Commit 59749509 authored by Bipin Adhikari's avatar Bipin Adhikari

few fixes and cleaned comments.

parent 596c51e9
......@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ class Cluster:
# Workaround for some servers, we need to erase completely the workspace
# if self.forcedWorkspaceCleanup:
#'rm -Rf {lSourcePath}')
cls_containerize.CreateWorkspace(self.cmd, lSourcePath, self.ranRepository, self.ranCommitID, self.ranTargetBranch, self.ranAllowMerge)
#cls_containerize.CreateWorkspace was here
# to reduce the amount of data send to OpenShift, we
# manually delete all generated files in the workspace
......@@ -61,40 +61,7 @@ import cls_oaicitest
IMAGES = ['oai-enb', 'oai-lte-ru', 'oai-lte-ue', 'oai-gnb', 'oai-nr-cuup', 'oai-gnb-aw2s', 'oai-nr-ue', 'oai-gnb-asan', 'oai-nr-ue-asan', 'oai-nr-cuup-asan', 'oai-gnb-aerial']
def CreateWorkspace(sshSession, sourcePath, ranRepository, ranCommitID, ranTargetBranch, ranAllowMerge):
print('-------------------------------------------------- Skipping Old Create Workspace')
if ranCommitID == '':
logging.error('need ranCommitID in CreateWorkspace()')
sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter in CreateWorkspace()')
sshSession.command(f'rm -rf {sourcePath}', '\$', 10)
sshSession.command('mkdir -p ' + sourcePath, '\$', 5)
sshSession.command('cd ' + sourcePath, '\$', 5)
# Recent version of git (>2.20?) should handle missing .git extension # without problems
if ranTargetBranch == 'null':
ranTargetBranch = 'develop'
baseBranch = re.sub('origin/', '', ranTargetBranch)
sshSession.command(f'git clone --filter=blob:none -n -b {baseBranch} {ranRepository} .', '\$', 60)
if sshSession.getBefore().count('error') > 0 or sshSession.getBefore().count('error') > 0:
sys.exit('error during clone')
sshSession.command('git config ""', '\$', 5)
sshSession.command('git config "OAI Jenkins"', '\$', 5)
sshSession.command('mkdir -p cmake_targets/log', '\$', 5)
# if the commit ID is provided use it to point to it
sshSession.command(f'git checkout -f {ranCommitID}', '\$', 30)
if sshSession.getBefore().count(f'HEAD is now at {ranCommitID[:6]}') != 1:
sshSession.command('git log --oneline | head -n5', '\$', 5)
logging.warning(f'problems during checkout, is at: {sshSession.getBefore()}')
logging.debug('successful checkout')
# if the branch is not develop, then it is a merge request and we need to do
# the potential merge. Note that merge conflicts should already been checked earlier
if ranAllowMerge:
if ranTargetBranch == '':
ranTargetBranch = 'develop'
logging.debug(f'Merging with the target branch: {ranTargetBranch}')
sshSession.command(f'git merge --ff origin/{ranTargetBranch} -m "Temporary merge for CI"', '\$', 30)'This Create Workspace Method is depreciated. Please use the new XML Class')
def ImageTagToUse(imageName, ranCommitID, ranBranch, ranAllowMerge):
shortCommit = ranCommitID[0:8]
......@@ -327,7 +294,6 @@ class Containerize():
self.testCase_id = HTML.testCase_id
CreateWorkspace(cmd, lSourcePath, self.ranRepository, self.ranCommitID, self.ranTargetBranch, self.ranAllowMerge)
# if asterix, copy the entitlement and subscription manager configurations
if == 'Red Hat':
......@@ -526,7 +492,8 @@ class Containerize():
self.ranRepository = ''
self.ranAllowMerge = False
self.ranTargetBranch = 'master'
CreateWorkspace(mySSH, lSourcePath, self.ranRepository, self.ranCommitID, self.ranTargetBranch, self.ranAllowMerge)
# CreateWorkspace was here
mySSH.command('cd ' +lSourcePath, '\$', 3)
# to prevent accidentally overwriting data that might be used later
self.ranCommitID = oldRanCommidID
self.ranRepository = oldRanRepository
......@@ -855,8 +822,7 @@ class Containerize():
return True
def Create_Workspace(self):
print('-------------------------------new Create Workspace Function')
print("running on server id",self.eNB_serverId)"running on server id",self.eNB_serverId)
if self.eNB_serverId[self.eNB_instance] == '0':
lIpAddr = self.eNBIPAddress
lUserName = self.eNBUserName
......@@ -891,9 +857,7 @@ class Containerize():
sshSession.command(f'rm -rf {sourcePath}', '\$', 10)
sshSession.command('mkdir -p ' + sourcePath, '\$', 5)
print("------------------------------PRINTING PWD",sshSession.command('pwd','\$',2), sshSession.getBefore())
# Recent version of git (>2.20?) should handle missing .git extension # without problems
if ranTargetBranch == 'null':
ranTargetBranch = 'develop'
......@@ -919,7 +883,6 @@ class Containerize():
ranTargetBranch = 'develop'
logging.debug(f'Merging with the target branch: {ranTargetBranch}')
sshSession.command(f'git merge --ff origin/{ranTargetBranch} -m "Temporary merge for CI"', '\$', 30)
print('---------------------------------------End of Function new Create_Workspace')
def DeployObject(self, HTML, EPC):
if self.eNB_serverId[self.eNB_instance] == '0':
......@@ -944,7 +907,7 @@ class Containerize():
self.deployKind[self.eNB_instance] = True
mySSH = cls_cmd.getConnection(lIpAddr)
CreateWorkspace(mySSH, lSourcePath, self.ranRepository, self.ranCommitID, self.ranTargetBranch, self.ranAllowMerge)
# CreateWorkspace was here + '/' + self.yamlPath[self.eNB_instance])'cp docker-compose.y*ml docker-compose-ci.yml', 5)
......@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ class StaticCodeAnalysis():
full_ran_repo_name = self.ranRepository + '.git'
CreateWorkspace(cmd, lSourcePath, full_ran_repo_name, self.ranCommitID, self.ranTargetBranch, self.ranAllowMerge)
#CreateWorkspace was here
logDir = f'{lSourcePath}/cmake_targets/build_log_{self.testCase_id}''mkdir -p {logDir}')'docker image rm oai-cppcheck:bionic oai-cppcheck:focal')
......@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ class StaticCodeAnalysis():
full_ran_repo_name = self.ranRepository + '.git'
CreateWorkspace(cmd, lSourcePath, full_ran_repo_name, self.ranCommitID, self.ranTargetBranch, self.ranAllowMerge)
#CreateWorkspace was here
check_options = ''
if self.ranAllowMerge:
......@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@
<testCase id="800814">
<desc>Creating new Workspace</desc>
<testCase id="020001">
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