Commit 535cabeb authored by Raphael Defosseux's avatar Raphael Defosseux

Merge branch 'develop_integration_2019_w17' into 'develop'

The following Merge Requests are included:

* MR 557 : Implement CDRX in FDD mode
* MR 571 : Improvement on documentation
* MR 572 : Fix CU/DU protocol split
* MR 574 : Fix a flexran free issue
* MR 578 : CI -- Improve OAI UE testing with USRP
parents cb488697 15d8bd5d
......@@ -513,18 +513,36 @@ pipeline {
stage ("Test OAI UE - FDD - Bands 20/7 - B200") {
stage ("Test OAI UE - FDD - Band 20 - B200") {
steps {
script {
triggerSlaveJobNoGitLab ('UE-CI-FDD-Band20-B200')
// calling a second job sequentially
triggerSlaveJob ('eNB-UE-CI-MONO-FDD-Band7-B200', 'Test-eNB-OAI-UE-FDD-Band7')
post {
always {
script {
failure {
script {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
stage ("Test OAI UE - OAI eNB - FDD - Band 7 - B200") {
steps {
script {
// Delayed trigger on slave job, so it is always the last one to run
sh "sleep 240"
triggerSlaveJob ('eNB-UE-CI-MONO-FDD-Band7-B200', 'Test-eNB-OAI-UE-FDD-Band7')
post {
always {
script {
......@@ -334,6 +334,60 @@ pipeline {
stage('Log Collection (SPGW)') {
steps {
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.EPC_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'EPC_Username', passwordVariable: 'EPC_Password']
]) {
echo '\u2705 \u001B[32mLog Collection (SPGW)\u001B[0m'
sh "python3 ci-scripts/ --mode=LogCollectSPGW --EPCIPAddress=${params.EPC_IPAddress} --EPCUserName=${EPC_Username} --EPCPassword=${EPC_Password} --EPCSourceCodePath=${params.EPC_SourceCodePath} --EPCType=${params.EPC_Type}"
echo '\u2705 \u001B[32mLog Transfer (SPGW)\u001B[0m'
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress}:${EPC_SourceCodePath}/scripts/ ./spgw.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip || true"
script {
if(fileExists("spgw.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip")) {
archiveArtifacts "spgw.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
stage('Log Collection (MME)') {
steps {
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.EPC_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'EPC_Username', passwordVariable: 'EPC_Password']
]) {
echo '\u2705 \u001B[32mLog Collection (MME)\u001B[0m'
sh "python3 ci-scripts/ --mode=LogCollectMME --EPCIPAddress=${params.EPC_IPAddress} --EPCUserName=${EPC_Username} --EPCPassword=${EPC_Password} --EPCSourceCodePath=${params.EPC_SourceCodePath} --EPCType=${params.EPC_Type}"
echo '\u2705 \u001B[32mLog Transfer (MME)\u001B[0m'
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress}:${EPC_SourceCodePath}/scripts/ ./mme.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip || true"
script {
if(fileExists("mme.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip")) {
archiveArtifacts "mme.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
stage('Log Collection (HSS)') {
steps {
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', credentialsId: "${params.EPC_Credentials}", usernameVariable: 'EPC_Username', passwordVariable: 'EPC_Password']
]) {
echo '\u2705 \u001B[32mLog Collection (HSS)\u001B[0m'
sh "python3 ci-scripts/ --mode=LogCollectHSS --EPCIPAddress=${params.EPC_IPAddress} --EPCUserName=${EPC_Username} --EPCPassword=${EPC_Password} --EPCSourceCodePath=${params.EPC_SourceCodePath} --EPCType=${params.EPC_Type}"
echo '\u2705 \u001B[32mLog Transfer (HSS)\u001B[0m'
sh "sshpass -p \'${EPC_Password}\' scp -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' -o 'ConnectTimeout 10' ${EPC_Username}@${params.EPC_IPAddress}:${EPC_SourceCodePath}/scripts/ ./hss.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip || true"
script {
if(fileExists("hss.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip")) {
archiveArtifacts "hss.log.${env.BUILD_ID}.zip"
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ eNBs =
nb_antennas_tx = 1;
nb_antennas_rx = 1;
tx_gain = 90;
rx_gain = 125;
rx_gain = 115;
prach_root = 0;
prach_config_index = 0;
prach_high_speed = "DISABLE";
......@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ MACRLCs = (
tr_s_preference = "local_L1";
tr_n_preference = "local_RRC";
scheduler_mode = "fairRR";
puSch10xSnr = 200;
puCch10xSnr = 200;
puSch10xSnr = 150;
puCch10xSnr = 150;
......@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ MACRLCs = (
tr_s_preference = "local_L1";
tr_n_preference = "local_RRC";
scheduler_mode = "fairRR";
puSch10xSnr = 200;
puCch10xSnr = 200;
puSch10xSnr = 150;
puCch10xSnr = 150;
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ RUs = (
att_rx = 0;
bands = [38];
max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
max_rxgain = 115;
max_rxgain = 125;
eNB_instances = [0];
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ eNBs =
nb_antennas_tx = 1;
nb_antennas_rx = 1;
tx_gain = 90;
rx_gain = 125;
rx_gain = 120;
prach_root = 0;
prach_config_index = 0;
prach_high_speed = "DISABLE";
......@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ MACRLCs = (
tr_s_preference = "local_L1";
tr_n_preference = "local_RRC";
scheduler_mode = "fairRR";
puSch10xSnr = 200;
puCch10xSnr = 200;
puSch10xSnr = 150;
puCch10xSnr = 150;
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ RUs = (
att_rx = 0;
bands = [38];
max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = -27;
max_rxgain = 115;
max_rxgain = 120;
eNB_instances = [0];
......@@ -94,6 +94,14 @@ eNBs =
pcch_default_PagingCycle = 128;
pcch_nB = "oneT";
drx_Config_present = "prSetup"; //"prSetup" "prRelease"
drx_onDurationTimer = "psf1"; // "psfX": X=1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,20,30,40,50,60,80,100
drx_InactivityTimer = "psf1"; // "psfX": X=1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,20,30,40,50,60,80,100,200,300,500,750,1280,1920,2560
drx_RetransmissionTimer = "psf1"; // "psfX": X=1,2,4,6,8,16,24,33
drx_longDrx_CycleStartOffset_present = "prSf128"; // "psfX": X=10,20,32,40,64,80,128,160,256,320,512,640,1024,1280,2048,2560
drx_longDrx_CycleStartOffset = 0; // X >= 0 && X < drx_longDrx_CycleStartOffset_present
drx_shortDrx_Cycle = "sf16"; // "sfX": X=2,5,8,10,16,20,32,40,64,80,128,160,256,320,512,640
drx_shortDrx_ShortCycleTimer = 3; // 1..16 integer. Total duration in short cycle = drx_shortDrx_Cycle*drx_shortDrx_ShortCycleTimer [subframe]
bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff = 2;
ue_TimersAndConstants_t300 = 1000;
ue_TimersAndConstants_t301 = 1000;
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<b><font size = "5">OAI CI Dev documentation</font></b>
VM-based RF-Less Environment:
* [How to setup your test env](./
* [How to deal with OAI source files](./
* [The main script](./
* [How to create one or several VM instances](./
* [How to build an OAI variant](./
* [How the build is checked](./
* [How to test an OAI variant](./
* [How to destroy all VM instances](./
Currently missing documentation:
* How to generate a build report
* How to generate a test report
This diff is collapsed.
