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OpenAirInterface License

It is distributed under OAI Public License V1.1.

The license information is distributed under LICENSE file in the same directory.

Please see NOTICE file for third party software that is included in the sources.


This tutorial describes the steps of deployment 5G OAI RAN, with integrated E2 agent, with FlexRIC, O-RAN compliant nearRT-RIC.

1. Installation

1.1 Install prerequisites

  • A recent CMake (at least v3.15).

    On Ubuntu, you might want to use this PPA to install an up-to-date version.

  • SWIG (at least v.4.0).

    We use SWIG as an interface generator to enable the multi-language feature (i.e., C/C++ and Python) for the xApps. Please, check your SWIG version (i.e, swig -version) and install it from scratch if necessary as described here: or via the code below:

    git clone
    cd swig
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/
    make install
  • Flatbuffer encoding(optional).

    We also provide a flatbuffers encoding/decoding scheme as alternative to ASN.1. In case that you want to use it follow the instructions at and provide the path for the lib and include when selecting it at ccmake .. from the build directory

1.2 Download the required dependencies.

Below an example of how to install it in ubuntu

sudo apt install libsctp-dev python3.8 cmake-curses-gui libpcre2-dev python-dev

2. Deployment


2.1.1 Clone the OAI repository

git clone oai
cd oai/

2.1.2 Build OAI

cd cmake_targets/
./build_oai -I -w SIMU --gNB --nrUE --build-e2 --ninja

If the flexric folder is empty, try manually the following commands

git submodule init
git submodule update
  • -I option is to install pre-requisites, you only need it the first time you build the softmodem or when some oai dependencies have changed.
  • -w option is to select the radio head support you want to include in your build. Radio head support is provided via a shared library, which is called the "oai device" The build script creates a soft link from to the true device which will be used at run-time (here the USRP one, The RF simulatorRF simulator is implemented as a specific device replacing RF hardware, it can be specifically built using -w SIMU option, but is also built during any softmodem build.
  • --gNB is to build the nr-softmodem and nr-cuup executables and all required shared libraries
  • --nrUE is to build the nr-uesoftmodem executable and all required shared libraries
  • --ninja is to use the ninja build tool, which speeds up compilation
  • --build-e2 option is to use the E2 agent, integrated within gNB.

2.2 FlexRIC

2.2.1 Clone the FlexRIC repository

git clone flexric
cd flexric/
git checkout d3ff879135d036632d7938c2085dbf4577759225

2.2.2 Build FlexRIC

mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j8

2.2.3 Installation of Service Models (SMs)

sudo make install

By default the service model libraries will be installed in the path /usr/local/lib/flexric while the configuration file in /usr/local/etc/flexric.

  • Note: currently, only xApp KPM v03.00 and RC v01.03 (xapp_kpm_rc) is supported to communicate with the integrated E2 agent in OAI. If you are interested in custom SMs (MAC, RLC, PDCP, GTP, TC and SLICE), please follow the instructions at

3. Start the process

  • start the gNB
cd oai/cmake_targets/ran_build/build
sudo ./nr-softmodem -O ../../../targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-NR-5GC/CONF/ --gNBs.[0].min_rxtxtime 6 --rfsim --sa --rfsimulator.serveraddr server
  • start the nrUE
cd oai/cmake_targets/ran_build/build
sudo ./nr-uesoftmodem -r 106 --numerology 1 --band 78 -C 3619200000 --rfsim --sa --uicc0.imsi 001010000000001 --rfsimulator.serveraddr
  • start the nearRT-RIC
cd flexric
  • start the KPM+RC xApp
cd flexric