defs.h 20 KB
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599
    Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom

    OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is 
   included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not, 
   see <>.

  Contact Information
  OpenAirInterface Admin:
  OpenAirInterface Tech :
  OpenAirInterface Dev  :
  Address      : Eurecom, Campus SophiaTech, 450 Route des Chappes, CS 50193 - 06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex, FRANCE


/*! \file PHY/defs.h
 \brief Top-level defines and structure definitions
 \author R. Knopp, F. Kaltenberger
 \date 2011
 \version 0.1
 \company Eurecom
#ifndef __PHY_DEFS__H__
#define __PHY_DEFS__H__

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
//#include <complex.h>
#ifdef MEX
# define msg mexPrintf
# ifdef OPENAIR2
#   if defined(ENABLE_RAL)
#     include "collection/hashtable/hashtable.h"
#     include "COMMON/ral_messages_types.h"
#     include "UTIL/queue.h"
#   endif
#   include "log.h"
#   define msg(aRGS...) LOG_D(PHY, ##aRGS)
# else
#   define msg printf
# endif
//use msg in the real-time thread context
#define msg_nrt printf   
//use msg_nrt in the non real-time context (for initialization, ...)
#define malloc16(x) malloc(x)
#define malloc16(x) memalign(16,x)
#define free16(y,x) free(y)
#define bigmalloc malloc
#define bigmalloc16 malloc16
#define openair_free(y,x) free((y))
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096

#define PAGE_MASK 0xfffff000
#define virt_to_phys(x) (x)

#define openair_sched_exit() exit(-1)

#define max(a,b)  ((a)>(b) ? (a) : (b))
#define min(a,b)  ((a)<(b) ? (a) : (b))

#define bzero(s,n) (memset((s),0,(n)))

#define cmax(a,b)  ((a>b) ? (a) : (b))
#define cmin(a,b)  ((a<b) ? (a) : (b))

#define cmax3(a,b,c) ((cmax(a,b)>c) ? (cmax(a,b)) : (c))

#define Zero_Buffer(x,y) Zero_Buffer_nommx(x,y)

#include "spec_defs_top.h"
#include "impl_defs_top.h"
#include "impl_defs_lte.h"

#include "PHY/TOOLS/time_meas.h"
#include "PHY/CODING/defs.h"
#include "PHY/TOOLS/defs.h"
#include "platform_types.h"


//#include "PHY/LTE_ESTIMATION/defs.h"

#include "PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/defs.h"
#include <pthread.h>

#define NUM_DCI_MAX 32


typedef enum {normal_txrx=0,rx_calib_ue=1,rx_calib_ue_med=2,rx_calib_ue_byp=3,debug_prach=4,no_L2_connect=5} runmode_t;

enum transmission_access_mode{

#if defined(ENABLE_RAL)
  typedef struct ral_threshold_phy_s {
      SLIST_ENTRY(ral_threshold_phy_s) ral_thresholds;
      ral_threshold_t                  threshold;
      ral_th_action_t                  th_action;
      ral_link_param_t                 link_param;
      long                             timer_id;

/// Context data structure for eNB subframe processing
typedef struct {
 /// Component Carrier index
  uint8_t              CC_id;
  /// subframe index
  int subframe;
  /// subframe to act upon for transmission 
  int subframe_tx;
  /// subframe to act upon for reception 
  int subframe_rx;
  /// frame to act upon for transmission 
  int frame_tx;
  /// frame to act upon for reception 
  int frame_rx;
  /// instance count for tx processing thread
  int instance_cnt_tx;
  /// instance count for rx processing thread
  int instance_cnt_rx;
  /// pthread structure for tx processing thread
  pthread_t pthread_tx;
  /// pthread structure for rx processing thread
  pthread_t pthread_rx;
  /// condition variable for tx processing thread
  pthread_cond_t cond_tx;
  /// condition variable for rx processing thread
  pthread_cond_t cond_rx;
  /// mutex for tx processing thread
  pthread_mutex_t mutex_tx;
  /// mutex for tx processing thread
  pthread_mutex_t mutex_rx;
} eNB_proc_t;

