Commit 3117b138 authored by Tien-Thinh Nguyen's avatar Tien-Thinh Nguyen

First version to support multiple UEs

parent eb05f8d6
......@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ extern ausf_config ausf_cfg;
ausf_app::ausf_app(const std::string& config_file) {
ausf_av_s = {};
uint8_t XRES_STAR[16] = {};
// ausf_av_s = {};
// uint8_t XRES_STAR[16] = {};
......@@ -98,6 +98,27 @@ void ausf_app::set_supi_2_security_context(
supi2security_context[supi] = sc;
bool ausf_app::is_contextId_2_security_context(
const std::string& contextId) const {
std::shared_lock lock(m_contextId2security_context);
return bool{contextId2security_context.count(contextId) > 0};
std::shared_ptr<security_context> ausf_app::contextId_2_security_context(
const std::string& contextId) const {
std::shared_lock lock(m_contextId2security_context);
void ausf_app::set_contextId_2_security_context(
const std::string& contextId, std::shared_ptr<security_context> sc) {
std::unique_lock lock(m_contextId2security_context);
contextId2security_context[contextId] = sc;
void ausf_app::handle_ue_authentications(
const AuthenticationInfo& authenticationInfo, nlohmann::json& json_data,
......@@ -248,6 +269,7 @@ void ausf_app::handle_ue_authentications(
"kseaf calculated:\n %s", (conv::uint8_to_hex_string(kseaf, 32)).c_str());
memcpy(ausf_av_s.rand, rand_ausf, 16); // store 5g av in ausf
memcpy(ausf_av_s.autn, autn_ausf, 16);
memcpy(ausf_av_s.hxresStar, hxresStar, 16);
......@@ -258,42 +280,33 @@ void ausf_app::handle_ue_authentications(
AUTH_TYPE = authType_udm; // store authType in ausf
conv::uint8_to_hex_string(kausf_ausf, 32); // store kausf_tmp in ausf
// Store the security context
std::shared_ptr<security_context> sc = {};
if (is_supi_2_security_context(supi)) {
Logger::ausf_app().debug("Update SMF context with SUPI: ", supi);
sc = supi_2_security_context(supi);
sc->supi_ausf = supi; // TODO: setter/getter
memcpy(sc->ausf_av_s.rand, rand_ausf, 16); // store 5g av in ausf
memcpy(sc->ausf_av_s.autn, autn_ausf, 16);
memcpy(sc->ausf_av_s.hxresStar, hxresStar, 16);
memcpy(sc->ausf_av_s.kseaf, kseaf, 32);
memcpy(sc->xres_star, xresStar, 16); // store xres* in ausf
sc->supi_ausf = authenticationInfo.getSupiOrSuci(); // store supi in ausf
sc->serving_nn = snn; // store snn in ausf
sc->auth_type = authType_udm; // store authType in ausf
sc->kausf_tmp =
conv::uint8_to_hex_string(kausf_ausf, 32); // store kausf_tmp in ausf
"Update security context with SUPI: ", supi.c_str());
sc = supi_2_security_context(supi);
} else {
Logger::ausf_app().debug("Create a new security context with SUPI ", supi);
// sc = std::shared_ptr<security_context>(new security_context());
sc = std::make_shared<security_context>();
sc->supi_ausf = supi; // TODO: setter/getter
memcpy(sc->ausf_av_s.rand, rand_ausf, 16); // store 5g av in ausf
memcpy(sc->ausf_av_s.autn, autn_ausf, 16);
memcpy(sc->ausf_av_s.hxresStar, hxresStar, 16);
memcpy(sc->ausf_av_s.kseaf, kseaf, 32);
memcpy(sc->xres_star, xresStar, 16); // store xres* in ausf
sc->supi_ausf = authenticationInfo.getSupiOrSuci(); // store supi in ausf
sc->serving_nn = snn; // store snn in ausf
sc->auth_type = authType_udm; // store authType in ausf
sc->kausf_tmp =
conv::uint8_to_hex_string(kausf_ausf, 32); // store kausf_tmp in ausf
"Create a new security context with SUPI ", supi.c_str());
sc = std::make_shared<security_context>();
set_supi_2_security_context(supi, sc);
// Update information
sc->supi_ausf = supi; // TODO: setter/getter
memcpy(sc->ausf_av_s.rand, rand_ausf, 16); // store 5g av in ausf
memcpy(sc->ausf_av_s.autn, autn_ausf, 16);
memcpy(sc->ausf_av_s.hxresStar, hxresStar, 16);
memcpy(sc->ausf_av_s.kseaf, kseaf, 32);
memcpy(sc->xres_star, xresStar, 16); // store xres* in ausf
sc->supi_ausf = authenticationInfo.getSupiOrSuci(); // store supi in ausf
sc->serving_nn = snn; // store snn in ausf
sc->auth_type = authType_udm; // store authType in ausf
sc->kausf_tmp =
conv::uint8_to_hex_string(kausf_ausf, 32); // store kausf_tmp in ausf
/*----------------ausf --> seaf-----------*/
//---form UEAuthenticationCtx
UEAuthenticationCtx UEAuthCtx;
......@@ -311,6 +324,8 @@ void ausf_app::handle_ue_authentications(
std::string authCtxId_s;
authCtxId_s = autn_s; // authCtxId = autn
// Store the security context
set_contextId_2_security_context(authCtxId_s, sc);
resourceURI =
"http://" +
......@@ -347,6 +362,32 @@ void ausf_app::handle_ue_authentications_confirmation(
nlohmann::json problemDetails_json = {};
Logger::ausf_server().debug("Handling 5g-aka-confirmation-put...");
// Get the security context
