Commit 827e5681 authored by Florian Kaltenberger's avatar Florian Kaltenberger

debug info

parent 72ee9d84
......@@ -694,6 +694,7 @@ int nvIPC_Init(char* if_name) {
// Want to use transport SHM, type epoll, module secondary (reads the created shm from cuphycontroller)
load_hard_code_config(&nv_ipc_config, NV_IPC_MODULE_SECONDARY, NV_IPC_TRANSPORT_SHM);
// Create nv_ipc_t instance
LOG_I(NFAPI_VNF, "%s: creatinf IPC interface with prefix %s\n", __func__, if_name);
if ((ipc = create_nv_ipc_interface(&nv_ipc_config)) == NULL) {
LOG_E(NFAPI_VNF, "%s: create IPC interface failed\n", __func__);
......@@ -1349,10 +1349,10 @@ void RCconfig_nr_macrlc(configmodule_interface_t *cfg)
printf("**************** RETURNED FROM configure_nfapi_vnf() vnf_port:%d\n", RC.nrmac[j]->eth_params_s.my_portc);
} else if(strcmp(*(MacRLC_ParamList.paramarray[j][MACRLC_TRANSPORT_S_PREFERENCE_IDX].strptr), "aerial") == 0){
printf("Configuring VNF for Aerial connection\n");
// we are abusing slightly the struture as we are not really using ethernet transport in this case
RC.nrmac[j]->eth_params_s.transp_preference = FAPI_AERIAL;
RC.nrmac[j]->eth_params_s.local_if_name = strdup(*(MacRLC_ParamList.paramarray[j][MACRLC_TRANSPORT_S_SHM_PREFIX].strptr));
printf("Configuring VNF for Aerial connection with prefix %s\n",RC.nrmac[j]->eth_params_s.local_if_name);
} else { // other midhaul
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