Commit 3e019af4 authored by Laurent THOMAS's avatar Laurent THOMAS Committed by Robert Schmidt

remove the big LUT for decoder de-interleaver

no performance degradation

some reformatting
parent d57ea715
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -592,29 +592,6 @@ int8_t polar_decoder_dci(double *input,
return 0;
void init_polar_deinterleaver_table(t_nrPolar_params *polarParams) {
AssertFatal(polarParams->K > 17, "K = %d < 18, is not allowed\n",polarParams->K);
AssertFatal(polarParams->K < 129, "K = %d > 128, is not supported yet\n",polarParams->K);
int numbytes = (polarParams->K + 7) / 8;
for (int byte=0; byte<numbytes; byte++) {
int numbits = byte < (polarParams->K >> 3) ? 8 : polarParams->K & 7;
for (int bit = 0; bit < numbits; bit++) {
// flip bit endian for B
int ip = polarParams->K - 1 - polarParams->interleaving_pattern[(8 * byte) + bit];
int ipmod64 = ip & 63;
AssertFatal(ip < 128, "ip = %d\n", ip);
for (int val=0; val<256; val++) {
int bit_i = (val >> bit) & 1;
if (ip < 64)
polarParams->B_tab0[byte][val] |= ((uint64_t)bit_i) << ipmod64;
polarParams->B_tab1[byte][val] |= ((uint64_t)bit_i) << ipmod64;
static inline void nr_polar_rate_matching_int16(int16_t *input,
int16_t *output,
const uint16_t *rmp,
......@@ -644,28 +621,29 @@ static inline void nr_polar_info_extraction_from_u(uint64_t *Cprime,
const uint8_t *u,
const uint8_t *information_bit_pattern,
const uint8_t *parity_check_bit_pattern,
const uint16_t *interleaving_pattern,
uint16_t N,
uint8_t n_pc)
uint8_t n_pc,
int K)
int k = 0;
if (n_pc > 0) {
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
if (information_bit_pattern[n] == 1) {
if (parity_check_bit_pattern[n] == 0) {
int k1 = k >> 6;
int k2 = k - (k1 << 6);
Cprime[k1] |= (uint64_t)u[n] << k2;
if (information_bit_pattern[n] == 1 && parity_check_bit_pattern[n] == 0) {
int targetBit = K - 1 - interleaving_pattern[k];
int k1 = targetBit >> 6;
int k2 = targetBit & 63;
Cprime[k1] |= (uint64_t)u[n] << k2;
} else {
for (int n = 0; n < N; n++) {
if (information_bit_pattern[n] == 1) {
int k1 = k >> 6;
int k2 = k - (k1 << 6);
int targetBit = K - 1 - interleaving_pattern[k];
int k1 = targetBit >> 6;
int k2 = targetBit & 63;
Cprime[k1] |= (uint64_t)u[n] << k2;
......@@ -725,18 +703,8 @@ uint32_t polar_decoder_int16(int16_t *input,
uint8_t nr_polar_U[N];
memset(nr_polar_U, 0, sizeof(nr_polar_U));
static uint64_t cnt = 0, timeTree = 0, timeDecoder = 0;
uint64_t a = rdtsc_oai();
decoder_tree_t tree;
build_decoder_tree(&tree, polarParams);
uint64_t b = rdtsc_oai();
memcpy(treeAlpha(tree.root), d_tilde, sizeof(d_tilde));
generic_polar_decoder(polarParams, tree.root, nr_polar_U);
uint64_t c = rdtsc_oai();
timeTree += b - a;
timeDecoder += c - b;
if (cnt++ % 1000 == 0)
printf("tree: %ld, dec %ld\n", timeTree / (cnt), timeDecoder / (cnt));
memcpy(treeAlpha(polarParams->decoder.root), d_tilde, sizeof(d_tilde));
generic_polar_decoder(polarParams, polarParams->decoder.root, nr_polar_U);
printf("u: ");
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
......@@ -749,13 +717,15 @@ uint32_t polar_decoder_int16(int16_t *input,
// Extract the information bits (û to ĉ)
uint64_t Cprime[4]= {0};
uint64_t B[4] = {0};
printf("c: ");
......@@ -765,55 +735,7 @@ uint32_t polar_decoder_int16(int16_t *input,
int n1 = n >> 6;
int n2 = n - (n1 << 6);
printf("%lu", (Cprime[n1] >> n2) & 1);
//Deinterleaving (ĉ to b)
uint8_t *Cprimebyte = (uint8_t *)Cprime;
uint64_t B[4] = {0};
if (polarParams->K<65) {
B[0] = polarParams->B_tab0[0][Cprimebyte[0]] | polarParams->B_tab0[1][Cprimebyte[1]] | polarParams->B_tab0[2][Cprimebyte[2]]
| polarParams->B_tab0[3][Cprimebyte[3]] | polarParams->B_tab0[4][Cprimebyte[4]] | polarParams->B_tab0[5][Cprimebyte[5]]
| polarParams->B_tab0[6][Cprimebyte[6]] | polarParams->B_tab0[7][Cprimebyte[7]];
} else if (polarParams->K<129) {
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
B[0] |= polarParams->B_tab0[k][Cprimebyte[k]];
B[1] |= polarParams->B_tab1[k][Cprimebyte[k]];
uint128_t Cprime128 = *(uint128_t *)Cprime;
