• Raymond Knopp's avatar
    Pucch2 polar rx: fix dynamic range · 4a62cb32
    Raymond Knopp authored
    fixes the overflow issue in the PUCCH2 RX with 4+ RX antennas and 12+
    bits (polar code format). The fix scales the polar decoding LLR
    computation according to the number of RX antennas. The issue was clear
    for 100 MHz 4 RX antennas. Even
      nr_pucchsim -s -5 -q 8 -P 2 -b 12 -R 273 -z4 -n1000
    doesn't converge to 0 BLER with increasing SNR. The issue didn't appear
    in CI because of the bandwidth and antenna count limitations.
pucch_rx.c 76.4 KB