Commit a1403400 authored by Florian Kaltenberger's avatar Florian Kaltenberger

adding header files from old svn branch

parent 33325d46
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/*! \file ff-mac-sched-sap.h
* \brief this is the implementation of the Femto Forum LTE MAC Scheduler Interface Specification v1.11
* \author Florian Kaltenberger
* \date March 2015
* \version 1.0
* \email:
* @ingroup _mac
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "ff-mac-common.h"
* Parameters of the API primitives
* Parameters of the SCHED_DL_RLC_BUFFER_REQ primitive.
* See section 4.2.1 for a detailed description of the parameters.
struct SchedDlRlcBufferReqParameters
uint16_t rnti;
uint8_t logicalChannelIdentity;
uint32_t rlcTransmissionQueueSize;
uint16_t rlcTransmissionQueueHolDelay;
uint32_t rlcRetransmissionQueueSize;
uint16_t rlcRetransmissionHolDelay;
uint16_t rlcStatusPduSize;
uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList;
struct VendorSpecificListElement_s *vendorSpecificList;
* Parameters of the SCHED_DL_PAGING_BUFFER_REQ primitive.
* See section 4.2.2 for a detailed description of the parameters.
struct SchedDlPagingBufferReqParameters
uint16_t rnti;
uint8_t nr_pagingInfoList;
struct PagingInfoListElement_s *pagingInfoList;
uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList;
struct VendorSpecificListElement_s *vendorSpecificList;
* Parameters of the SCHED_DL_MAC_BUFFER_REQ primitive.
* See section 4.2.3 for a detailed description of the parameters.
struct SchedDlMacBufferReqParameters
uint16_t rnti;
uint8_t nr_macCEDL_List;
struct MacCeDlListElement_s *macCeDlList;
uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList;
struct VendorSpecificListElement_s *vendorSpecificList;
* Parameters of the SCHED_DL_TRIGGER_REQ primitive.
* See section 4.2.4 for a detailed description of the parameters.
struct SchedDlTriggerReqParameters
uint16_t sfnSf;
uint8_t nr_dlInfoList;
struct DlInfoListElement_s *dlInfoList;
uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList;
struct VendorSpecificListElement_s *vendorSpecificList;
* Parameters of the SCHED_DL_RACH_INFO_REQ primitive.
* See section 4.2.5 for a detailed description of the parameters.
struct SchedDlRachInfoReqParameters
uint16_t sfnSf;
uint8_t nrrachList;
struct RachListElement_s *rachList;
uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList;
struct VendorSpecificListElement_s *vendorSpecificList;
* Parameters of the SCHED_DL_CQI_INFO_REQ primitive.
* See section 4.2.6 for a detailed description of the parameters.
struct SchedDlCqiInfoReqParameters
uint16_t sfnSf;
uint8_t nrcqiList;
struct CqiListElement_s *cqiList;
uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList;
struct VendorSpecificListElement_s *vendorSpecificList;
* Parameters of the SCHED_UL_TRIGGER_REQ primitive.
* See section 4.2.8 for a detailed description of the parameters.
struct SchedUlTriggerReqParameters
uint16_t sfnSf;
uint8_t nr_ulInfoList;
struct UlInfoListElement_s *ulInfoList;
uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList;
struct VendorSpecificListElement_s *vendorSpecificList;
* Parameters of the SCHED_UL_NOISE_INTERFERENCE_REQ primitive.
* See section 4.2.9 for a detailed description of the parameters.
struct SchedUlNoiseInterferenceReqParameters
uint8_t carrierIndex;
uint16_t sfnSf;
uint16_t rip;
uint16_t tnp;
uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList;
struct VendorSpecificListElement_s *vendorSpecificList;
* Parameters of the SCHED_UL_SR_INFO_REQ primitive.
* See section 4.2.10 for a detailed description of the parameters.
struct SchedUlSrInfoReqParameters
uint16_t sfnSf;
uint8_t nr_srList;
struct SrListElement_s *srList;
uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList;
struct VendorSpecificListElement_s *vendorSpecificList;
* Parameters of the SCHED_UL_MAC_CTRL_INFO_REQ primitive.
* See section 4.2.11 for a detailed description of the parameters.
struct SchedUlMacCtrlInfoReqParameters
uint16_t sfnSf;
uint8_t nr_macCEUL_List;
struct MacCeUlListElement_s macCeUlList;
uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList;
struct VendorSpecificListElement_s *vendorSpecificList;
* Parameters of the SCHED_UL_CQI_INFO_REQ primitive.
* See section 4.2.12 for a detailed description of the parameters.
struct SchedUlCqiInfoReqParameters
uint16_t sfnSf;
struct UlCqi_s ulCqi;
uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList;
struct VendorSpecificListElement_s *vendorSpecificList;
// SCHED - MAC Scheduler SAP primitives
// (See 4.2 for description of the primitives)
void SchedDlRlcBufferReq (const struct SchedDlRlcBufferReqParameters *params);
void SchedDlPagingBufferReq (const struct SchedDlPagingBufferReqParameters *params);
void SchedDlMacBufferReq (const struct SchedDlMacBufferReqParameters *params);
void SchedDlTriggerReq (const struct SchedDlTriggerReqParameters *params);
void SchedDlRachInfoReq (const struct SchedDlRachInfoReqParameters *params);
void SchedDlCqiInfoReq (const struct SchedDlCqiInfoReqParameters *params);
void SchedUlTriggerReq (const struct SchedUlTriggerReqParameters *params);
void SchedUlNoiseInterferenceReq (const struct SchedUlNoiseInterferenceReqParameters *params);
void SchedUlSrInfoReq (const struct SchedUlSrInfoReqParameters *params);
void SchedUlMacCtrlInfoReq (const struct SchedUlMacCtrlInfoReqParameters *params);
void SchedUlCqiInfoReq (const struct SchedUlCqiInfoReqParameters *params);
* Parameters of the API primitives
* Parameters of the SCHED_DL_CONFIG_IND primitive.
* See section 4.2.7 for a detailed description of the parameters.
struct SchedDlConfigIndParameters
uint8_t nr_buildDataList;
uint8_t nr_buildRARList;
uint8_t nr_buildBroadcastList;
struct BuildDataListElement_s *buildDataList;
struct BuildRarListElement_s *buildRarList;
struct BuildBroadcastListElement_s *buildBroadcastList;
/* mind: this is just number of elems in the next array (not actual number of PDCCH OFDM symbols) */
uint8_t nr_ofdmSymbolsCount;
struct PdcchOfdmSymbolCountListElement_s* nrOfPdcchOfdmSymbols[MAX_NUM_CCs];
uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList;
struct VendorSpecificListElement_s *vendorSpecificList;
* Parameters of the SCHED_UL_CONFIG_IND primitive.
* See section 4.2.13 for a detailed description of the parameters.
struct SchedUlConfigIndParameters
uint8_t nr_dciList;
uint8_t nr_phichList;
struct UlDciListElement_s *dciList;
struct PhichListElement_s *phichList;
uint8_t nr_vendorSpecificList;
struct VendorSpecificListElement_s *vendorSpecificList;
// SCHED - MAC Scheduler SAP primitives
// (See 4.2 for description of the primitives)
void SchedDlConfigInd (const struct SchedDlConfigIndParameters* params);
void SchedUlConfigInd (const struct SchedUlConfigIndParameters* params);
#endif /* FF_MAC_SCHED_SAP_H */
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