std::shared_ptr<security_context> sc = {};
if (is_contextId_2_security_context(authCtxId)) {
"Retrieve security context with authCtxId: ", authCtxId.c_str());
sc = contextId_2_security_context(authCtxId);
} else {
"Security context with authCtxId ", authCtxId.c_str(),
"does not exist");
problemDetails.setDetail("Serving Network Not Authorized");
to_json(problemDetails_json, problemDetails);
Logger::ausf_server().error("Serving Network Not Authorized");
Logger::ausf_server().info("Send 403 Forbidden response to AUSF");
http_response_code = 403; // TODO:Pistache::Http::Code::Forbidden
json_data = problemDetails_json;
if (SUPI_AUSF.empty()) // no ue-authentications request ever
......@@ -362,6 +403,7 @@ void ausf_app::handle_ue_authentications_confirmation(
// problemDetails_json.dump());
// getting params
......@@ -381,17 +423,17 @@ void ausf_app::handle_ue_authentications_confirmation(
"authCtxId in ausf: %s",
(conv::uint8_to_hex_string(ausf_av_s.autn, 16)).c_str());
(conv::uint8_to_hex_string(sc->ausf_av_s.autn, 16)).c_str());
bool is_auth_vectors_present =
Authentication_5gaka::equal_uint8(ausf_av_s.autn, authCtxId_seaf, 16);
Authentication_5gaka::equal_uint8(sc->ausf_av_s.autn, authCtxId_seaf, 16);
if (!is_auth_vectors_present) // AV expired
"Authentication failure by home network with authCtxId %s: AV expired",
KAUSF_TMP = "invalid";
sc->kausf_tmp = "invalid";
} else // AV valid
Logger::ausf_server().info("AV is up to date, handling received res*...");
......@@ -399,7 +441,8 @@ void ausf_app::handle_ue_authentications_confirmation(
// store Kausf
// get stored xres* -----
uint8_t xresStar[16] = {0};
memcpy(xresStar, XRES_STAR, 16); // xres* stored for 5g-aka-confirmation
xresStar, sc->xres_star, 16); // xres* stored for 5g-aka-confirmation
"xres* in ausf: %s", (conv::uint8_to_hex_string(xresStar, 16)).c_str());
......@@ -421,12 +464,12 @@ void ausf_app::handle_ue_authentications_confirmation(
// 4.send KSEAF to SEAF
string kseaf_s;
kseaf_s = conv::uint8_to_hex_string(
ausf_av_s.kseaf, 32); // convert uint8_t to string
sc->ausf_av_s.kseaf, 32); // convert uint8_t to string
// 5.send supi when supi_ausf exists
if (!SUPI_AUSF.empty()) {
if (!sc->supi_ausf.empty()) {
// 6. send authResult to udm
......@@ -441,7 +484,7 @@ void ausf_app::handle_ue_authentications_confirmation(
*((struct in_addr*) &ausf_cfg.udm_addr.ipv4_addr))) +
":" + std::to_string(ausf_cfg.udm_addr.port) + "/nudm-ueau/v1/" +
SUPI_AUSF + "/auth-events";
sc->supi_ausf + "/auth-events";
cout << udmUri.c_str() << endl;
Logger::ausf_server().debug("POST Request:" + udmUri);
Method = "POST";
......@@ -458,9 +501,9 @@ void ausf_app::handle_ue_authentications_confirmation(
strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%FT%TZ", gmtime(&rawtime));
confirmResultInfo["timeStamp"] = buf; // timestamp generated
confirmResultInfo["authType"] = AUTH_TYPE; // authType stored in ausf
confirmResultInfo["authType"] = sc->auth_type; // authType stored in ausf
confirmResultInfo["servingNetworkName"] =
SERVING_NN; // snn stored in ausf
sc->serving_nn; // snn stored in ausf
confirmResultInfo["authRemovalInd"] = false;
cout << confirmResultInfo.dump() << endl;
......@@ -87,21 +87,31 @@ class ausf_app {
void set_supi_2_security_context(
const std::string& supi, std::shared_ptr<security_context> sc);
AUSF_AV_s ausf_av_s;
// stored temporarily
uint8_t XRES_STAR[16]; // store xres*
std::string SUPI_AUSF; // store supi
std::string AUTH_TYPE; // store authType
std::string SERVING_NN; // store serving network name
std::string KAUSF_TMP; // store Kausf(string)
bool is_contextId_2_security_context(const std::string& contextId) const;
std::shared_ptr<security_context> contextId_2_security_context(
const std::string& contextId) const;
void set_contextId_2_security_context(
const std::string& contextId, std::shared_ptr<security_context> sc);
/* AUSF_AV_s ausf_av_s;
// stored temporarily
uint8_t XRES_STAR[16]; // store xres*
std::string SUPI_AUSF; // store supi
std::string AUTH_TYPE; // store authType
std::string SERVING_NN; // store serving network name
std::string KAUSF_TMP; // store Kausf(string)
std::map<supi64_t, std::shared_ptr<security_context>> imsi2security_context;
mutable std::shared_mutex m_imsi2security_context;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<security_context>>
mutable std::shared_mutex m_supi2security_context;
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<security_context>>
mutable std::shared_mutex m_contextId2security_context;
} // namespace app
} // namespace ausf
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