Commit 15e82e48 authored by Thomas Schlichter's avatar Thomas Schlichter

add support for mu==0 to nr_prachsim

parent 31cd3182
......@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
int i, l, aa, aarx, **txdata, trial, n_frames = 1, prach_start, rx_prach_start; //, ntrials=1;
int N_RB_UL = 106, delay = 0, NCS_config = 13, rootSequenceIndex = 1, threequarter_fs = 0, mu = 1, fd_occasion = 0, loglvl = OAILOG_INFO, numRA = 0, prachStartSymbol = 0;
uint8_t snr1set = 0, ue_speed1set = 0, transmission_mode = 1, n_tx = 1, n_rx = 1, awgn_flag = 0, msg1_frequencystart = 0, num_prach_fd_occasions = 1, prach_format=0;
uint8_t frame = 1, slot=19, slot_gNB=19, config_index = 98, prach_sequence_length = 1, restrictedSetConfig = 0, N_dur, N_t_slot, start_symbol;
uint8_t config_index = 98, prach_sequence_length = 1, restrictedSetConfig = 0, N_dur, N_t_slot, start_symbol;
uint16_t Nid_cell = 0, preamble_tx = 0, preamble_delay, format, format0, format1;
uint32_t tx_lev = 10000, prach_errors = 0; //,tx_lev_dB;
uint64_t SSB_positions = 0x01;
......@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
frame_parms->N_RB_UL = N_RB_UL;
frame_parms->threequarter_fs = threequarter_fs;
frame_parms->frame_type = TDD;
frame_parms->freq_range = (mu==1 ? nr_FR1 : nr_FR2);
frame_parms->freq_range = (mu != 3 ? nr_FR1 : nr_FR2);
frame_parms->numerology_index = mu;
nr_phy_config_request_sim(gNB, N_RB_UL, N_RB_UL, mu, Nid_cell, SSB_positions);
......@@ -540,9 +540,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
frame_parms->N_RB_UL*(180e3)*(1 << frame_parms->numerology_index));
uint8_t subframe = slot/frame_parms->slots_per_subframe;
uint8_t frame = 1;
uint8_t subframe = 9;
uint8_t slot = 10 * frame_parms->slots_per_subframe - 1;
if (config_index<67 && mu==1) { prach_sequence_length=0; slot = subframe*2; slot_gNB = 1+(subframe*2); }
if (config_index<67 && mu != 3) { prach_sequence_length=0; slot = subframe * frame_parms->slots_per_subframe; }
uint16_t N_ZC = prach_sequence_length == 0 ? 839 : 139;
printf("Config_index %d, prach_sequence_length %d\n",config_index,prach_sequence_length);
......@@ -563,9 +565,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
ru->gNB_list[0] = gNB;
gNB->gNB_config.carrier_config.num_tx_ant.value = 1;
gNB->gNB_config.carrier_config.num_rx_ant.value = 1;
if (mu==1)
if (mu == 0)
gNB->gNB_config.tdd_table.tdd_period.value = 7;
else if (mu == 1)
gNB->gNB_config.tdd_table.tdd_period.value = 6;
else if (mu==3)
else if (mu == 3)
gNB->gNB_config.tdd_table.tdd_period.value = 3;
else {
printf("unsupported numerology %d\n",mu);
......@@ -579,7 +583,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
int ret = get_nr_prach_info_from_index(config_index,
......@@ -711,12 +715,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv){
bw = N_RB_UL*(180e3)*(1 << frame_parms->numerology_index);
AssertFatal(bw<=122.88e6,"Illegal channel bandwidth %f (mu %d,N_RB_UL %d)\n", bw, frame_parms->numerology_index, N_RB_UL);
if (bw <= 30.72e6)
fs = 30.72e6;
else if (bw <= 61.44e6)
fs = 61.44e6;
else if (bw <= 122.88e6)
fs = 122.88e6;
fs = frame_parms->samples_per_subframe * 1e3;
LOG_I(PHY,"Running with bandwidth %f Hz, fs %f samp/s, FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES %d\n",bw,fs,FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES);
......@@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ int get_nr_prach_info_from_index(uint8_t index,
if ( (s_map>>subframe)&0x01 ) {
*N_RA_slot = table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index[index][6]; // Number of RACH slots within a subframe
if (mu == 1) {
if (mu == 1 && index >= 67) {
if ( (*N_RA_slot <= 1) && (slot%2 == 0) )
return 0; // no prach in even slots @ 30kHz for 1 prach per subframe
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