Commit 6056e854 authored by Roberto Louro Magueta's avatar Roberto Louro Magueta

Get TPMI up 4 antenna ports and 1 layer

parent b0f554e2
......@@ -314,12 +314,76 @@ const uint8_t table_5_1_2_1_1_5_time_dom_res_alloc_C_dmrs_typeA_pos3[16][4]={
// TS 38.211 - Table Precoding matrix W for single-layer transmission using two antenna ports, 'n' = -1 and 'o' = -j
const char table_38211_6_3_1_5_1[6][2][1] = {
{{'1'}, {'0'}},//pmi 0
{{'0'}, {'1'}},
{{'1'}, {'1'}},
{{'1'}, {'n'}},
{{'1'}, {'j'}},
{{'1'}, {'o'}} //pmi 5
{{'1'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 0
{{'0'}, {'1'}}, // tpmi 1
{{'1'}, {'1'}}, // tpmi 2
{{'1'}, {'n'}}, // tpmi 3
{{'1'}, {'j'}}, // tpmi 4
{{'1'}, {'o'}} // tpmi 5
// TS 38.211 - Table Precoding matrix W for single-layer transmission using four antenna ports with transform precoding enabled, 'n' = -1 and 'o' = -j
const char table_38211_6_3_1_5_2[28][4][1] = {
{{'1'}, {'0'}, {'0'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 0
{{'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 1
{{'0'}, {'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 2
{{'0'}, {'0'}, {'0'}, {'1'}}, // tpmi 3
{{'1'}, {'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 4
{{'1'}, {'0'}, {'n'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 5
{{'1'}, {'0'}, {'j'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 6
{{'1'}, {'0'}, {'o'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 7
{{'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}, {'1'}}, // tpmi 8
{{'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}, {'n'}}, // tpmi 9
{{'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}, {'j'}}, // tpmi 10
{{'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}, {'o'}}, // tpmi 11
{{'1'}, {'1'}, {'1'}, {'n'}}, // tpmi 12
{{'1'}, {'1'}, {'j'}, {'j'}}, // tpmi 13
{{'1'}, {'1'}, {'n'}, {'1'}}, // tpmi 14
{{'1'}, {'1'}, {'o'}, {'o'}}, // tpmi 15
{{'1'}, {'j'}, {'1'}, {'j'}}, // tpmi 16
{{'1'}, {'j'}, {'j'}, {'1'}}, // tpmi 17
{{'1'}, {'j'}, {'n'}, {'o'}}, // tpmi 18
{{'1'}, {'j'}, {'o'}, {'n'}}, // tpmi 19
{{'1'}, {'n'}, {'1'}, {'1'}}, // tpmi 20
{{'1'}, {'n'}, {'j'}, {'o'}}, // tpmi 21
{{'1'}, {'n'}, {'n'}, {'n'}}, // tpmi 22
{{'1'}, {'n'}, {'o'}, {'j'}}, // tpmi 23
{{'1'}, {'o'}, {'1'}, {'o'}}, // tpmi 24
{{'1'}, {'o'}, {'j'}, {'n'}}, // tpmi 25
{{'1'}, {'o'}, {'n'}, {'j'}}, // tpmi 26
{{'1'}, {'o'}, {'o'}, {'1'}} // tpmi 27
// TS 38.211 - Table Precoding matrix W for single-layer transmission using four antenna ports with transform precoding disabled, 'n' = -1 and 'o' = -j
const char table_38211_6_3_1_5_3[28][4][1] = {
{{'1'}, {'0'}, {'0'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 0
{{'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 1
{{'0'}, {'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 2
{{'0'}, {'0'}, {'0'}, {'1'}}, // tpmi 3
{{'1'}, {'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 4
{{'1'}, {'0'}, {'n'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 5
{{'1'}, {'0'}, {'j'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 6