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<b><font size = "5">OAI CI Virtual-Machine-based Test Environment: checking the build result</font></b>
## Table of Contents ##
1. [Introduction](#1-introduction)
2. [Detailed Description](#2-detailed-description)
# 1. Introduction #
Function is called:
- when building in foreground
- when waiting for the background build process is finished
# 2. Detailed Description #
Source file concerned: `ci-scripts/`
## 2.1. check_on_vm_build function ##
* Retrieve the build log files from the VM instance `ubuntu@$VM_IP_ADDR:/home/ubuntu/tmp/cmake_targets/log/*.txt`
* and copy them locally in the workspace at $ARCHIVES_LOC
* List all log files that match the pattern. Each should have
* the `Built target` pattern (the library/executable SHALL link)
* The number of patterned log files SHALL match $NB_PATTERN_FILES defined in `ci-scripts/oai-ci-vm-tool` script for the variant
Next step: [how to test a function](./
You can also go back to the [CI dev main page](./
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<b><font size = "5">OAI CI Virtual-Machine-based Test Environment: create a VM instance</font></b>
## Table of Contents ##
1. [Introduction](#1-introduction)
2. [Detailed Description](#2-detailed-description)
3. [Typical Usage](#3-typical-usage)
# 1. Introduction #
$ cd /tmp/CI-raphael
$ ./ci-scripts/oai-ci-vm-tool create --help
OAI CI VM script
Original Author: Raphael Defosseux
-- uvtool uvtool-libvirt apt-cacher
-- xenial image already synced
-- eNB with USRP
oai-ci-vm-tool create [OPTIONS]
Mandatory Options:
--job-name #### OR -jn ####
Specify the name of the Jenkins job.
--build-id #### OR -id ####
Specify the build ID of the Jenkins job.
# OpenAirInterface Build Variants
--variant enb-usrp OR -v1
--variant basic-sim OR -v2
--variant phy-sim OR -v3
--variant cppcheck OR -v4
--variant enb-ethernet OR -v7
--variant ue-ethernet OR -v8
# non-OSA Build Variants
--variant flexran-rtc OR -v10
# OpenAirInterface Test Variants
--variant l1-sim OR -v20
--variant rf-sim OR -v21
--variant l2-sim OR -v22
Specify the variant to build.
--help OR -h
Print this help message.
# 2. Detailed Description #
Source file concerned: `ci-scripts/`
## 2.1. create_vm function ##
This is the function that is being called from the main oai-vm-tool script.
The main purpose is to start a VM instance:
uvt-kvm create $VM_NAME release=xenial --memory $VM_MEMORY --cpu $VM_CPU --unsafe-caching --template ci-scripts/template-host.xml
Variables are set in the main script based on the options.
`--unsafe-caching` option is used because our VM instances are throw-away's.
`--template ci-scripts/template-host.xml` is used to duplicate the CPU properties to the VM instance. **VERY IMPORTANT to build OAI**
## 2.2. Lock / Unlock functions ##
There are `acquire_vm_create_lock` and `release_vm_create_lock` functions.
Creating Virtual Machines instances in parallel **creates a lot of stress** on the host server HW. If you launch creations in parallel (Jenkins pipeline could do it) or you are several people working on the same host server, this mechanism atomizes the creation process and wait until the previous VM creation is finished.
# 3. Typical Usage #
$ cd /tmp/CI-raphael
$ ./ci-scripts/oai-ci-vm-tool create --job-name raphael --build-id 1 --variant phy-sim
# or a more **unique approach**
$ ./ci-scripts/oai-ci-vm-tool create -jn toto -id 1 -v2
The Jenkins pipeline uses the master job name as `job-name` option and the job-build ID.
Try to be unique if you are several developers working on the same host server.
Finally, typically I never use the `create` command. I use directly the build command that checks if VM is created and if not, will create it. See next step.
Next step: [how to build an OAI variant](./
You can also go back to the [CI dev main page](./
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<b><font size = "5">OAI CI Virtual-Machine-based Test Environment: Properly Destroy all VM instances</font></b>
## Table of Contents ##
1. [Introduction](#1-introduction)
2. [Detailed Description](#2-detailed-description)
3. [Typical Usage](#3-typical-usage)
# 1. Introduction #
$ cd /tmp/CI-raphael
$ ./ci-scripts/oai-ci-vm-tool destroy --help
OAI CI VM script
Original Author: Raphael Defosseux
-- uvtool uvtool-libvirt apt-cacher
oai-ci-vm-tool destroy [OPTIONS]
Mandatory Options:
--job-name #### OR -jn ####
Specify the name of the Jenkins job.
--build-id #### OR -id ####
Specify the build ID of the Jenkins job.
--help OR -h
Print this help message.
# 2. Detailed Description #
Source file concerned: `ci-scripts/`
## 2.1. destroy_vm function ##
This is the function that is being called from the main oai-vm-tool script.
The main purpose is to destroy all VM instances whose name matches a pattern.
It also cleans up the `.ssh/known_hosts` file.
# 3. Typical Usage #
$ cd /tmp/CI-raphael
$ ./ci-scripts/oai-ci-vm-tool destroy --job-name raphael --build-id 1
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<b><font size = "5">OAI CI Virtual-Machine-based Simulator Test Environment</font></b>
## Table of Contents ##
1. [Introduction](#1-introduction)
2. [Prerequisites](#2-prerequisites)
1. [uvtool installation](#21-uvtool-installation)
2. [apt-cacher-server installation](#22-apt-cacher-server-installation)
# 1. Introduction #
This document explains how the master pipeline works and how any developer could contribute to add testing.
It is an extension to the wiki [page](
The purpose of this master pipeline is to:
* Validate that a Merge Request is mergeable
* Validate that a Merge Request is following coding guidelines
* Validate that a Merge Request is not breaking any typical build variant
* Validate that a Merge Request is not breaking any legacy simulator-based test
We will mainly focused on the 2 last items.
Last point, this documentation is valid for all CI-supported branches:
* `master`
* `develop`
* `develop-nr`
But the feature set may not be aligned. **The principles still apply.**
# 2. Prerequisites #
Some details are available on this wiki [section](
Currently we have a host server (`bellatrix`) with the current parameters:
* 40 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2640 v4 @ 2.40GHz
* 64 Gbytes RAM
* Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (xenial)
For you to replicate this environment, you need a strong server:
* At least 16 cores
* Ubuntu 16 (xenial) or higher (such as bionic, not tested)
Also we are using a Virtual Machine (VM for the rest of document) based strategy for the moment.
So you need to install 2 tools:
* uvt-kvm
* apt-cacher
We are planning to also add:
* A Red Hat Linux Entreprise 7.6 host environment
* A Container-based strategy (such as Docket and Kubernetes)
## 2.1. uvtool installation ##
$ sudo apt-get install uvtool
# if you don't have already, create an ssh key
$ ssh-keygen -b 2048
# retrieve an image
$ sudo uvt-simplestreams-libvirt sync arch=amd64 release=xenial
# we might soon switch to an Ubuntu 18.04 version
$ sudo uvt-simplestreams-libvirt sync arch=amd64 release=bionic
$ uvt-simplestreams-libvirt query
release=bionic arch=amd64 label=release (20190402)
release=xenial arch=amd64 label=release (20190406)
On our server, I don't update (sync) that often (every 2-4 months).
For more details:
* uvtool syntax is [here](
* more readable tutorial is [here](
## 2.2. apt-cacher-server installation ##
I recommend to follow to the letter this [tutorial](
The reason: we are creating/using/destroying a lot of VM instances and we are always installing the same packages.
This service allows to cache on the host and, doing so, **decreases the pressure on your internet bandwith usage**.
It also optimizes time at build stage.
$ sudo apt-get install apt-cacher apache2
$ sudo vi /etc/default/apt-cache
$ sudo service apache2 restart
# Server configuration
$ sudo vi /etc/apt-cacher/apt-cacher.conf
--> allowed_hosts = *
--> fix the installer_files_regexp
$ sudo vi /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy
--> add `Acquire::http::Proxy "http://<IP address or hostname of the apt-cacher server>:3142";`
$ sudo service apt-cacher restart
This last file (/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy) is very important since it is tested in any CI script.
We can now switch to the next step: [how to deal with oai sources](./
You can also go back to the [CI dev main page](./
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<b><font size = "5">OAI CI Virtual-Machine-based Test Environment: the Main Script</font></b>
## Table of Contents ##
1. [Introduction](#1-introduction)
2. [Sub BASH scripts](#2-sub-bash-scripts)
3. [Main script features](#3-main-script-features)
# 1. Introduction #
The file name is `./ci-scripts/oai-ci-vm-tool` from the workspace root.
