Commit a9ca4a54 authored by Jaroslava Fiedlerova's avatar Jaroslava Fiedlerova

CI: create GetServiceHealth()

Rework GetContainerHealth() to work with docker compose and services,
instead of using docker and containers. Return health and message about
deployment status (used for console and HTML logging) for a given service.
parent e1d06cfe
......@@ -156,17 +156,18 @@ def GetImageName(ssh, svcName, file):
return ret.stdout.strip()
def GetContainerHealth(ssh, containerName):
if containerName is None:
return False
if 'db_init' in containerName or 'db-init' in containerName: # exits with 0, there cannot be healthy
return True
def GetServiceHealth(ssh, svcName, file):
if svcName is None:
return False, f"Service {svcName} not found in {file}"
image = GetImageName(ssh, svcName, file)
if 'db_init' in svcName or 'db-init' in svcName: # exits with 0, there cannot be healthy
return True, f"Service {svcName} healthy, image {image}"
for _ in range(8):
result ='docker inspect --format="{{{{.State.Health.Status}}}}" {containerName}', silent=True)
result ="docker compose -f {file} ps --format json {svcName} | jq -r 'if type==\"array\" then .[0].Health else .Health end'", silent=True)
if result.stdout == 'healthy':
return True
return True, f"Service {svcName} healthy, image {image}"
return False
return False, f"Failed to deploy: service {svcName}"
def ExistEnvFilePrint(ssh, wd, prompt='env vars in existing'):
ret ='cat {wd}/.env', silent=True, reportNonZero=False)
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