• Jaroslava Fiedlerova's avatar
    CI: Update enc/decoder tests in RAN-gNB-N300-Timing-Phytest-LDPC · f97c6ceb
    Jaroslava Fiedlerova authored
    Set a maximum SNR value using the "-S" option to ensure that nr_dlsim
    or nr_ulsim is executed only for a given SNR. This approach allows us
    to verify the success of the encoding/decoding process at the specified
    SNR. Check if the test succeeds is not yet implemented (currently we
    only retrieve an information about encoding/decoding processing time).
    To be implemented in the separate MR.
    Always execute all the nr_dlsim/nr_ulsim tests even if one of them
    fails. Each test takes around 5s, so we can execute them all to get
    results for all the test scenarios.
t2_offload_dec_nr_ulsim.xml 9.19 KB