• Javier Morgade's avatar
    -MBMS RRC procedures for M2AP · abffb32f
    Javier Morgade authored
    	-On the fligh MBMS recofiguration for MBSFN, sib13,sib2 and MCCH enabled through M2 interface (MCE)
    	-RRC NAS update for MBMS TUN interfaces configuration
    	-UE RRC modified to handle dynamic SIB2 (MBSFN Subframe Config Lists), SIB13 (MCCH) reconfigurations (TO CAREFULLY BE CHECKED)
     	1. This commit was developed at Vicomtech (https://www.vicomtech.org) under UE project CDN-X-ALL: "CDN edge-cloud computing for efficient cache and reliable streaming aCROSS Aggregated unicast-multicast LinkS"
     	2. Project funded by Fed4FIRE+ OC5 (https://www.fed4fire.eu)
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJavier Morgade <javier.morgade@ieee.org>
L2_interface.c 13.7 KB