Commit 1900f0ce authored by frtabu's avatar frtabu

More build_oai cleanup, add a generic option "--build-lib" to build optional...

More build_oai cleanup, add a generic option "--build-lib" to build optional shared libraries (telnet server for example)
parent e6eb7464
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ UE_DEBUG_TRACE="False"
OPTIONAL_LIBRARIES="telnetsrv enbscope uescope msc"
trap handle_ctrl_c INT
function print_help() {
......@@ -119,8 +119,6 @@ Options
runs only specified test cases specified here. This flag is only valid with -s
-V | --vcd
Adds a debgging facility to the binary files: GUI with major internal synchronization events
-x | --xforms
Adds a software oscilloscope feature to the produced binaries.
Install OpenArInterface required files in Linux system
(will ask root password)
......@@ -148,10 +146,8 @@ Options
Enable traces for timing
Build eclipse project files. Paths are auto corrected by
Build telnet server, specify --telnetsrv on command line to start it (eNB only)
Build MSC tracing utility, specify --msc on command line to start it (eNB and UE)
--build-lib <libraries>
Build optional shared library, <libraries> can be one or several of $OPTIONAL_LIBRARIES
Build for I/Q record-playback modes
......@@ -322,14 +318,20 @@ function main() {
echo_info "Enabling build eclipse project support"
shift 1;;
echo_info "Build embedded telnet server"
shift ;;
echo_info "Build MSC tracing utility"
shift ;;
for alib in $2 ; do
for oklib in $OPTIONAL_LIBRARIES ; do
if [ "$alib" = "$oklib" ] ; then
echo_info "Enabling build of lib${alib}.so"
if [ "${BUILD_OPTLIB## }" != "$2" ] ; then
echo_fatal "Unknown optional library in $2, valid libraries are $OPTIONAL_LIBRARIES"
shift 2;;
echo_info "Enabling USRP record playback mode"
......@@ -642,34 +644,17 @@ function main() {
cp $OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/tools/init_exmimo2 $dbin
# Telnet server compilation
# optional libraries
if [ "$BUILD_TELNETSRV" = "1" ] ; then
compilations \
$lte_build_dir telnetsrv \ $dbin/
if [ ! -z "$BUILD_OPTLIB" ] ; then
for oklib in $BUILD_OPTLIB ; do
compilations \
$lte_build_dir $oklib \
lib${oklib}.so $dbin/lib${oklib}.so
# msc library compilation
if [ "$MSC_GEN" = "1" ] ; then
compilations \
$lte_build_dir msc \ $dbin/
# softsope compilations
if [ "$XFORMS" = "1" ] ; then
compilations \
$lte_build_dir enbscope \ $dbin/
compilations \
$lte_build_dir uescope \ $dbin/
# build RF device and transport protocol libraries
if [ "$eNB" = "1" -o "$UE" = "1" ] ; then
......@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ After completing the build, the binaries are available in the `cmake_targets/lte
## Telnet Server
The telnet server can be built with the --build-telnet option, after building the softmodem or while building it.
The telnet server can be built with the `--build-lib telnetsrv` option, after building the softmodem or while building it.
`./build_oai -I -w USRP --eNB --UE --build-telnetsrv`
`./build_oai -I -w USRP --eNB --UE --build-lib telnetsrv`
`./build_oai --build-telnetsrv`
`./build_oai --build-lib telnetsrv`
## USRP record player
......@@ -105,13 +105,11 @@ The USRP record player today needs a specific build. Work to make it available a
| --eNB | maintained and tested in CI | build `lte-softmodem` the LTE eNodeB |
| --UE | maintained and tested in CI | build `lte-uesoftmodem` the LTE UE |
| --usrp-recplay | maintained | build with support for the record player. Implementation will be soon reviewed to switch to a run-time option. |
| --build-telnet | maintained | build the telnet server shared library, which can then be loaded at run time via the --telnetsrv command line option. |
| --build-msc | unknown | build the msc shared library, which can then be loaded at run time via the --msc command line option. msc is a tracing utility which status is unknown. |
| --build-lib | maintained | build optional shared library(ies), which can then be loaded at run time via command line option. Use the --help option to get the list of supported optional libraries. |
| --UE-conf-nvram | | |
| --UE-gen-nvram | | |
| -r | unknown, to be removed | specifies which 3GPP release to build for. Only the default (today rel14) is tested in CI and it is likely that future oai release will remove this option |
| -V | deprecated | Used to build with support for synchronization diagram utility. This is now available via the T-Tracer and is included if T-Tracer is not disabled. |
| -x | deprecated | Used to build with support for embedded signal analyzer. This is now available via the T-Tracer and is included if T-Tracer is not disabled. |
| --build-doxygen | unknown | build doxygen documentation, many oai source files do not include doxygen comments |
| --disable-deadline --enable-deadline --disable-cpu-affinity | deprecated | These options were used to activate or de-activate specific code depending on the choice of a specific linux scheduling mode. This has not been tested for a while and should be implemented as configuration options |
| --disable-T-Tracer | maintained, to be tested | Remove T_Tracer and console LOG messages except error messages. |
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