Commit 9308369e authored by Robert Schmidt's avatar Robert Schmidt

Add configuration naming style guide

parent a97dfedb
# Configuration files: naming style guide
The configuration files should have the following name format:
- `[]` means this field is optional
- `<type>`: one of `gnb`, `enb`, `gnb-cu`, `gnb-du`, `nrue`, `lteue`, etc.
- `<sa|nsa>`: in the case of 5G, notes whether this is SA or NSA
- `<num>` for `band`/`u`/`prb`: numerical value. Note that band/PRB are only
applicable in some cases. The numerology `u` is only to be set for 5G if it
differs from `u1`.
- `<sdr>`: what SDR board/split this is tailored for:
* e.g., `usrpb210`, `usrpn310`, `rfsim`, `aw2s`
* if there is no SDR (e.g., for a CU), use the south-bound split, e.g., `f1`, `if4p5`, etc.
* for the L2simulator, write `l2sim`
- `<opt>`: optional specifiers. If there are multiple, concatenated
using a dash (`-`). Examples:
* `2x2`
* `prs` (positioning reference signal)
* `ddsuu` (specific TDD pattern)
* `tm2`: Transmission Mode 2 in 4G
* `oaiue`: specifies usage with OAI UE and not COTS UE
- standard monolithic gNB, 2x2 configuration, with SDAP: ``
- gNB-CU: ``
- monolithic gNB, L2sim: ``
- RCC (4G eNB with IF4.5 split): `enb.band40.25prb.if45.tm1-fairscheduler.conf`
- there is no need for TDD/FDD, this is encoded in the band number
- there is no need for FR1/FR2, this is encoded in the band number
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