$ cd /tmp/CI-raphael
$ ./ci-scripts/oai-ci-vm-tool --help
OAI CI VM script
Original Author: Raphael Defosseux
-- uvtool uvtool-libvirt apt-cacher
-- xenial image already synced
oai-ci-vm-tool (-h|--help) {create,destroy,build,wait,test,report-build,report-test} ...
This is a **BASH** script.
# 2. Sub BASH scripts #
The main script is including a bunch of sub BASH scripts.
* ci-scripts/
* ci-scripts/
* ci-scripts/
* ci-scripts/
* ci-scripts/
* ci-scripts/
* ci-scripts/
**NOTE: ci-scripts/ is getting big and will certainly be split to facilate maintenance. Start functions will be also factorized.**
# 3. Main script features #
The main purpose of the main script is decipher the options and launch the requested function.
It is also **testing if uvtool and apt-cacher are installed.**
It finally provides parameters to the requested functions. Parameter definition is centralized there.
For example:
for VM instance creation:
* the instance name: VM_NAME
* the RAM and number of CPUs: VM_MEMORY, VM_CPU
for OAI variant build:
* build options: BUILD_OPTIONS
* build log file to parse: LOG_PATTERN
* the number of log files to parse: NB_PATTERN_FILES
These last 2 variables are very important if you change the build options or if you modify the build system and add more targets to build (especially true for physical simulator).
There are many more variables.
Next step: [how to create one or several VM instances](./
You can also go back to the [CI dev main page](./
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<b><font size = "5">OAI CI Virtual-Machine-based Simulator OAI source management</font></b>
## Table of Contents ##
1. [Introduction](#1-introduction)
2. [Centralized Workspace](#2-centralized-workspace)
3. [Create the ZIP file](#3-create-the-zip-file)
# 1. Introduction #
The idea of this section is to optimize/uniform source management for several VM instances.
If we were cloning the same repository in each VM we are creating, we would put so much pressure on the central GitLab repository.
The solution:
* clone/fetch on a given clean workspace and tar/zip only the source files without any artifacts.
* we then copy the tar/zip file to each VM instance
* and within each VM instance, unzip
# 2. Centralized Workspace #
You can create a brand new workspace by cloning:
$ mkdir /tmp/CI-raphael
$ cd /tmp/CI-raphael
$ git clone .
$ git checkout develop
You can also use your current cloned workspace and any `develop`-based branch.
$ cd /home/raphael/openairinterface5g
$ git fetch
$ git checkout develop-improved-documentation
# CAUTION: the following command will remove any file that has not already been added to GIT
$ sudo git clean -x -d -ff
$ git status
On branch develop-improved-documentation
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/develop-improved-documentation'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
You can also have modified files.
**The main point is to have NO ARTIFACTS from a previous build in your workspace.**
Last point, the workspace folder name is not necesseraly `openairinterface5g`. But all the following commands will be run for the root of the workspace.
For clarity, I will always use `/tmp/CI-raphael` as $WORKSPACE.
# 3. Create the ZIP file #
# go to root of workspace
$ cd /tmp/CI-raphael
$ zip -r -qq .
The **Jenkins Pipeline** performs automatically these operations.
In addition, in case of a merge request, it tries to merge with the target branch and might create a dummy local commit.
See [section](
Next step: [the main scripts](./
You can also go back to the [CI dev main page](./
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Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
050201 060201 070201
<testCase id="050201">
<desc>Terminate HSS</desc>
<testCase id="060201">
<desc>Terminate MME</desc>
<testCase id="070201">
<desc>Terminate SPGW</desc>
Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
050101 060101 070101
<testCase id="050101">
<desc>Initialize HSS</desc>
<testCase id="060101">
<desc>Initialize MME</desc>
<testCase id="070101">
<desc>Initialize SPGW</desc>
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030201 090109
030101 000001 090101 000002 040501 040502 000001 040601 040641 040642 000001 090109 030201
Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
030201 090109
030102 000001 090102 000002 040503 000001 040603 040643 040644 000001 090109 030201
<testCase id="000001">
<testCase id="000002">
<testCase id="030102">
<desc>Initialize eNB (FDD/Band7/5MHz)</desc>
<Initialize_eNB_args>-O ci-scripts/conf_files/enb.band7.tm1.25PRB.usrpb210.conf</Initialize_eNB_args>
<testCase id="030201">
<desc>Terminate eNB</desc>
<testCase id="090102">
<desc>Initialize OAI UE (FDD/Band7/5MHz)</desc>
<Initialize_OAI_UE_args>-C 2680000000 -r 25 --ue-rxgain 120 --ue-txgain 0 --ue-max-power 0 --ue-scan-carrier --nokrnmod 1</Initialize_OAI_UE_args>
<testCase id="090109">
<desc>Terminate OAI UE</desc>
<testCase id="040503">
<desc>ping (5MHz - 20 sec)</desc>
<ping_args>-c 20</ping_args>
<testCase id="040603">
<desc>iperf (5MHz - DL/1Mbps/UDP)(30 sec)</desc>
<iperf_args>-u -b 1M -t 30 -i 1 -fm</iperf_args>
<testCase id="040604">
<desc>iperf (5MHz - DL/1.2Mbps/UDP)(30 sec)</desc>
<iperf_args>-b 1.2M -t 30 -i 1 -fm</iperf_args>
<testCase id="040643">
<desc>iperf (5MHz - UL/1Mbps/UDP)(30 sec)</desc>
<iperf_args>-u -b 1M -t 30 -i 1 -fm -R</iperf_args>
<testCase id="040644">
<desc>iperf (5MHz - UL/8Mbps/UDP)(30 sec)</desc>
<iperf_args>-u -b 8M -t 30 -i 1 -fm -R</iperf_args>
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030121 000001 040302 000001 040502 000001 040402 040202 000001 030201
......@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@
030104 040301 040501 040602 040601 040603 040642 040641 040643 040401 040201 030201
030104 040301 040501 040602 040601 040603 040604 040605 040642 040641 040643 040644 040645 040401 040201 030201
......@@ -92,6 +93,21 @@
<testCase id="040604">
<desc>iperf (5MHz - DL/TCP)(30 sec)(single-ue profile)</desc>
<iperf_args>-t 30 -i 1 -fm</iperf_args>
<testCase id="040605">
<desc>iperf (5MHz - DL/TCP)(30 sec)</desc>
<iperf_args>-t 30 -i 1 -fm</iperf_args>
<testCase id="040641">
<desc>iperf (5MHz - UL/2Mbps/UDP)(30 sec)(balanced)</desc>
......@@ -116,4 +132,19 @@
<testCase id="040644">
<desc>iperf (5MHz - UL/TCP)(30 sec)(single-ue)</desc>
<iperf_args>-t 30 -i 1 -fm -R</iperf_args>
<testCase id="040645">
<desc>iperf (5MHz - UL/TCP)(30 sec)</desc>
<iperf_args>-t 30 -i 1 -fm -R</iperf_args>
......@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@
030114 040301 040511 040612 040611 040613 040652 040651 040653 040401 040201 030201
030114 040301 040511 040612 040611 040613 040614 040615 040652 040651 040653 040654 040655 040401 040201 030201
......@@ -92,6 +93,21 @@
<testCase id="040614">
<desc>iperf (10MHz - DL/TCP)(30 sec)(single-ue)</desc>
<iperf_args>-t 30 -i 1 -fm</iperf_args>
<testCase id="040615">
<desc>iperf (10MHz - DL/TCP)(30 sec)</desc>
<iperf_args>-t 30 -i 1 -fm</iperf_args>
<testCase id="040651">
<desc>iperf (10MHz - UL/2Mbps/UDP)(30 sec)(balanced)</desc>
......@@ -116,4 +132,19 @@
<testCase id="040654">
<desc>iperf (10MHz - UL/TCP)(30 sec)(single-ue)</desc>
<iperf_args>-t 30 -i 1 -fm -R</iperf_args>
<testCase id="040655">
<desc>iperf (10MHz - UL/TCP)(30 sec)</desc>
<iperf_args>-t 30 -i 1 -fm -R</iperf_args>
......@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@
030124 040301 040521 040622 040621 040623 040662 040661 040663 040401 040201 030201
030124 040301 040521 040622 040621 040623 040624 040625 040662 040661 040663 040664 040665 040401 040201 030201
......@@ -92,6 +93,21 @@
<testCase id="040624">
<desc>iperf (20MHz - DL/TCP)(30 sec)(single-ue)</desc>
<iperf_args>-t 30 -i 1 -fm</iperf_args>
<testCase id="040625">
<desc>iperf (20MHz - DL/TCP)(30 sec)</desc>
<iperf_args>-t 30 -i 1 -fm</iperf_args>
<testCase id="040661">
