Commit a2412902 authored by martino's avatar martino

New encoding implementation (with AVX 512 commented below)

parent a81c788e
...@@ -53,7 +53,12 @@ void polar_encoder( ...@@ -53,7 +53,12 @@ void polar_encoder(
polarParams->Q_I_N, polarParams->Q_PC_N, polarParams->n_pc); polarParams->Q_I_N, polarParams->Q_PC_N, polarParams->n_pc);
//Encoding (u to d) //Encoding (u to d)
nr_matrix_multiplication_uint8_t_1D_uint8_t_2D(polarParams->nr_polar_u, polarParams->G_N, polarParams->nr_polar_d, polarParams->N, polarParams->N); // --- OLD ---
//nr_matrix_multiplication_uint8_t_1D_uint8_t_2D(polarParams->nr_polar_u, polarParams->G_N, polarParams->nr_polar_d, polarParams->N, polarParams->N);
//for (uint16_t i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++) polarParams->nr_polar_d[i] = (polarParams->nr_polar_d[i] % 2);
// --- NEW ---
nr_polar_kernal_operation(polarParams->nr_polar_u, polarParams->nr_polar_d, polarParams->N);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++) polarParams->nr_polar_d[i] = (polarParams->nr_polar_d[i] % 2); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++) polarParams->nr_polar_d[i] = (polarParams->nr_polar_d[i] % 2);
//Rate matching //Rate matching
...@@ -3,21 +3,81 @@ ...@@ -3,21 +3,81 @@
#include <math.h> #include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdint.h>
void nr_polar_kernel_operation(uint8_t *u, uint8_t *d, uint16_t N) #include <immintrin.h>
void nr_polar_kernal_operation(uint8_t *u, uint8_t *d, uint16_t N)
{ {
// Martino's algorithm to avoid multiplication for the generating matrix // Martino's algorithm to avoid multiplication for the generating matrix of polar codes
int i,j; uint16_t i,j;
printf("\nd = ");
for(i=0; i<N; i++) for(i=0; i<N; i++) // Create the elements of d=u*G_N ...
{ {
d[i]=0; d[i]=0;
for(j=0; j<N; j++) for(j=0; j<N; j++) // ... looking at all the elements of u
d[i]=d[i]+( (!(j-i)) | (!i) )*u[j];
d[i]=d[i]%2; // modulo 2
__m256i maddReg, uReg, orReg;
__m512i maddRegConv;
__m256i bitJIReg, bitIReg;
uint8_t bitJI[32];
uint8_t bitI[32];
int sumPartial;
uint8_t indToInit;
for(i=0; i<N; i++) // Create the elements of d=u*G_N ...
{ {
d[i]=d[i]+(( (j-i)& i )==0)*u[j]; d[i]=0;
for(j=0; j<N; j+=32) // ... looking at all the elements of u 32 at a time
//d[i]=d[i]+( (!(j-i)) | (!i) )*u[j]; <--- THIS IN INTRINSIC
// Products between ( (!(j-i)) | (!i) ) and u[j] and sum all with a reduce add
uReg = _mm256_maskz_loadu_epi8 (0xFFFFFFFF, (void const*)&u[j]); // load 32 8-bit from u
//init arrays for (!(i-j)) and for (!i)
for(indToInit=0; indToInit<32; indToInit++)
// j = j*32+indToInit
bitJI[j*32+indToInit] = !((j*32+indToInit)-i); // (!(j-i))
bitI[j*32+indToInit] = !i; // (!i)
bitJIReg = _mm256_maskz_loadu_epi8(0xFFFFFFFF, (void const*)bitJI); // 32x8-bit
bitIReg = _mm256_maskz_loadu_epi8(0xFFFFFFFF, (void const*)bitI); // 32x8-bit
orReg=_mm256_or_si256(bitWise1, bitWise2); // (!(j-i)) | (!i) 32x8-bit
maddReg=_mm256_maddubs_epi16(uReg, orReg); //a1*b1+a2*b2 from 32x8 to 16x16-bit
maddRegConv= _mm512_cvtepi16_epi32(maddReg); //convert to 16x32-bit
sumPartial = _mm512_reduce_add_epi32(maddRegConv); //sum all 16 values
d[i] = d[i] + sumPartial; //store in the final variable
d[i]=d[i]%2; // modulo 2
} }
d[i]=d[i]%2; */
printf("%i", d[i]); /*
} __m128 num1, num2, num3, num4;
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < col; i++) {
num4=_mm_setzero_ps(); //sets sum to zero
for (uint16_t j = 0; j < row; j+=4) {
//output[i] += matrix1[j] * matrix2[j][i];
num1=_mm_load_ps((float*)&matrix1[j]); // 1[3], 1[2], 1[1], 1[0] -> num1
num2=_mm_load_ps((float*)&matrix2[j][i]); // 2[3], 2[2], 2[1], 2[0] -> num2
num3=_mm_mul_ps(num1, num2); // 1[3]*2[3],...1[0]*2[0] -> num3
num3=_mm_hadd_ps(num3, num3); //1[3]*2[3]+1[2]*2[2] ...
num4 = _mm_add_ps(num4, num3);
num4= _mm_hadd_ps(num4, num4);
_mm_store_ss(&output[i], num4); // Stores only the lower SP FP that contain the sum
} }
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