Commit 276556ac authored by Tien-Thinh Nguyen's avatar Tien-Thinh Nguyen

update instructions

......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ auto eth0
Prepare the environment:
- git clone
- git clone #branch: master
This branch contains all the current development for DDPS
- UE MAC<-> UE MAC for Scenario 1
- eNB MAC<->UE MAC (NFAPI Transport)
......@@ -43,8 +43,9 @@ UE2:
- sudo iptables -A POSTROUTING -t mangle -o oip1 -d -j MARK --set-mark 3
- (if necessary) sudo route add default gw eth0
UE1 and UE2: Get and build vencore_app from d2d-l3-stub (branch: l3_stub)
- gcc -I . vencore_app.c -o vencore_app -lpthread
Run UE1 then UE2, for example:
UE1: sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub -U --emul_iface eth0
......@@ -60,26 +61,27 @@ Test with Iperf
Filter the incomming packets according to GroupL2Id: receiver (one-to-many) can discard the packets if it doesn't belong to this group.
For the moment, both sender and receiver use the same set of Ids (hardcoded)
UE1 (sender)
- sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub -U --emul_iface eth0
- ./velcore_app #send the sourceL2Id, groupL2Id to OAI
- ./vencore_app #send the sourceL2Id, groupL2Id to OAI
- ping -I oip0
- sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub -U --emul_iface eno1
#we can see the incomming packets from OAI log, however, cannot see from Wireshark -> they are discarded at MAC layer
- ./velcore_app #we can see the packets appearing in Wireshark
- ./vencore_app #we can see the packets appearing in Wireshark
TEST PC5-S (UE1 -sender, UE2 - receiver)
TEST PC5-S (UE1 -sender, UE2 - receiver)
step 1:
- UE1: sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub -U --emul_iface eth0
step 2:
- UE2: sudo ./lte-softmodem-stub -U --emul_iface eno1
- UE2: ./velcore_app -r #listen to incomming message from PC5-S
- UE2: ./vencore_app -r #listen to incomming message from PC5-S
step 3:
- UE1: ./velcore_app -s #send a message via PC5-S (e.g., DirectCommunicationRequest)
- UE1: ./vencore_app -s #send a message via PC5-S (e.g., DirectCommunicationRequest)
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