/// Top-level PHY Data Structure for eNB 
typedef struct PHY_VARS_eNB_s{
  /// Module ID indicator for this instance
  module_id_t          Mod_id;
  uint8_t              CC_id;
  eNB_proc_t           proc[10];
  uint8_t              local_flag;
  uint32_t             rx_total_gain_eNB_dB;
  LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS   lte_frame_parms;
  PHY_MEASUREMENTS_eNB PHY_measurements_eNB[NUMBER_OF_eNB_SECTORS_MAX]; /// Measurement variables 
  LTE_eNB_COMMON       lte_eNB_common_vars;
  LTE_eNB_SRS          lte_eNB_srs_vars[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];
  LTE_eNB_PBCH         lte_eNB_pbch;
  LTE_eNB_PUSCH       *lte_eNB_pusch_vars[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];
  LTE_eNB_PRACH        lte_eNB_prach_vars;
  LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t     *dlsch_eNB[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX][2];   // Nusers times two spatial streams
  // old: LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t  **dlsch_eNB[2];   // Nusers times two spatial streams
  LTE_eNB_ULSCH_t     *ulsch_eNB[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX+1];      // Nusers + number of RA
  LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t     *dlsch_eNB_SI,*dlsch_eNB_ra;
  LTE_eNB_DLSCH_t     *dlsch_eNB_MCH;
  LTE_eNB_UE_stats     eNB_UE_stats[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];
  LTE_eNB_UE_stats    *eNB_UE_stats_ptr[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];

  /// cell-specific reference symbols
  uint32_t         lte_gold_table[20][2][14];

  /// UE-specific reference symbols (p=7...14), TM 8/9/10
  uint32_t         lte_gold_uespec_table[2][20][2][21];
  /// mbsfn reference symbols
  uint32_t         lte_gold_mbsfn_table[10][3][42];
  uint32_t X_u[64][839];

  uint8_t pbch_pdu[4]; //PBCH_PDU_SIZE
  char eNB_generate_rar;

  /// Indicator set to 0 after first SR
  uint8_t first_sr[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];

  uint32_t max_peak_val; 
  int max_eNB_id, max_sync_pos;

  int              N_TA_offset; ///timing offset used in TDD

  /// sinr for all subcarriers of the current link (used only for abstraction)
  double *sinr_dB;

 /// N0 (used for abstraction)
  double N0;

  unsigned char first_run_timing_advance[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];
  unsigned char first_run_I0_measurements;

  unsigned char cooperation_flag; // for cooperative communication

  unsigned char    is_secondary_eNB; // primary by default
  unsigned char    is_init_sync;     /// Flag to tell if initial synchronization is performed. This affects how often the secondary eNB will listen to the PSS from the primary system.
  unsigned char    has_valid_precoder; /// Flag to tell if secondary eNB has channel estimates to create NULL-beams from, and this B/F vector is created.
  unsigned char    PeNB_id;          /// id of Primary eNB
  int              rx_offset;        /// Timing offset (used if is_secondary_eNB)

  /// hold the precoder for NULL beam to the primary user
  int              **dl_precoder_SeNB[3];
  char             log2_maxp; /// holds the maximum channel/precoder coefficient

  /// For emulation only (used by UE abstraction to retrieve DCI)
  uint8_t num_common_dci[2];                         // num_dci in even/odd subframes
  uint8_t num_ue_spec_dci[2];                         // num_dci in even/odd subframes
  DCI_ALLOC_t dci_alloc[2][NUM_DCI_MAX]; // dci_alloc from even/odd subframes

  // PDSCH Varaibles
  PDSCH_CONFIG_DEDICATED pdsch_config_dedicated[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];

  // PUSCH Varaibles
  PUSCH_CONFIG_DEDICATED pusch_config_dedicated[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];

  // PUCCH variables
  PUCCH_CONFIG_DEDICATED pucch_config_dedicated[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];

  // UL-POWER-Control
  UL_POWER_CONTROL_DEDICATED ul_power_control_dedicated[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];

  // TPC
  TPC_PDCCH_CONFIG tpc_pdcch_config_pucch[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];
  TPC_PDCCH_CONFIG tpc_pdcch_config_pusch[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];

  // CQI reporting
  CQI_REPORT_CONFIG cqi_report_config[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];

  // SRS Variables
  SOUNDINGRS_UL_CONFIG_DEDICATED soundingrs_ul_config_dedicated[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];
  uint8_t ncs_cell[20][7];

  // Scheduling Request Config
  SCHEDULING_REQUEST_CONFIG scheduling_request_config[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];

  // Transmission mode per UE
  uint8_t transmission_mode[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];

  /// cba_last successful reception for each group, used for collision detection
  uint8_t cba_last_reception[4];
  // Pointers for active physicalConfigDedicated to be applied in current subframe
  struct PhysicalConfigDedicated *physicalConfigDedicated[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];

  /// Information regarding TM5
  MU_MIMO_mode mu_mimo_mode[NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX];

  ///check for Total Transmissions
  uint32_t check_for_total_transmissions;

  ///check for MU-MIMO Transmissions
  uint32_t check_for_MUMIMO_transmissions;

  ///check for SU-MIMO Transmissions
  uint32_t check_for_SUMIMO_transmissions;

  ///check for FULL MU-MIMO Transmissions
  uint32_t  FULL_MUMIMO_transmissions;

