AssertFatal((channeldesc_p!=NULL),"Could not allocate channel %s type %s \n",*(channel_list.paramarray[i][pindex_NAME].strptr),*(channel_list.paramarray[i][pindex_TYPE].strptr));
AssertFatal((channeldesc_p!=NULL),"Could not allocate channel %s type %s \n",*(channel_list.paramarray[i][pindex_NAME].strptr),*(channel_list.paramarray[i][pindex_TYPE].strptr));
// to make channel reciprocal uncomment following line instead of previous. However this only works for SISO at the moment. For MIMO the channel would need to be transposed.
// to make channel reciprocal uncomment following line instead of previous. However this only works for SISO at the moment. For MIMO the channel would need to be transposed.