<desc>iperf (20MHz - UL/2Mbps/UDP)(30 sec)(balanced)</desc>
......@@ -116,4 +132,19 @@
<testCase id="040664">
<desc>iperf (20MHz - UL/TCP)(30 sec)(single-ue)</desc>
<iperf_args>-t 30 -i 1 -fm -R</iperf_args>
<testCase id="040665">
<desc>iperf (20MHz - UL/TCP)(30 sec)</desc>
<iperf_args>-t 30 -i 1 -fm -R</iperf_args>
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030101 040301 040501 040603 040604 040605 040606 040607 040641 040642 040643 040644 040401 040201 030201
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030111 040301 040511 040613 040614 040615 040616 040617 040651 040652 040653 040654 040401 040201 030201
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030121 040301 040521 040623 040624 040625 040662 040401 040201 030201
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030142 030141 040301 040541 040601 040641 040401 040201 030201 030202
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030152 030151 040301 040551 040611 040651 040401 040201 030201 030202
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030162 030161 040301 040561 040621 040661 040401 040201 030201 030202
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030104 030105 040301 040501 040602 040642 040401 040201 030201 030202
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030114 030115 040301 040511 040612 040652 040401 040201 030201 030202
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030124 030125 040301 040521 040622 040662 040401 040201 030201 030202
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030101 030102 040301 040501 040604 040642 040401 040201 030201 030202
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030111 030112 040301 040511 040614 040652 040401 040201 030201 030202
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
030121 030122 040301 040521 040624 040662 040401 040201 030201 030202
......@@ -25,14 +25,15 @@
090110 000001 090109
090110 000001 090109
<testCase id="090110">
<desc>Initialize OAI UE -- sniffing Orange frequency</desc>
<Initialize_OAI_UE_args>-C 816000000 -r 50 --ue-rxgain 130 --ue-scan-carrier --no-L2-connect --nokrnmod 1</Initialize_OAI_UE_args>
<Initialize_OAI_UE_args>-C 816000000 -r 50 --ue-rxgain 135 --ue-scan-carrier --no-L2-connect --nokrnmod 1</Initialize_OAI_UE_args>
<testCase id="000001">
......@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
090111 000001 090109
090111 000001 090109
......@@ -189,7 +189,15 @@ const char* eurecomVariablesNames[] = {
const char* eurecomFunctionsNames[] = {
......@@ -167,6 +167,14 @@ typedef enum {
} vcd_signal_dump_variables;
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ typedef struct {
/* number of VCD variables (to be kept up to date! see in T_messages.txt) */
/* first VCD function (to be kept up to date! see in T_messages.txt) */
......@@ -1676,6 +1676,46 @@ ID = VCD_VARIABLE_CPUID_RU_THREAD_TX
FORMAT = ulong,value
VCD_NAME = ru_thread_tx_CPUID
FORMAT = ulong,value
VCD_NAME = ue0_on_duration_timer
FORMAT = ulong,value
VCD_NAME = ue0_drx_inactivity
FORMAT = ulong,value
VCD_NAME = ue0_drx_short_cycle
FORMAT = ulong,value
VCD_NAME = ue0_short_drx_cycle_number
FORMAT = ulong,value
VCD_NAME = ue0_drx_long_cycle
FORMAT = ulong,value
VCD_NAME = ue0_drx_retransmission_harq0
FORMAT = ulong,value
VCD_NAME = ue0_drx_active_time
FORMAT = ulong,value
VCD_NAME = ue0_drx_active_time_condition
# OAI build procedures
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<b><font size = "5">OAI Build Procedures</font></b>
## soft modem Build script
This page is valid on tags starting from **`2019.w09`**.
oai EPC is developed in a distinct project with it's own [documentation]( , it is not described here. OAI UE and eNodeB sources can be downloaded from the Eurecom [gitlab repository](./ Sources come with a build script [build_oai](../cmake_targets/build_oai) located at the root of the `openairinterface5g/cmake_targets` directory. This script is developed to build the oai binaries (executables,shared libraries) for different hardware platforms, and use cases.
# Soft Modem Build Script
the main oai binaries, which are tested by the Continuous Integration process are:
oai EPC is developed in a distinct project with it's own [documentation]( , it is not described here.
- The LTE UE: `lte-uesoftmodem`
OAI UE and eNodeB sources can be downloaded from the Eurecom [gitlab repository](./
Sources come with a build script [build_oai](../cmake_targets/build_oai) located at the root of the `openairinterface5g/cmake_targets` directory. This script is developed to build the oai binaries (executables,shared libraries) for different hardware platforms, and use cases.
The main oai binaries, which are tested by the Continuous Integration process are:
- The LTE UE: `lte-uesoftmodem`
- The LTE eNodeB: `lte-softmodem`
- The PHY simulators: `dlsim` and `ulsim`
- The PHY simulators: `dlsim` and `ulsim`
The build system for OAI uses [cmake]( which is a tool to generate makefiles. The `build_oai` script is a wrapper using cmake, make and standard linux shell commands to ease the oai build and use . The file describing how to build the executables from source files is the [CMakeLists.txt](../cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt), it is used as input by cmake to generate the makefiles.
The oai softmodem supports many use cases, and new ones are regularly added. Most of them are accessible using the configuration file or the command line options and continuous effort is done to avoid introducing build options as it makes tests and usage more complicated than run-time options. The following functionalities, originally requiring a specific build are now accessible by configuration or command line options:
- s1, noS1
- all simulators, with exception of PHY simulators, which are distinct executables.
......@@ -23,15 +40,13 @@ Calling the `build_oai` script with the -h option gives the list of all availabl
[table]: "`build_oai` options"
at the end of this page to know the status of `buid_oai` options which are not described hereafter.
At the end of this page to know the status of `buid_oai` options which are not described hereafter.
# Building PHY Simulators
Detailed information about these simulators can be found [in this dedicated page](
## building PHY simulators
detailed information about these simulators can be found [in this dedicated page](
## building UE and eNodeB executables
# Building UE and eNodeB Executables
After downloading the source files, a single build command can be used to get the binaries supporting all the oai softmodem use cases (UE and eNodeB):
......@@ -42,34 +57,32 @@ cd ../cmake_targets/
./build_oai -I -w USRP --eNB --UE
- The -I option is to install pre-requisites, you only need it the first time you build the softmodem or when some oai dependencies have changed.
- The -w option is to select the radio head support you want to include in your build. Radio head support is provided via a shared library, which is called the "oai device" The build script creates a soft link from `` to the true device which will be used at run-time (here the USRP one,`` . USRP is the only hardware tested today in the Continuous Integration process.
- --eNB is to build the `lte-softmodem` executable and all required shared libraries
- --UE is to build the `lte-uesoftmodem` executable and all required shared libraries
- The `-I` option is to install pre-requisites, you only need it the first time you build the softmodem or when some oai dependencies have changed.
- The `-w` option is to select the radio head support you want to include in your build. Radio head support is provided via a shared library, which is called the "oai device" The build script creates a soft link from `` to the true device which will be used at run-time (here the USRP one,`` . USRP is the only hardware tested today in the Continuous Integration process.