{{'1'}, {'0'}, {'o'}, {'0'}}, // tpmi 7
{{'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}, {'1'}}, // tpmi 8
{{'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}, {'n'}}, // tpmi 9
{{'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}, {'j'}}, // tpmi 10
{{'0'}, {'1'}, {'0'}, {'o'}}, // tpmi 11
{{'1'}, {'1'}, {'1'}, {'1'}}, // tpmi 12
{{'1'}, {'1'}, {'j'}, {'j'}}, // tpmi 13
{{'1'}, {'1'}, {'n'}, {'n'}}, // tpmi 14
{{'1'}, {'1'}, {'o'}, {'o'}}, // tpmi 15
{{'1'}, {'j'}, {'1'}, {'j'}}, // tpmi 16
{{'1'}, {'j'}, {'j'}, {'n'}}, // tpmi 17
{{'1'}, {'j'}, {'n'}, {'o'}}, // tpmi 18
{{'1'}, {'j'}, {'o'}, {'1'}}, // tpmi 19
{{'1'}, {'n'}, {'1'}, {'n'}}, // tpmi 20
{{'1'}, {'n'}, {'j'}, {'o'}}, // tpmi 21
{{'1'}, {'n'}, {'n'}, {'1'}}, // tpmi 22
{{'1'}, {'n'}, {'o'}, {'j'}}, // tpmi 23
{{'1'}, {'o'}, {'1'}, {'o'}}, // tpmi 24
{{'1'}, {'o'}, {'j'}, {'1'}}, // tpmi 25
{{'1'}, {'o'}, {'n'}, {'j'}}, // tpmi 26
{{'1'}, {'o'}, {'o'}, {'n'}} // tpmi 27
void get_info_from_tda_tables(int default_abc,
......@@ -144,4 +144,6 @@ extern const float table_38213_13_12_c3[16];
extern const int32_t table_38213_10_1_1_c2[5];
extern const char table_38211_6_3_1_5_1[6][2][1];
extern const char table_38211_6_3_1_5_2[28][4][1];
extern const char table_38211_6_3_1_5_3[28][4][1];
#endif //DEF_H
......@@ -979,12 +979,29 @@ uint8_t get_max_tpmi(const NR_PUSCH_Config_t *pusch_Config,
return max_tpmi;
void get_precoder_matrix_coef(char *w, uint8_t tpmi, uint8_t uI) {
// TODO: Add the remaining tables
*w = *table_38211_6_3_1_5_1[tpmi][uI];
void get_precoder_matrix_coef(char *w,
const uint8_t ul_ri,
const uint16_t num_ue_srs_ports,
const uint8_t transform_precoding,
const uint8_t tpmi,
const uint8_t uI) {
if (ul_ri == 0) {
if (num_ue_srs_ports == 2) {
*w = *table_38211_6_3_1_5_1[tpmi][uI];
} else {
if (transform_precoding == NR_PUSCH_Config__transformPrecoder_enabled) {
*w = *table_38211_6_3_1_5_2[tpmi][uI];
} else {
*w = *table_38211_6_3_1_5_3[tpmi][uI];
} else {
AssertFatal(1==0,"Function get_precoder_matrix_coef() does not support %i layers yet!\n", ul_ri+1);
int nr_srs_tpmi_estimation(const NR_PUSCH_Config_t *pusch_Config,
const uint8_t transform_precoding,
const uint8_t *channel_matrix,
const uint8_t normalized_iq_representation,
const uint16_t num_gnb_antenna_elements,
......@@ -1030,7 +1047,7 @@ int nr_srs_tpmi_estimation(const NR_PUSCH_Config_t *pusch_Config,
for(int uI = 0; uI < num_ue_srs_ports; uI++) {
uint16_t index = uI*num_gnb_antenna_elements*num_prgs + index_gI_pI;
get_precoder_matrix_coef(&w, tpmi, uI);
get_precoder_matrix_coef(&w, ul_ri, num_ue_srs_ports, transform_precoding, tpmi, uI);
c16_t h_times_w = nr_h_times_w(channel_matrix16[index], w);
precoded_channel_matrix_re[index_gI_pI] += h_times_w.r;
......@@ -1169,6 +1186,7 @@ void handle_nr_srs_measurements(const module_id_t module_id,
ps->srs_feedback.sri = NR_SRS_SRI_0;
ps->srs_feedback.ul_ri = 0; // TODO: Compute this
ps->srs_feedback.tpmi = nr_srs_tpmi_estimation(ps->pusch_Config,
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