Commit a476e181 authored by Romain Beurdouche's avatar Romain Beurdouche

fix(phy_simulators): replace option -Operf by option -Tperf in LTE ulsim and dlsim

parent edcd0019
......@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
(Test 10b: 5 MHz, R6-1.FDD (MCS 24,18 PRB), EVA5, 17.5dB (70%)),
(Test 11: 10 MHz, R7.FDD (MCS 25), EVA5, 17.7dB (70%))</desc>
<main_exec_args> -m=5 -g=F -s=-1 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=50 -c=2 -z=2 -O=60
-m=4 -g=F -s=0 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=6 -c=4 -z=2 -O=60
-m=15 -g=F -s=6.7 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=50 -c=2 -z=2 -O=60
-m=15 -g=F -s=6.7 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=25 -c=2 -z=2 -O=60
-m=15 -g=G -s=1.4 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=50 -c=2 -z=2 -O=25
-m=15 -g=G -s=1.4 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=25 -c=2 -z=2 -O=25
-m=25 -g=F -s=17.4 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=25 -c=3 -z=2 -O=60
-m=25 -g=F -s=17.5 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=25 -c=3 -z=2 -r=1022 -O=60
-m=26 -g=F -s=17.7 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=50 -c=2 -z=2 -O=60</main_exec_args>
<main_exec_args> -m=5 -g=F -s=-1 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=50 -c=2 -z=2 -Tperf=60
-m=4 -g=F -s=0 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=6 -c=4 -z=2 -Tperf=60
-m=15 -g=F -s=6.7 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=50 -c=2 -z=2 -Tperf=60
-m=15 -g=F -s=6.7 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=25 -c=2 -z=2 -Tperf=60
-m=15 -g=G -s=1.4 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=50 -c=2 -z=2 -Tperf=25
-m=15 -g=G -s=1.4 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=25 -c=2 -z=2 -Tperf=25
-m=25 -g=F -s=17.4 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=25 -c=3 -z=2 -Tperf=60
-m=25 -g=F -s=17.5 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=25 -c=3 -z=2 -r=1022 -Tperf=60
-m=26 -g=F -s=17.7 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=50 -c=2 -z=2 -Tperf=60</main_exec_args>
<tags>test1 test5 test6 test6b test7 test7b test10 test10b test11</tags>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
(TM2 Test 1: 10 MHz, R.11 FDD (MCS 14), EVA5, 6.8 dB (70%)),
(TM2 Test 1b: 5 MHz, R.11-2 FDD (MCS 13), EVA5, 5.9 dB (70%))</desc>
<main_exec_args> -m=26 -g=F -s=17.6 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=100 -c=2 -z=2 -O=60
-m=26 -g=F -s=17.3 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=100 -c=2 -z=2 -r=1600 -O=60
-m=26 -g=F -s=16.6 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=100 -c=2 -z=2 -r=1899 -O=60
-m=14 -g=F -s=6.8 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=50 -c=2 -x=2 -y=2 -z=2 -O=60
-m=13 -g=F -s=5.9 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=25 -c=3 -x=2 -y=2 -z=2 -O=60</main_exec_args>
<main_exec_args> -m=26 -g=F -s=17.6 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=100 -c=2 -z=2 -Tperf=60
-m=26 -g=F -s=17.3 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=100 -c=2 -z=2 -r=1600 -Tperf=60
-m=26 -g=F -s=16.6 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=100 -c=2 -z=2 -r=1899 -Tperf=60
-m=14 -g=F -s=6.8 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=50 -c=2 -x=2 -y=2 -z=2 -Tperf=60
-m=13 -g=F -s=5.9 -w=1.0 -f=.2 -n=500 -B=25 -c=3 -x=2 -y=2 -z=2 -Tperf=60</main_exec_args>
<tags>test15 test15b test15c TM2_test1 TM2_test1b</tags>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@
(Test 5: 20 MHz, FDD (MCS 5), AWGN, 6dB (70%)),
(Test 6: 20 MHz, FDD (MCS 16), AWGN, 12 dB (70%))</desc>
<main_exec_args> -BnbRBs=25 -mcs=5 -yN_rx=1 -gchannel=N -xTransmission=1 -snr=6 -wsnrInterrupt=1.0 -e_snr_step=.1 -P -nb_frame=500 -Operf=70