- `--eNB` is to build the `lte-softmodem` executable and all required shared libraries
- `--UE` is to build the `lte-uesoftmodem` executable and all required shared libraries
You can build the eNodeB and the UE separately, you may not need both of them depending on your oai usage.
After completing the build, the binaries are available in the `cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build` directory. A copy is also available in the `target/bin` directory, with all binaries suffixed by the 3GPP release number, today .Rel14 by default. It must be noticed that the option for building for a specific 3GPP release number is not tested by the CI and may be removed in the future.
## building optional binaries
# Building Optional Binaries
### Telnet server
## Telnet Server
The telnet server can be built with the --build-telnet option, after building the softmodem or while building it.
The telnet server can be built with the --build-telnet option, after building the softmodem or while building it.
`./build_oai -I -w USRP --eNB --UE --build-telnetsrv`
`./build_oai --build-telnetsrv`
### USRP record player
​ The USRP record player today needs a specific build. Work to make it available as a run time option is under consideration
## USRP record player
The USRP record player today needs a specific build. Work to make it available as a run time option is under consideration
## `build_oai` options
# `build_oai` options
| Option | Status | Description |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- |
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
# OpenAirInterface Block diagram #
![Block Diagram](./oai_enb_block_diagram.png)
![Block Diagram](./images/oai_enb_block_diagram.png)
# OpenAirInterface eNB Feature Set #
......@@ -43,22 +43,26 @@ The Physical layer implements **3GPP 36.211**, **36.212**, **36.213** and provid
**Transmission Mode, Bandwidth** | **Expected Throughput** | **Measured Throughput** | **Measurement Conditions**
-------------------------------- | ----------------------- | ------------------------| ----------------:
FDD DL: 5 MHz, 25 PRBS/ MCS 28 | 16 - 17 Mbit/s | TM1: 17.0 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
FDD DL: 10 MHz, 50 PRBS/ MCS 28 | 34 - 35 Mbit/s | TM1: 32.8 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
FDD DL: 10 MHz, 50 PRBS/ MCS 28 | 34 - 35 Mbit/s | TM1: 34.0 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
FDD DL: 20 MHz, 100 PRBS/ MCS 28 | 70 Mbit/s | TM1: 69.9 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
| | |
FDD UL: 5 MHz, 25 PRBS/ MCS 20 | 9 Mbit/s | TM1: 8.28 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
FDD UL: 10 MHz, 50 PRBS/ MCS 20 | 17 Mbit/s | TM1: 15.2 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
FDD UL: 10 MHz, 50 PRBS/ MCS 20 | 17 Mbit/s | TM1: 18.3 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
FDD UL: 20 MHz, 100 PRBS/ MCS 20 | 35 Mbit/s | TM1: 18.6 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
| |
TDD DL: 5 MHz, 25 PRBS/ MCS **XX** | **TBC** Mbit/s | 3.33 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
TDD DL: 10 MHz, 50 PRBS/ MCS **XX** | **TBC** Mbit/s | 8.90 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
TDD DL: 20 MHz, 100 PRBS/ MCS **XX** | **TBC** Mbit/s | N/A | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
TDD DL: 5 MHz, 25 PRBS/ MCS **XX** | 6.5 Mbit/s | TM1: 6.71 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
TDD DL: 10 MHz, 50 PRBS/ MCS **XX** | 13.5 Mbit/s | TM1: 13.6 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
TDD DL: 20 MHz, 100 PRBS/ MCS **XX** | 28.0 Mbit/s | TM1: 27.2 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
| | |
TDD UL: 5 MHz, 25 PRBS/ MCS **XX** | **TBC** Mbit/s | 1.66 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
TDD UL: 10 MHz, 50 PRBS/ MCS **XX** | **TBC** Mbit/s | 1.89 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
TDD UL: 20 MHz, 100 PRBS/ MCS **XX** | **TBC** Mbit/s | N/A | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
TDD UL: 5 MHz, 25 PRBS/ MCS **XX** | 2.0 Mbit/s | TM1: 3.31 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
TDD UL: 10 MHz, 50 PRBS/ MCS **XX** | 2.0 Mbit/s | TM1: 7.25 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
TDD UL: 20 MHz, 100 PRBS/ MCS **XX** | 3.0 Mbit/s | TM1: 4.21 Mbits/s | COTS-UE Cat 4 (150/50 Mbps)
- Number of supported UEs: **To Be Completed**
### Number of supported UEs ###
* 16 by default
* up to 256 when compiling with dedicated compile flag
* was tested with 40 COTS-UE
## eNB MAC Layer ##
......@@ -72,6 +76,7 @@ The MAC layer implements a subset of the **3GPP 36.321** release v8.6 in support
- RLC interface (AM, UM)
- UL power control
- Link adaptation
- Connected DRX (CDRX) support for FDD LTE UE. Compatible with R13 from 3GPP. Support for Cat-M1 UE comming soon.
## eNB RLC Layer ##
......@@ -141,7 +146,7 @@ The X2AP layer is based on **3GPP 36.423** v14.6.0 and implements the following
- RAU: Radio-Access Unit
- RRU: Remote Radio-Unit
![Functional Split Architecture](./oai_lte_enb_func_split_arch.png)
![Functional Split Architecture](./images/oai_lte_enb_func_split_arch.png)
- IF4.5 / IF5 : similar to IEEE P1914.1
- FAPI (IF2) : specified by Small Cell Forum (open-nFAPI implementation)
# The OpenAirInterface repository
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<b><font size = "5">The OpenAirInterface repository: the sources</font></b>
The OpenAirInterface software can be obtained from our gitLab
server. You will need a git client to get the sources. The repository
is currently used for main developments.
## Prerequisite
# Prerequisites
You need to install the subversion/git using the following commands:
......@@ -13,17 +25,23 @@ sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install subversion git
## Using EURECOM Gitlab
# Using EURECOM Gitlab
The [openairinterface5g repository](
holds the source code for (eNB RAN + UE RAN).
For legal issues (licenses), the core network (EPC) source code is now moved away from
the above openairinterface5g git repository. This EPC code is now splitted into two git
projects ([openair-cn]( with apache license
and [xtables-addons-oai]( with GPL license).
the above openairinterface5g git repository.
Configure git with your name/email address (only important if you are developer and want to checkin code to Git):
* A very old version of the EPC is located under the same GitLab Eurecom server (splitted into 2 Git repos):
* [openair-cn]( with apache license
* [xtables-addons-oai]( with GPL license
* **These repositories are no more maintained.**
* A more recent version is available under our GitHub domain:
* [OAI GitHub openair-cn](
* Check its wiki pages for more details
Configure git with your name/email address (only important if you are developer and want to contribute/push code to Git Repository):
git config --global "Your Name"
......@@ -42,42 +60,30 @@ echo -n | openssl s_client -showcerts -connect 2>/dev/null
git config --global http.sslverify false
### In order to checkout the Git repository (for OAI Users without login to gitlab server)
## In order to clone the Git repository (for OAI Users without login to gitlab server)
Checkout RAN repository (eNB RAN + UE RAN):
Cloning RAN repository (eNB RAN + UE RAN):
git clone
Checkout EPC (Core Network) repository:
git clone
Optionally (openair-cn build script can install it for you):
git clone
### In order to checkout the Git repository (for OAI Developers/admins with login to gitlab server)
## In order to contribute to the Git RAN repository (for OAI Developers/admins with login to gitlab server)
Please send email to {openair_tech (AT) eurecom (DOT) fr} to be added to the repository
Please send email to []( to be added to the repository
as a developer (only important for users who want to commit code to the repository). If
you do not have account on, please register yourself to
you do not have account on, please register yourself to and provide the identifiant in the email.
* Checkout with using ssh keys:
* Clone with using ssh keys:
* You will need to put your ssh keys in
to access to the git repo. Once that is done, checkout the git repository using:
to access to the git repo. Once that is done, clone the git repository using:
* `git clone`
* Checkout with user name/password prompt:
* Clone with user name/password prompt:
* `git clone`
* `git clone`
* `git clone` (optional, openair-cn build script can do it for you)
## Which branch to checkout?
# Which branch to checkout?
On the RAN side:
# Running OAI softmodem
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<b><font size = "5">Running OAI Softmodem</font></b>
After you have [built the softmodem executables]( you can set your default directory to the build directory `cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build/` and start testing some use cases. Below, the description of the different oai functionalities should help you choose the oai configuration that suits your need.