  /// Counter for total bitrate, bits and throughput in downlink
  uint32_t total_dlsch_bitrate;
  uint32_t total_transmitted_bits;
  uint32_t total_system_throughput;
  time_stats_t phy_proc;
  time_stats_t phy_proc_tx;
  time_stats_t phy_proc_rx;
  time_stats_t phy_proc_sf[10]; // for each subframe
  time_stats_t phy_proc_tx_sf[10]; 
  time_stats_t phy_proc_rx_sf[10];
  time_stats_t rx_prach;
  time_stats_t ofdm_mod_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_encoding_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_modulation_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_scrambling_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_rate_matching_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_turbo_encoding_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_interleaving_stats;

  time_stats_t ofdm_demod_stats;
  time_stats_t rx_dft_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_channel_estimation_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_freq_offset_estimation_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_decoding_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_demodulation_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_rate_unmatching_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_turbo_decoding_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_deinterleaving_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_demultiplexing_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_llr_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_tc_init_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_tc_alpha_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_tc_beta_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_tc_gamma_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_tc_ext_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_tc_intl1_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_tc_intl2_stats;
#if defined(ENABLE_RAL)
  hash_table_t    *ral_thresholds_timed;
  SLIST_HEAD(ral_thresholds_gen_poll_enb_s, ral_threshold_phy_t) ral_thresholds_gen_polled[RAL_LINK_PARAM_GEN_MAX];
  SLIST_HEAD(ral_thresholds_lte_poll_enb_s, ral_threshold_phy_t) ral_thresholds_lte_polled[RAL_LINK_PARAM_LTE_MAX];


#define debug_msg if (((mac_xface->frame%100) == 0) || (mac_xface->frame < 50)) msg
//#define debug_msg msg

typedef enum {
} rx_gain_t;

/// Top-level PHY Data Structure for UE 
typedef struct
  /// Module ID indicator for this instance
  uint8_t Mod_id;
  uint8_t CC_id;
  uint8_t local_flag;
  int instance_cnt_tx;
  int instance_cnt_rx;
  int instance_cnt_synch;
  pthread_cond_t cond_tx;
  pthread_cond_t cond_rx;
  pthread_cond_t cond_synch;
  pthread_mutex_t mutex_tx;
  pthread_mutex_t mutex_rx;
  pthread_mutex_t mutex_synch;
  pthread_t       thread_rx;
  pthread_t       thread_tx;
  pthread_t       thread_synch;
  uint32_t tx_total_gain_dB;
  uint32_t rx_total_gain_dB; ///this is a function of rx_gain_mode (and the corresponding gain) and the rx_gain of the card
  uint32_t rx_gain_max[4];
    rx_gain_t rx_gain_mode[4];*/
  uint32_t rx_gain_med[4];
  uint32_t rx_gain_byp[4];
  int8_t tx_power_dBm;
  int tx_total_RE;
  int8_t tx_power_max_dBm;
  //  uint32_t frame;
  uint32_t frame_rx,frame_tx;
  uint32_t slot_tx,slot_rx;
  uint8_t n_connected_eNB;
  uint8_t ho_initiated;
  uint8_t ho_triggered;
  PHY_MEASUREMENTS PHY_measurements; /// Measurement variables 
  LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS  lte_frame_parms;
  LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS  lte_frame_parms_before_ho; // frame parame before ho used to recover if ho fails
  LTE_UE_COMMON    lte_ue_common_vars;

  LTE_UE_PDSCH     *lte_ue_pdsch_vars[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX+1];
  LTE_UE_PDSCH_FLP *lte_ue_pdsch_vars_flp[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX+1];
  LTE_UE_PDSCH     *lte_ue_pdsch_vars_SI[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX+1];
  LTE_UE_PDSCH     *lte_ue_pdsch_vars_ra[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX+1];
  LTE_UE_PDSCH     *lte_ue_pdsch_vars_MCH[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  LTE_UE_PBCH      *lte_ue_pbch_vars[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  LTE_UE_PDCCH     *lte_ue_pdcch_vars[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  LTE_UE_PRACH     *lte_ue_prach_vars[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  LTE_UE_DLSCH_t   *dlsch_ue_col[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX][2];
  // For abstraction-purposes only
  uint8_t               sr[10];
  uint8_t               pucch_sel[10];
  uint8_t               pucch_payload[22];

  int8_t               g_pucch[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  /// cell-specific reference symbols
  uint32_t lte_gold_table[7][20][2][14];

  /// ue-specific reference symbols
  uint32_t         lte_gold_uespec_table[2][20][2][21];

