Commit 2067831e authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

nFAPI/VNF: Correctly set message length when segmenting

The 5G nFAPI message length is 32bits. In particular tx_data.requests
can be longer than 64kB. When segmenting, we should correctly write the
message of the current segment (across all 32bits), because the
length would interpreted wrongly otherwise.

This fixes a bug in which tx_data.requests were discarded for 4-layer DL
MIMO on 100 MHz with this message:

    P7 unpack message length is greater than the message buffer

Further, increase the type of various (segment-related) variables to 32
bits. Currently, the maximum segment size is sxt to 65000 bytes (and in
will likely remain, because the maximum UDP size is 65536);
nevertheless, increase it in case we will ever go beyond this.

See also commit dee68e63 ("nFAPI: increase maximum segment size to
parent bad4a6eb
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
typedef struct {
uint8_t* buffer;
uint16_t length;
uint32_t length;
} vnf_p7_rx_message_segment_t;
typedef struct vnf_p7_rx_message vnf_p7_rx_message_t;
......@@ -669,8 +669,8 @@ typedef struct nfapi_vnf_p7_config
uint8_t checksum_enabled;
/*! The maxium size of a P7 segement. If a message is large that this it
* will be segemented */
uint16_t segment_size;
* will be segmented. Note: u32 to cover 4G and 5G. */
uint32_t segment_size;
uint16_t max_num_segments;
/*! Configuration option for the p7 pack unpack functions*/
......@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ int vnf_nr_p7_pack_and_send_p7_msg(vnf_p7_t* vnf_p7, nfapi_nr_p7_message_header_
// segmenting the transmit
int msg_body_len = len - NFAPI_NR_P7_HEADER_LENGTH ;
int seg_body_len = vnf_p7->_public.segment_size - NFAPI_NR_P7_HEADER_LENGTH ;
uint32_t seg_body_len = vnf_p7->_public.segment_size - NFAPI_NR_P7_HEADER_LENGTH ;
int segment_count = (msg_body_len / (seg_body_len)) + ((msg_body_len % seg_body_len) ? 1 : 0);
int segment = 0;
......@@ -511,19 +511,21 @@ int vnf_nr_p7_pack_and_send_p7_msg(vnf_p7_t* vnf_p7, nfapi_nr_p7_message_header_
for(segment = 0; segment < segment_count; ++segment)
uint8_t last = 0;
uint16_t size = vnf_p7->_public.segment_size - NFAPI_NR_P7_HEADER_LENGTH;
uint32_t size = vnf_p7->_public.segment_size - NFAPI_NR_P7_HEADER_LENGTH;
if(segment + 1 == segment_count)
last = 1;
size = (msg_body_len) - (seg_body_len * segment);
uint16_t segment_size = size + NFAPI_NR_P7_HEADER_LENGTH;
uint32_t segment_size = size + NFAPI_NR_P7_HEADER_LENGTH;
// Update the header with the m and segement
memcpy(&tx_buffer[0], buffer, NFAPI_NR_P7_HEADER_LENGTH);
// set the segment length
tx_buffer[4] = (segment_size & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
tx_buffer[5] = (segment_size & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
tx_buffer[6] = (segment_size & 0xFF00) >> 8;
tx_buffer[7] = (segment_size & 0xFF);
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