## rf simulator
# RF Simulator
The rf simulator is a oai device replacing the radio heads (for example the USRP device). It allows connecting the oai UE and the oai eNodeB through a network interface carrying the time-domain samples, getting rid of over the air unpredictable perturbations. This is the ideal tool to check signal processing algorithms and protocols implementation.
The rf simulator is a oai device replacing the radio heads (for example the USRP device). It allows connecting the oai UE and the oai eNodeB through a network interface carrying the time-domain samples, getting rid of over the air unpredictable perturbations. This is the ideal tool to check signal processing algorithms and protocols implementation.
It is planned to enhance this simulator with the following functionalities:
......@@ -14,15 +26,15 @@ It is planned to enhance this simulator with the following functionalities:
This is an easy use-case to setup and test, as no specific hardware is required. The [rfsimulator page](../targets/ARCH/rfsimulator/ ) contains the detailed documentation.
## l2 nfapi simulator
# L2 nFAPI Simulator
This simulator connects a eNodeB and UEs through a nfapi interface, short-cutting the L1 layer. The objective of this simulator is to allow multi UEs simulation, with a large number of UEs (ideally up to 255 ) .Here to ease the platform setup, UEs are simulated via a single `lte-uesoftmodem` instance. Today the CI tests just with one UE and architecture has to be reviewed to allow a number of UE above about 16. This work is on-going.
As for the rf simulator, no specific hardware is required. The [L2 nfapi simlator page]( contains the detailed documentation.
As for the rf simulator, no specific hardware is required. The [L2 nfapi simlator page]( contains the detailed documentation.
## l1 simulator
# L1 Simulator
The l1 simulator is using the ethernet fronthaul protocol, as used to connect a RRU and a RAU to connect UEs and a eNodeB. UEs are simulated in a single `lte-uesoftmodem` process, as for the nfapi simulator.
The L1 simulator is using the ethernet fronthaul protocol, as used to connect a RRU and a RAU to connect UEs and a eNodeB. UEs are simulated in a single `lte-uesoftmodem` process, as for the nfapi simulator.
The [L1 simulator page]( contains the detailed documentation.
......@@ -34,7 +46,7 @@ By default the noS1 mode is using linux tun interfaces to send or receive ip pac
noS1 code has been revisited, it has been tested with the rf simulator, and tun interfaces. More tests are on going and CI will soon include noS1 tests.
## Running with a true radio head
# Running with a true radio head
oai supports [number of deployment]( model, the following are tested in the CI:
......@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@ int dlsch_encoding(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
// if (dlsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->Ndi == 1) { // this is a new packet
if (dlsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->round == 0) { // this is a new packet
printf("encoding thinks this is a new packet for harq_pid %d (%p), A %d \n",harq_pid,dlsch,A);
printf("encoding thinks this is a new packet for harq_pid %d (%p), A %u \n",harq_pid,dlsch,A);
int i;
......@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@ void init_mpdcch5ss1tab_normal_regular_subframe_evenNRBDL(PHY_VARS_eNB * eNB)
for (k = 0; k < 72; k++) {
kmod = k % 12;
if (((l != 5) && (l != 6) && (l != 12) && (l != 13)) || (kmod == 2) || (kmod == 3) || (kmod == 4) || (kmod == 7) || (kmod == 8) || (kmod == 9)) {
mpdcch5ss1tab[re] = (l * eNB->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size) + k;
mpdcch5ss1tab[re] = (l * eNB->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size) + k;
} else if ((kmod == 0) || (kmod == 5) || (kmod == 10)) {
mpdcch5ss1tab[re++] = (l * eNB->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size) + k;
mpdcch5ss1tab[re++] = (l * eNB->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size) + k;
......@@ -722,17 +722,13 @@ uint32_t rx_pucch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
,uint8_t br_flag
static int first_call=1;
LTE_eNB_COMMON *common_vars = &eNB->common_vars;
LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms = &eNB->frame_parms;
// PUCCH_CONFIG_DEDICATED *pucch_config_dedicated = &eNB->pucch_config_dedicated[UE_id];
int8_t sigma2_dB = max(eNB->measurements.n0_subband_power_tot_dB[0],
static int first_call = 1;
LTE_eNB_COMMON *common_vars = &eNB->common_vars;
LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms = &eNB->frame_parms;
int8_t sigma2_dB = max(eNB->measurements.n0_subband_power_tot_dB[0], eNB->measurements.n0_subband_power_tot_dB[eNB->frame_parms.N_RB_UL-1]);
uint32_t u,v,n,aa;
uint32_t z[12*14];
......@@ -770,7 +766,7 @@ uint32_t rx_pucch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
uint16_t Ret = 0;
int16_t SubCarrierDeMapData[NB_ANTENNAS_RX][14][12][2]; //[Antenna][Symbol][Subcarrier][Complex]
int16_t CshData_fmt3[NB_ANTENNAS_RX][14][12][2]; //[Antenna][Symbol][Subcarrier][Complex]
double delta_theta[NB_ANTENNAS_RX][12]; //[Antenna][Subcarrier][Complex]
double delta_theta[NB_ANTENNAS_RX][12]; //[Antenna][Subcarrier][Complex]
int16_t ChestValue[NB_ANTENNAS_RX][2][12][2]; //[Antenna][Slot][Subcarrier][Complex]
int16_t ChdetAfterValue_fmt3[NB_ANTENNAS_RX][14][12][2]; //[Antenna][Symbol][Subcarrier][Complex]
int16_t RemoveFrqDev_fmt3[NB_ANTENNAS_RX][2][5][12][2]; //[Antenna][Slot][PUCCH_Symbol][Subcarrier][Complex]
......@@ -779,7 +775,6 @@ uint32_t rx_pucch(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
int16_t Fmt3xDataAvgSym[2][12][2]; //[Slot][Subcarrier][Complex]
int16_t IFFTOutData_Fmt3[2][12][2]; //[Slot][Subcarrier][Complex]
int16_t b[48]; //[bit]
//int16_t IP_CsData_allavg[NB_ANTENNAS_RX][12][4][2]; //[Antenna][Symbol][Nouse Cyclic Shift][Complex]
int16_t payload_entity = -1;
int16_t Interpw;
int16_t payload_max;
......@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ typedef struct {
uint8_t subframe;
/// corresponding UE RNTI
uint16_t rnti;
UCI_type_t type;
/// SRS active flag
uint8_t srs_active;
......@@ -573,7 +573,13 @@ void handle_uci_harq_information(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, LTE_eNB_UCI *uci,nfapi_ul_co
void handle_uci_sr_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe,uint8_t srs_active) {
void handle_uci_sr_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
int UE_id,
nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,
uint16_t frame,
uint8_t subframe,
uint8_t srs_active)
LTE_eNB_UCI *uci = &eNB->uci_vars[UE_id];
......@@ -594,7 +600,10 @@ void handle_uci_sr_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t
uci->total_repetitions = ul_config_pdu->uci_sr_pdu.ue_information.ue_information_rel13.total_number_of_repetitions;
LOG_D(PHY,"Programming UCI SR rnti %x, pucch1_0 %d for (%d,%d)\n",
void handle_uci_sr_harq_pdu(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,nfapi_ul_config_request_pdu_t *ul_config_pdu,uint16_t frame,uint8_t subframe,uint8_t srs_active) {
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include "LTE_SystemInformationBlockType2.h"
#include "LTE_SL-OffsetIndicator-r12.h"
