Commit 595a80a3 authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Remove FHI72 memory workaround

The queue L1_rx_out was in place to keep RX/TX processing relatively
"close" to each other (in terms of time, since in RFsim, they might
advance faster than realtime; see also parent commit). This lead to a
memory leak in radios that do not use ru->feprx (no front-end processing
for RX, e.g., PRACH), as the code to read the L1_rx_out messages was
inside a block of if (ru->feprx). Move it out so that the queue is
always read and messages are freed to eliminate the memory leak, and
remove the workaround for FHI72 to avoid this memory leak.

This also allows to run RFsim when compiling FHI72, which was not
possible before this commit.

Closes: #812
parent 99c849c2
......@@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ static void rx_func(processingData_L1_t *info)
#ifndef OAI_FHI72
notifiedFIFO_elt_t *res = newNotifiedFIFO_elt(sizeof(processingData_L1_t), 0, &gNB->L1_rx_out, NULL);
processingData_L1_t *syncMsg = NotifiedFifoData(res);
syncMsg->gNB = gNB;
......@@ -228,7 +227,6 @@ static void rx_func(processingData_L1_t *info)
res->key = slot_rx;
LOG_D(NR_PHY, "Signaling completion for %d.%d (mod_slot %d) on L1_rx_out\n", frame_rx, slot_rx, slot_rx % RU_RX_SLOT_DEPTH);
pushNotifiedFIFO(&gNB->L1_rx_out, res);
......@@ -1139,9 +1139,7 @@ void *ru_thread(void *param)
char threadname[40];
int initial_wait = 0;
#ifndef OAI_FHI72
bool rx_tti_busy[RU_RX_SLOT_DEPTH] = {false};
// set default return value
ru_thread_status = 0;
// set default return value
......@@ -1287,13 +1285,12 @@ void *ru_thread(void *param)
if (ru->idx != 0)
proc->frame_tx = (proc->frame_tx + proc->frame_offset) & 1023;
#ifndef OAI_FHI72
// do RX front-end processing (frequency-shift, dft) if needed
int slot_type = nr_slot_select(&ru->config, proc->frame_rx, proc->tti_rx);
if (slot_type == NR_UPLINK_SLOT || slot_type == NR_MIXED_SLOT) {
if (!wait_free_rx_tti(&gNB->L1_rx_out, rx_tti_busy, proc->frame_rx, proc->tti_rx))
break; // nothing to wait for: we have to stop
if (ru->feprx) {
if (!wait_free_rx_tti(&gNB->L1_rx_out, rx_tti_busy, proc->frame_rx, proc->tti_rx))
break; // nothing to wait for: we have to stop
LOG_D(NR_PHY, "Setting %d.%d (%d) to busy\n", proc->frame_rx, proc->tti_rx, proc->tti_rx % RU_RX_SLOT_DEPTH);
......@@ -1331,7 +1328,6 @@ void *ru_thread(void *param)
} // end if (prach_id > 0)
} // end if (ru->feprx)
} // end if (slot_type == NR_UPLINK_SLOT || slot_type == NR_MIXED_SLOT) {
notifiedFIFO_elt_t *resTx = newNotifiedFIFO_elt(sizeof(processingData_L1tx_t), 0, &gNB->L1_tx_out, NULL);
processingData_L1tx_t *syncMsgTx = NotifiedFifoData(resTx);
......@@ -43,6 +43,3 @@ set_target_properties(oran_fhlib_5g PROPERTIES LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_
add_custom_command(TARGET oran_fhlib_5g POST_BUILD
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink
message(STATUS "Temporary added -DOAI_FHI72")
target_compile_definitions(nr-softmodem PUBLIC OAI_FHI72)
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