push_back(0); //should be address lsb
    return 1;

/** @brief Sets callback function which gets called each time data is sent or received
void LMScomms::SetDataLogCallback(std::function<void(bool, const unsigned char*, const unsigned int)> callback)
    callback_logData = callback;