#include "LTE_SubframeBitmapSL-r12.h"
#include "LTE_DRX-Config.h"
#include "LTE_SL-CP-Len-r12.h"
#include "LTE_SL-PeriodComm-r12.h"
#include "LTE_SL-DiscResourcePool-r12.h"
......@@ -141,6 +142,14 @@ typedef struct RadioResourceConfig_s {
long bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff;
long pcch_defaultPagingCycle;
long pcch_nB;
LTE_DRX_Config_PR drx_Config_present;
long drx_onDurationTimer;
long drx_InactivityTimer;
long drx_RetransmissionTimer;
LTE_DRX_Config__setup__longDRX_CycleStartOffset_PR drx_longDrx_CycleStartOffset_present;
long drx_longDrx_CycleStartOffset;
long drx_shortDrx_Cycle;
long drx_shortDrx_ShortCycleTimer;
long ue_TimersAndConstants_t300;
long ue_TimersAndConstants_t301;
long ue_TimersAndConstants_t310;
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......@@ -932,8 +932,9 @@ void fill_eMTC_configuration(MessageDef *msg_p, ccparams_eMTC_t *eMTCconfig, in
RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rar_HoppingConfig_r13[cc_idx][rachCEInfoIndex] = eMTCconfig->rar_HoppingConfig_r13;
AssertFatal(eMTCconfig->rar_HoppingConfig_r13 == 0 || eMTCconfig->rar_HoppingConfig_r13 == 1,
"illegal rar_HoppingConfig_r13 %d\n",eMTCconfig->rar_HoppingConfig_r13);
"illegal rar_HoppingConfig_r13 %d\n",eMTCconfig->rar_HoppingConfig_r13);
} // end for loop (rach ce level info)
char rsrpRangeListPath[MAX_OPTNAME_SIZE * 2];
......@@ -1101,11 +1102,12 @@ void fill_eMTC_configuration(MessageDef *msg_p, ccparams_eMTC_t *eMTCconfig, in
/** PCCH CONFIG V1310 */
RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ(msg_p).pcch_config_v1310[cc_idx] = TRUE;
RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ(msg_p).paging_narrowbands_r13[cc_idx] = eMTCconfig->paging_narrowbands_r13;
RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ(msg_p).mpdcch_numrepetition_paging_r13[cc_idx] = eMTCconfig->mpdcch_numrepetition_paging_r13;
AssertFatal (eMTCconfig->mpdcch_numrepetition_paging_r13 == 1 ||
AssertFatal (eMTCconfig->mpdcch_numrepetition_paging_r13 == 0 ||
eMTCconfig->mpdcch_numrepetition_paging_r13 == 1 ||
eMTCconfig->mpdcch_numrepetition_paging_r13 == 2 ||
eMTCconfig->mpdcch_numrepetition_paging_r13 == 4 ||
eMTCconfig->mpdcch_numrepetition_paging_r13 == 8 ||
......@@ -1117,7 +1119,6 @@ void fill_eMTC_configuration(MessageDef *msg_p, ccparams_eMTC_t *eMTCconfig, in
"illegal mpdcch_numrepetition_paging_r13 %d\n",
// RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ(msg_p).nb_v1310[cc_idx] = CALLOC(1, sizeof(long));
// if (!strcmp(nb_v1310, "one64thT")) {
// *RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ(msg_p).nb_v1310[cc_idx] = 0;
......@@ -321,8 +321,7 @@ typedef enum {
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUCCH_NUM_REPETITION_CE_MSG4_LEVEL2 "pucch_NumRepetitionCE_Msg4_Level2_r13"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUCCH_NUM_REPETITION_CE_MSG4_LEVEL3 "pucch_NumRepetitionCE_Msg4_Level3_r13"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_FREQ_HOPPING_PARAMETERS_R13 "sib2_freq_hoppingParameters_r13"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_FREQ_HOPPING_PARAMETERS_R13 "sib2_freq_hoppingParameters_r13"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCH_RS_EPRE "pdsch_referenceSignalPower"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCH_PB "pdsch_p_b"
......@@ -364,6 +363,14 @@ typedef enum {
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PCCH_DEFAULT_PAGING_CYCLE "pcch_default_PagingCycle"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DRX_CONFIG_PRESENT "drx_Config_present"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_T300 "ue_TimersAndConstants_t300"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_T301 "ue_TimersAndConstants_t301"
......@@ -496,6 +503,14 @@ typedef struct ccparams_lte_s {
int32_t rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx;
int32_t pcch_defaultPagingCycle;
char *pcch_nB;
char *drx_Config_present;
char *drx_onDurationTimer;
char *drx_InactivityTimer;
char *drx_RetransmissionTimer;
char *drx_longDrx_CycleStartOffset_present;
int32_t drx_longDrx_CycleStartOffset;
char *drx_shortDrx_Cycle;
int32_t drx_shortDrx_ShortCycleTimer;
int32_t bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff;
int32_t ue_TimersAndConstants_t300;
int32_t ue_TimersAndConstants_t301;
......@@ -574,6 +589,14 @@ typedef struct ccparams_lte_s {
{ .s5= {NULL }} , \
{ .s5= {NULL }} , \
{ .s5= {NULL }} , \
{ .s5= {NULL }} , \
{ .s5= {NULL }} , \
{ .s5= {NULL }} , \
{ .s5= {NULL }} , \
{ .s5= {NULL }} , \
{ .s5= {NULL }} , \
{ .s5= {NULL }} , \
{ .s5= {NULL }} , \
{ .s5= {NULL }} , \
{ .s1a= { config_check_modify_integer, UETIMER_T300_OKVALUES, UETIMER_T300_MODVALUES,8}} , \
{ .s1a= { config_check_modify_integer, UETIMER_T301_OKVALUES, UETIMER_T301_MODVALUES,8}} , \
......@@ -688,6 +711,14 @@ typedef struct ccparams_lte_s {
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RACH_MAXHARQMSG3TX, NULL, 0, iptr:&ccparams.rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx, defintval:4, TYPE_UINT, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PCCH_DEFAULT_PAGING_CYCLE, NULL, 0, iptr:&ccparams.pcch_defaultPagingCycle, defintval:128, TYPE_INT, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PCCH_NB, NULL, 0, strptr:&ccparams.pcch_nB, defstrval:"oneT", TYPE_STRING, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DRX_CONFIG_PRESENT, NULL, 0, strptr:&ccparams.drx_Config_present, defstrval:"prNothing", TYPE_STRING, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DRX_ONDURATIONTIMER, NULL, 0, strptr:&ccparams.drx_onDurationTimer, defstrval:"psf10", TYPE_STRING, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DRX_INACTIVITYTIMER, NULL, 0, strptr:&ccparams.drx_InactivityTimer, defstrval:"psf10", TYPE_STRING, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DRX_RETRANSMISSIONTIMER, NULL, 0, strptr:&ccparams.drx_RetransmissionTimer, defstrval:"psf8", TYPE_STRING, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DRX_LONGDRX_CYCLESTARTOFFSET_PRESENT, NULL, 0, strptr:&ccparams.drx_longDrx_CycleStartOffset_present, defstrval:"prSf128", TYPE_STRING, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DRX_LONGDRX_CYCLESTARTOFFSET, NULL, 0, iptr:&ccparams.drx_longDrx_CycleStartOffset, defintval:0, TYPE_UINT, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DRX_SHORTDRX_CYCLE, NULL, 0, strptr:&ccparams.drx_shortDrx_Cycle, defstrval:"sf32", TYPE_STRING, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DRX_SHORTDRX_SHORTCYCLETIMER, NULL, 0, iptr:&ccparams.drx_shortDrx_ShortCycleTimer, defintval:3, TYPE_UINT, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_BCCH_MODIFICATIONPERIODCOEFF, NULL, 0, iptr:&ccparams.bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff, defintval:2, TYPE_UINT, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_T300, NULL, 0, iptr:&ccparams.ue_TimersAndConstants_t300, defintval:1000, TYPE_UINT, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_T301, NULL, 0, iptr:&ccparams.ue_TimersAndConstants_t301, defintval:1000, TYPE_UINT, 0}, \
......@@ -696,7 +727,7 @@ typedef struct ccparams_lte_s {