uint128_t res = 0;
uint deinterleaving_pattern[polarParams->K];
for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++)
deinterleaving_pattern[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[i]] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++) {
uint128_t bit = (Cprime128 >> i) & 1;
res |= bit << (polarParams->K - 1 - deinterleaving_pattern[i]);
uint128_t B128 = *(uint128_t *)B;
printf("old:(k=%d)", polarParams->K);
for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++)
printf("%lld", (B128 >> i) & 1);
printf("\nnew:(k=%d)", polarParams->K);
for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++)
printf("%lld", (res >> i) & 1);
int B_array = (polarParams->K + 63) >> 6;
int n_start = (B_array << 6) - polarParams->K;
printf("b: ");
for (int n = 0; n < polarParams->K; n++) {
if (n % 4 == 0) {
printf(" ");
int n1 = (n + n_start) >> 6;
int n2 = (n + n_start) - (n1 << 6);
printf("%lu", (B[B_array - 1 - n1] >> (63 - n2)) & 1);
printf("%lu", (B[n1] >> n2) & 1);
......@@ -161,8 +161,10 @@ static inline decoder_node_t *new_decoder_node(simde__m256i **buffer,
if (leaf_sz > 15) // we will use SIMD256
leaf_sz = (leaf_sz + 15) & ~15;
const int tree_sz = (sizeof(decoder_node_t) + 31) & ~31;
decoder_node_t *node = (decoder_node_t *)*buffer;
*buffer = *buffer + (tree_sz + leaf_sz * sizeof(int16_t) + leaf_sz + sizeof(**buffer) - 1) / sizeof(**buffer);
uintptr_t tmp = (uintptr_t)*buffer;
tmp = (tmp + sizeof(**buffer) - 1) & ~(sizeof(**buffer) - 1);
decoder_node_t *node = (decoder_node_t *)tmp;
*buffer = (simde__m256i *)(tmp + tree_sz + leaf_sz * sizeof(int16_t) + leaf_sz);
*node = (decoder_node_t){.first_leaf_index = first_leaf_index,
.level = level,
.leaf = leaf,
......@@ -204,17 +206,16 @@ static inline decoder_node_t *add_nodes(decoder_tree_t *tree,
void build_decoder_tree(decoder_tree_t *tree, const t_nrPolar_params *pp)
void build_decoder_tree(t_nrPolar_params *pp)
simde__m256i *buffer = tree->buffer;
tree->root = add_nodes(tree, pp->n, 0, pp->information_bit_pattern, &buffer);
AssertFatal(buffer < tree->buffer + sizeofArray(tree->buffer),
uintptr_t tmp = (uintptr_t)pp->decoder.buffer;
tmp = (tmp + sizeof(*pp->decoder.buffer) - 1) & ~(sizeof(*pp->decoder.buffer) - 1);
simde__m256i *buffer = (simde__m256i *)tmp;
pp->decoder.root = add_nodes(&pp->decoder, pp->n, 0, pp->information_bit_pattern, &buffer);
AssertFatal(buffer < pp->decoder.buffer + sizeofArray(pp->decoder.buffer),
"Arbitrary size too small (also check arbitrary max size of the entire polar decoder) %ld instead of max %ld\n",
buffer - tree->buffer,
printf("root : left %p, right %p\n", tree->root->left, tree->root->right);
buffer - pp->decoder.buffer,
static inline void applyFtoleft(const t_nrPolar_params *pp, decoder_node_t *node, uint8_t *output)
......@@ -113,8 +113,7 @@ typedef struct nrPolar_params {
int *rm_tab;
uint64_t cprime_tab0[16][256];
uint64_t cprime_tab1[16][256];
uint64_t B_tab0[16][256];
uint64_t B_tab1[16][256];
decoder_tree_t decoder;
} t_nrPolar_params;
void polar_encoder(uint32_t *input,
......@@ -172,9 +171,8 @@ static inline int8_t *treeBeta(decoder_node_t *node)
return (int8_t *)node + node->beta;
void build_decoder_tree(decoder_tree_t *tree, const t_nrPolar_params *pp);
void build_decoder_tree(t_nrPolar_params *pp);
void build_polar_tables(t_nrPolar_params *polarParams);
void init_polar_deinterleaver_table(t_nrPolar_params *polarParams);
void nr_polar_print_polarParams(void);
......@@ -452,6 +452,8 @@ void build_polar_tables(t_nrPolar_params *polarParams) {
// rerun again to create groups
for (int outpos = 0, tcnt = 0; outpos < polarParams->encoderLength; outpos += mingroupsize, tcnt++)
polarParams->rm_tab[tcnt] = polarParams->rate_matching_pattern[outpos] >> shift;
......@@ -246,8 +246,6 @@ t_nrPolar_params *nr_polar_params(int8_t messageType, uint16_t messageLength, ui
qsort((void *)newPolarInitNode->Q_I_N,newPolarInitNode->K,sizeof(int16_t),intcmp);
return newPolarInitNode;
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