1. 29 Nov, 2021 4 commits
  2. 26 Nov, 2021 1 commit
  3. 25 Nov, 2021 1 commit
    • Remi Hardy's avatar
      integration_2021_wk47_b · a718ba33
      Remi Hardy authored
      MR !1318 : Remove ratematching assertion
      - Using LOG_E and returning instead of assertion in case of error in rate matching function
      MR !1281 : open-nFAPI: Remove carriage returns
      - Remove the problematic carriage returns from three nfapi source files.
      MR !1203 : addition of AW2S OAIORI interface
      - addition of AW2S OAIORI interface, -w AW2SORI target added to build_oai and generation of libthirdparty_transpro.so build rules in CMakelists.txt
      MR !1323 : NR RSRP report fix
      - Some fixes in handling RSRP report, including print on screen of average RSRP
      MR !1324 : NR SA MSG4 rtx bugfix
      CI HSS fix : sometimes the HSS is not properly stopped. Making sure it is killed before starting it again
      CI Physim logs fix : retrieve the physim logs in the pods and make them available for artifact 
      CI USRP B200 fix : selecting the B200 by its serial number in the test scenarios
  4. 24 Nov, 2021 10 commits
  5. 23 Nov, 2021 13 commits
  6. 22 Nov, 2021 9 commits
  7. 19 Nov, 2021 2 commits
    • David Kim's avatar
      Updated the execution condition for pdcp_run. · c66d231a
      David Kim authored
    • Melissa Elkadi's avatar
      Modifying how we handle the UCI multiplexing. · 027cb33b
      Melissa Elkadi authored
      In this commit, we changed the UCI handling.
      When the UL_TTI_REQ arrives at the NRUE it
      has info related to how many UCIs we should
      pull from the queue and send to the gNB. If
      we do not have that many UCIs available (likely
      becasue a DL_TTI_REQ is late), then we will
      requeue the UL_TTI_REQ and wait until we have
      all the UCI indications before multiplexing.
      This change makes it easier to handle multiple
      UCIs becasue previously we would send what we
      had and then try again later which made keeping
      track of the UL_TTI_REQ and second UCI more