  /// mbsfn reference symbols
  uint32_t lte_gold_mbsfn_table[10][3][42];
  uint32_t X_u[64][839];

  uint32_t high_speed_flag;
  int16_t ch_est_alpha;

  char ulsch_no_allocation_counter[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];

  unsigned char ulsch_ue_Msg3_active[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  uint32_t  ulsch_ue_Msg3_frame[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  unsigned char ulsch_ue_Msg3_subframe[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  //  unsigned char Msg3_timer[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  //unsigned char *Msg3_ptr[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int turbo_iterations, turbo_cntl_iterations;
  uint32_t total_TBS[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  uint32_t total_TBS_last[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  uint32_t bitrate[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  uint32_t total_received_bits[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_errors[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_errors_last[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_received[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_received_last[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_fer[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_SI_received[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_SI_errors[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_ra_received[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_ra_errors[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mch_received_sf[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mch_received[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mcch_received[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mtch_received[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mcch_errors[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mtch_errors[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mcch_trials[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int dlsch_mtch_trials[MAX_MBSFN_AREA][NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  int current_dlsch_cqi[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  unsigned char first_run_timing_advance[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  uint8_t               generate_prach;
  uint8_t               prach_cnt;
  uint8_t               prach_PreambleIndex;
  //  uint8_t               prach_timer;
  int              rx_offset; /// Timing offset
  int              timing_advance; ///timing advance signalled from eNB
  int              N_TA_offset; ///timing offset used in TDD
  /// Flag to tell if UE is secondary user (cognitive mode)
  unsigned char    is_secondary_ue; 
  /// Flag to tell if secondary eNB has channel estimates to create NULL-beams from.
  unsigned char    has_valid_precoder; 
  /// hold the precoder for NULL beam to the primary eNB
  int              **ul_precoder_S_UE;
  /// holds the maximum channel/precoder coefficient
  char             log2_maxp; 

  /// Flag to initialize averaging of PHY measurements
  int init_averaging; 

  /// sinr for all subcarriers of the current link (used only for abstraction)
  double *sinr_dB;
   /// sinr for all subcarriers of first symbol for the CQI Calculation 
  double *sinr_CQI_dB;

  /// sinr_effective used for CQI calulcation
  double sinr_eff;

  /// N0 (used for abstraction)
  double N0;
  /// PDSCH Varaibles

  /// PUSCH Varaibles
  /// PUSCH contention-based access vars
  PUSCH_CA_CONFIG_DEDICATED  pusch_ca_config_dedicated[NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX]; // lola

  /// PUCCH variables


  uint8_t ncs_cell[20][7];

  /// UL-POWER-Control

  /// TPC

  /// CQI reporting

  /// SRS Variables

  /// Scheduling Request Config

  /// Transmission mode per eNB
  uint8_t transmission_mode[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
  time_stats_t phy_proc;
  time_stats_t phy_proc_tx;
  time_stats_t phy_proc_rx;
  time_stats_t ofdm_mod_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_encoding_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_modulation_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_segmentation_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_rate_matching_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_turbo_encoding_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_interleaving_stats;
  time_stats_t ulsch_multiplexing_stats;

  time_stats_t ofdm_demod_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_rx_pdcch_stats;
  time_stats_t rx_dft_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_channel_estimation_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_freq_offset_estimation_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_decoding_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_demodulation_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_rate_unmatching_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_turbo_decoding_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_deinterleaving_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_llr_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_unscrambling_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_init_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_alpha_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_beta_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_gamma_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_ext_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_intl1_stats;
  time_stats_t dlsch_tc_intl2_stats;
  time_stats_t tx_prach;
#if defined(ENABLE_RAL)
  hash_table_t    *ral_thresholds_timed;
  SLIST_HEAD(ral_thresholds_gen_poll_s, ral_threshold_phy_t) ral_thresholds_gen_polled[RAL_LINK_PARAM_GEN_MAX];
  SLIST_HEAD(ral_thresholds_lte_poll_s, ral_threshold_phy_t) ral_thresholds_lte_polled[RAL_LINK_PARAM_LTE_MAX];

/// Top-level PHY Data Structure for RN
typedef struct {
  /// Module ID indicator for this instance
  uint8_t Mod_id;
  uint32_t frame;
  // phy_vars_eNB 
  // phy_vars ue 
  // cuurently only used to store and forward the PMCH
  uint8_t mch_avtive[10];
  uint8_t sync_area[10]; // num SF
  LTE_UE_DLSCH_t   *dlsch_rn_MCH[10];

#include "PHY/INIT/defs.h"
#include "PHY/LTE_REFSIG/defs.h"
#include "PHY/MODULATION/defs.h"
#include "PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/proto.h"
#include "PHY/LTE_ESTIMATION/defs.h"

#endif //OPENAIR_LTE

#endif //  __PHY_DEFS__H__