Commit 8de02dfa authored by Jaroslava Fiedlerova's avatar Jaroslava Fiedlerova Committed by sagar arora

Use requested bitrate in iperf2 UDP analysis function

Simplification of the code by replacing iperf_opt by target_bitrate (returned from Iperf_ComputeModifiedBW) - no need to repeat the steps to retrieve information about requested bitrate from iperf_opt. Compute iperf bitrate performance as receiver bitrate over requested (target) bitrate.
Fix an issue with misdetection of missing report line - "result" was defined 2x in the function. With this MR, result can be only None or stores output of for matching the report line pattern, which ensure proper detection of the report line as well as presence off all required components in the report line.
parent 4022dd3e
......@@ -191,29 +191,21 @@ def Iperf_analyzeV3UDP(filename, iperf_bitrate_threshold, iperf_packetloss_thres
return (False, 'Could not analyze iperf report')
def Iperf_analyzeV2UDP(server_filename, iperf_bitrate_threshold, iperf_packetloss_threshold, iperf_opt):
def Iperf_analyzeV2UDP(server_filename, iperf_bitrate_threshold, iperf_packetloss_threshold, target_bitrate):
result = None
if (not os.path.isfile(server_filename)):
return (False, 'Could not analyze, server report not found!')
return (False, 'Iperf UDP: Server report not found!')
if (os.path.getsize(server_filename)==0):
return (False, 'Iperf UDP: Log file is empty')
# Computing the requested bandwidth in float
req_bw = 1.0 # default iperf throughput, in Mbps
result ='-b *(?P<iperf_bandwidth>[0-9\.]+)(?P<magnitude>[kKMG])', iperf_opt)
if result is not None:
req_bw = float('iperf_bandwidth'))
magn ='magnitude')
if magn == "k" or magn == "K":
req_bw /= 1000
elif magn == "G":
req_bw *= 1000
statusTemplate = '(?:|\[ *\d+\].*) +0\.0-\s*(?P<duration>[0-9\.]+) +sec +[0-9\.]+ [kKMG]Bytes +(?P<bitrate>[0-9\.]+) (?P<magnitude>[kKMG])bits\/sec +(?P<jitter>[0-9\.]+) ms +(\d+\/ *\d+) +(\((?P<packetloss>[0-9\.]+)%\))'
statusTemplate = r'(?:|\[ *\d+\].*) +0\.0-\s*(?P<duration>[0-9\.]+) +sec +[0-9\.]+ [kKMG]Bytes +(?P<bitrate>[0-9\.]+) (?P<magnitude>[kKMG])bits\/sec +(?P<jitter>[0-9\.]+) ms +(\d+\/ *\d+) +(\((?P<packetloss>[0-9\.]+)%\))'
with open(server_filename, 'r') as server_file:
for line in server_file.readlines():
res =, str(line))
if res is not None:
result = res
result =, str(line))
if result is not None:
if result is None:
return (False, 'Could not parse server report!')
bitrate = float('bitrate'))
magn ='magnitude')
if magn == "k" or magn == "K":
......@@ -222,16 +214,16 @@ def Iperf_analyzeV2UDP(server_filename, iperf_bitrate_threshold, iperf_packetlos
bitrate *= 1000
jitter = float('jitter'))
packetloss = float('packetloss'))
br_perf = float(bitrate)/float(req_bw) * 100
br_perf = float(bitrate)/float(target_bitrate) * 100
br_perf = '%.2f ' % br_perf
result = float(br_perf) >= float(iperf_bitrate_threshold) and float(packetloss) <= float(iperf_packetloss_threshold)
req_msg = f'Req Bitrate : {req_bw}'
bir_msg = f'Bitrate : {bitrate}'
req_msg = f'Req Bitrate : {target_bitrate}'
bir_msg = f'Bitrate : {bitrate}'
brl_msg = f'Bitrate Perf: {br_perf} %'
if float(br_perf) < float(iperf_bitrate_threshold):
brl_msg += f' (too low! <{iperf_bitrate_threshold}%)'
jit_msg = f'Jitter : {jitter}'
jit_msg = f'Jitter : {jitter}'
pal_msg = f'Packet Loss : {packetloss}'
if float(packetloss) > float(iperf_packetloss_threshold):
pal_msg += f' (too high! >{self.iperf_packetloss_threshold}%)'
......@@ -821,7 +813,7 @@ class OaiCiTest():'{svr.getCmdPrefix()} iperf -c {ueIP} -B {svrIP} {iperf_opt} -i1 2>&1 | tee {client_filename}', timeout=iperf_time*1.5)'cp {client_filename} {logPath}/{client_filename}')'cp {server_filename} {logPath}/{server_filename}')
status, msg = Iperf_analyzeV2UDP(server_filename, self.iperf_bitrate_threshold, self.iperf_packetloss_threshold, iperf_opt)
status, msg = Iperf_analyzeV2UDP(server_filename, self.iperf_bitrate_threshold, self.iperf_packetloss_threshold, target_bitrate)
with cls_cmd.getConnection(ue.getHost()) as cmd_ue, cls_cmd.getConnection(EPC.IPAddress) as cmd_svr:
port = 5002 + idx
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