-BnbRBs=25 -mcs=16 -yN_rx=1 -gchannel=N -xTransmission=1 -snr=12 -wsnrInterrupt=1.0 -e_snr_step=.1 -P -nb_frame=500 -Operf=70
-BnbRBs=50 -mcs=5 -yN_rx=1 -gchannel=N -xTransmission=1 -snr=6 -wsnrInterrupt=1.0 -e_snr_step=.1 -P -nb_frame=500 -Operf=70
-BnbRBs=50 -mcs=16 -yN_rx=1 -gchannel=N -xTransmission=1 -snr=12 -wsnrInterrupt=1.0 -e_snr_step=.1 -P -nb_frame=500 -Operf=70
-BnbRBs=100 -mcs=5 -yN_rx=1 -gchannel=N -xTransmission=1 -snr=6 -wsnrInterrupt=1.0 -e_snr_step=.1 -P -nb_frame=500 -Operf=70
-BnbRBs=100 -mcs=16 -yN_rx=1 -gchannel=N -xTransmission=1 -snr=12 -wsnrInterrupt=1.0 -e_snr_step=.1 -P -nb_frame=500 -Operf=70 </main_exec_args>
<main_exec_args> -BnbRBs=25 -mcs=5 -yN_rx=1 -gchannel=N -xTransmission=1 -snr=6 -wsnrInterrupt=1.0 -e_snr_step=.1 -P -nb_frame=500 -Tperf=70
-BnbRBs=25 -mcs=16 -yN_rx=1 -gchannel=N -xTransmission=1 -snr=12 -wsnrInterrupt=1.0 -e_snr_step=.1 -P -nb_frame=500 -Tperf=70
-BnbRBs=50 -mcs=5 -yN_rx=1 -gchannel=N -xTransmission=1 -snr=6 -wsnrInterrupt=1.0 -e_snr_step=.1 -P -nb_frame=500 -Tperf=70
-BnbRBs=50 -mcs=16 -yN_rx=1 -gchannel=N -xTransmission=1 -snr=12 -wsnrInterrupt=1.0 -e_snr_step=.1 -P -nb_frame=500 -Tperf=70
-BnbRBs=100 -mcs=5 -yN_rx=1 -gchannel=N -xTransmission=1 -snr=6 -wsnrInterrupt=1.0 -e_snr_step=.1 -P -nb_frame=500 -Tperf=70
-BnbRBs=100 -mcs=16 -yN_rx=1 -gchannel=N -xTransmission=1 -snr=12 -wsnrInterrupt=1.0 -e_snr_step=.1 -P -nb_frame=500 -Tperf=70</main_exec_args>
<tags>test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6</tags>
<search_expr_false>segmentation fault|assertion|exiting|fatal</search_expr_false>
......@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
{ "lMuMimo", "offset_mumimo_llr_drange_fix",0, .u8ptr=&offset_mumimo_llr_drange_fix, .defintval=0, TYPE_UINT8, 0 },
{ "mcs1", "The MCS for TB 1", 0, .iptr=&mcs1, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0 },
{ "Mcs2", "The MCS for TB 2", 0, .iptr=&mcs2, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0 },
{ "Operf", "Set the percenatge of effective rate to testbench the modem performance (typically 30 and 70, range 1-100)",0, .iptr=&test_perf, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0 },
{ "Tperf", "Set the percenatge of effective rate to testbench the modem performance (typically 30 and 70, range 1-100)",0, .iptr=&test_perf, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0 },
{ "tmcs_i", "MCS of interfering UE",0, .iptr=NULL, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0 },
{ "nb_frame", "number of frame in a test",0, .iptr=&n_frames, .defintval=1, TYPE_INT, 0 },
{ "offsetRxSample", "Sample offset for receiver", 0, .iptr=&rx_sample_offset, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0 },
......@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
{ "bundling_disable", "bundling disable",PARAMFLAG_BOOL, .iptr=&disable_bundling, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0 },
{ "Y", "n_ch_rlz",0, .iptr=&n_ch_rlz, .defintval=1, TYPE_INT, 0 },
{ "X", "abstx", PARAMFLAG_BOOL, .iptr=&abstx, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0 },
{ "Operf", "Set the percentage of effective rate to testbench the modem performance (typically 30 and 70, range 1-100)",0, .iptr=&test_perf, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0 },
{ "Tperf", "Set the percentage of effective rate to testbench the modem performance (typically 30 and 70, range 1-100)",0, .iptr=&test_perf, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0 },
{ "verbose", "display debug text", PARAMFLAG_BOOL, .iptr=&verbose, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0 },
{ "help", "display help and exit", PARAMFLAG_BOOL, .iptr=&help, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0 },
{ "", "",0, .iptr=NULL, .defintval=0, TYPE_INT, 0 },
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