Commit fe146678 authored by luis_pereira87's avatar luis_pereira87

Tutorials: rename UE to nrUE

parent 494dad9f
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
# 1. Scenario
In this tutorial we describe how to configure and run a 5G end-to-end setup with OAI CN5G, OAI gNB, OAI UE and COTS UE.
In this tutorial we describe how to configure and run a 5G end-to-end setup with OAI CN5G, OAI gNB, OAI nrUE and COTS UE.
Minimum hardware requirements:
- Laptop/Desktop/Server for OAI CN5G and OAI gNB
......@@ -233,14 +233,14 @@ iperf -s -u -i 1 -B
docker exec -it oai-ext-dn iperf -u -t 86400 -i 1 -fk -B -b 100M -c
## 5.2 Testing with OAI UE
### 5.2.1 Testing with OAI UE with USRP B210
## 5.2 Testing with OAI nrUE
### 5.2.1 Testing with OAI nrUE with USRP B210
Important notes:
- This should be run in a second Ubuntu 20.04 host, other than gNB
- It only applies when running OAI gNB with USRP B210
- OAI gNB must run with the following flag: `--gNBs.[0].min_rxtxtime 6`
Run OAI nrUE
cd ~/openairinterface5g
source oaienv
......@@ -248,12 +248,12 @@ cd cmake_targets/ran_build/build
sudo ./nr-uesoftmodem -r 106 --numerology 1 --band 78 -C 3619200000 --nokrnmod --ue-fo-compensation --sa -E --uicc0.imsi 001010000000001 --uicc0.nssai_sd 1
### 5.2.2 Testing with OAI UE with RFsimulator
### 5.2.2 Testing with OAI nrUE with RFsimulator
Important notes:
- This should be run on the same host as the OAI gNB
- It only applies when running OAI gNB with RFsimulator
Run OAI UE with RFsimulator
Run OAI nrUE with RFsimulator
cd ~/openairinterface5g
source oaienv
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