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_N310, NULL, 0, iptr:&ccparams.ue_TimersAndConstants_n310, defintval:20, TYPE_UINT, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_N311, NULL, 0, iptr:&ccparams.ue_TimersAndConstants_n311, defintval:1, TYPE_UINT, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UE_TRANSMISSION_MODE, NULL, 0, iptr:&ccparams.ue_TransmissionMode, defintval:1, TYPE_UINT, 0}, \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UE_MULTIPLE_MAX, NULL, 0, iptr:&ccparams.ue_multiple_max, defintval:4, TYPE_UINT, 0} \
{ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UE_MULTIPLE_MAX, NULL, 0, iptr:&ccparams.ue_multiple_max, defintval:4, TYPE_UINT, 0} \
......@@ -761,14 +792,22 @@ typedef struct ccparams_lte_s {
/* SRB1 configuration parameters section name */
......@@ -61,7 +61,10 @@
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PREAMBLE_TRANSMAX_CE_R13 "preamble_TransMax_ce_r13"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PREAMBLE_TRANSMAX_CE_R13_VAL "preamble_TransMax_ce_r13_val"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCH_MAX_NUM_REPETITION_CE_MODE_A_R13 "pdsch_maxNumRepetitionCEmodeA_r13"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCH_MAX_NUM_REPETITION_CE_MODE_B_R13 "pdsch_maxNumRepetitionCEmodeB_r13"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_MAX_NUM_REPETITION_CE_MODE_A_R13 "pusch_maxNumRepetitionCEmodeA_r13"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_MAX_NUM_REPETITION_CE_MODE_B_R13 "pusch_maxNumRepetitionCEmodeB_r13"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_HOPPING_OFFSET_V1310 "pusch_HoppingOffset_v1310"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SYSTEM_INFO_VALUE_TAG_LIST "system_info_value_tag_SI"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_FIRST_PREAMBLE_R13 "firstPreamble_r13"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_LAST_PREAMBLE_R13 "lastPreamble_r13"
......@@ -81,6 +84,9 @@
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUCCH_INFO_VALUE "pucch_info_value"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PCCH_CONFIG_V1310 "pcch_config_v1310"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PAGING_NARROWBANDS_R13 "paging_narrowbands_r13"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MPDCCH_NUMREPETITION_PAGING_R13 "mpdcch_numrepetition_paging_r13"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_NB_V1310 "nb_v1310"
#define ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SIB2_FREQ_HOPPINGPARAMETERS_R13 "sib2_freq_hoppingParameters_r13"
typedef struct ccparams_eMTC_s {
......@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ int flexran_agent_destroy_enb_config_reply(Protocol__FlexranMessage *msg) {
if (reply->cell_config[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_rfperiod)
if (reply->cell_config[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc);
if (reply->cell_config[i]->mbsfn_subframe_config_sfalloc)
if (reply->cell_config[i]->si_config) {
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This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -329,6 +329,9 @@ void generate_Msg2(module_id_t module_idP,
dl_config_pdu->mpdcch_pdu.mpdcch_pdu_rel13.mpdcch_tansmission_type = 1; // imposed (9.1.5 in 213) for Type 2 Common search space
AssertFatal (cc[CC_idP].sib1_v13ext->bandwidthReducedAccessRelatedInfo_r13 != NULL, "cc[CC_idP].sib1_v13ext->bandwidthReducedAccessRelatedInfo_r13 is null\n");
dl_config_pdu->mpdcch_pdu.mpdcch_pdu_rel13.start_symbol = cc[CC_idP].sib1_v13ext->bandwidthReducedAccessRelatedInfo_r13->startSymbolBR_r13;
LOG_E(MAC, "start_symbol = %d \n", dl_config_pdu->mpdcch_pdu.mpdcch_pdu_rel13.start_symbol);
dl_config_pdu->mpdcch_pdu.mpdcch_pdu_rel13.ecce_index = 0; // Note: this should be dynamic
dl_config_pdu->mpdcch_pdu.mpdcch_pdu_rel13.aggregation_level = 24; // OK for CEModeA r1-3 (9.1.5-1b) or CEModeB r1-4
dl_config_pdu->mpdcch_pdu.mpdcch_pdu_rel13.rnti_type = 2; // RA-RNTI
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......@@ -1273,11 +1273,15 @@ void pre_scd_nb_rbs_required( module_id_t module_idP,
uint16_t nb_rbs_required[MAX_NUM_CCs][NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX]);
/*Slice related functions */
/* Slice related functions */
uint16_t nb_rbs_allowed_slice(float rb_percentage, int total_rbs);
int ue_dl_slice_membership(module_id_t mod_id, int UE_id, int slice_idx);
int ue_ul_slice_membership(module_id_t mod_id, int UE_id, int slice_idx);
/* DRX Configuration */
/* Configure local DRX timers and thresholds in UE context, following the drx_configuration input */
void eNB_Config_Local_DRX(module_id_t Mod_id, rnti_t rnti, LTE_DRX_Config_t *drx_Configuration);
/* from here: prototypes to get rid of compilation warnings: doc to be written by function author */
uint8_t ul_subframe2_k_phich(COMMON_channels_t * cc, sub_frame_t ul_subframe);
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2140,9 +2140,11 @@ pdcp_data_ind_func_t get_pdcp_data_ind_func() {
return pdcp_params.pdcp_data_ind_func;
void pdcp_set_rlc_funcptr(send_rlc_data_req_func_t send_rlc_data_req,
pdcp_data_ind_func_t pdcp_data_ind) {
void pdcp_set_rlc_data_req_func(send_rlc_data_req_func_t send_rlc_data_req) {
pdcp_params.send_rlc_data_req_func = send_rlc_data_req;
void pdcp_set_pdcp_data_ind_func(pdcp_data_ind_func_t pdcp_data_ind) {
pdcp_params.pdcp_data_ind_func = pdcp_data_ind;
......@@ -2175,9 +2177,6 @@ uint64_t pdcp_module_init( uint64_t pdcp_optmask ) {
/* default interface with rlc (will be modified if CU) */
pdcp_set_rlc_funcptr((send_rlc_data_req_func_t)rlc_data_req, (pdcp_data_ind_func_t) pdcp_data_ind);
return pdcp_params.optmask ;
......@@ -412,8 +412,8 @@ int pdcp_fifo_flush_sdus ( const protocol_ctxt_t *const ct
int pdcp_fifo_read_input_sdus_remaining_bytes ( const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP);
int pdcp_fifo_read_input_sdus ( const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP);
void pdcp_fifo_read_input_sdus_from_otg ( const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP);
void pdcp_set_rlc_funcptr(send_rlc_data_req_func_t send_rlc_data_req,
pdcp_data_ind_func_t pdcp_data_ind);
void pdcp_set_rlc_data_req_func(send_rlc_data_req_func_t send_rlc_data_req);
void pdcp_set_pdcp_data_ind_func(pdcp_data_ind_func_t pdcp_data_ind);
pdcp_data_ind_func_t get_pdcp_data_ind_func(void);
......@@ -191,14 +191,14 @@ rlc_op_status_t proto_agent_send_rlc_data_req(const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt
proto_agent_async_msg_send((void *)msg, (int) msgsize, 1, proto_agent[mod_id].channel->channel_info);
free_mem_block(sdu_pP, __func__);
return 0;
LOG_E(PROTO_AGENT, "PROTO_AGENT there was an error\n");
return -1;
proto_agent_send_pdcp_data_ind(const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP, const srb_flag_t srb_flagP,
const MBMS_flag_t MBMS_flagP, const rb_id_t rb_idP, sdu_size_t sdu_sizeP, mem_block_t *sdu_pP) {
uint8_t *msg = NULL;
......@@ -225,10 +225,10 @@ proto_agent_send_pdcp_data_ind(const protocol_ctxt_t *const ctxt_pP, const srb_f
proto_agent_async_msg_send((void *)msg, (int) msgsize, 1, proto_agent[mod_id].channel->channel_info);
free_mem_block(sdu_pP, __func__);
return TRUE;
LOG_E(PROTO_AGENT, "there was an error in %s\n", __func__);
return FALSE;
void *
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