Commit 76885758 authored by Thomas Schlichter's avatar Thomas Schlichter

add support for continuous transmission

In case of TDD we usually disable TX during RX.
Unfortunately some USRPs create self-interference after disabling TX.
To be able to work-around this issue, we add the flag "--continuous-tx".
parent 1ed58f65
......@@ -210,7 +210,6 @@ void rx_func(void *param) {
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&rnti_to_remove_mutex)) exit(1);
// RX processing
int tx_slot_type = nr_slot_select(cfg,frame_tx,slot_tx);
int rx_slot_type = nr_slot_select(cfg,frame_rx,slot_rx);
if (rx_slot_type == NR_UPLINK_SLOT || rx_slot_type == NR_MIXED_SLOT) {
// UE-specific RX processing for subframe n
......@@ -244,7 +243,8 @@ void rx_func(void *param) {
int tx_slot_type = nr_slot_select(cfg,frame_rx,slot_tx);
if (tx_slot_type == NR_DOWNLINK_SLOT || tx_slot_type == NR_MIXED_SLOT) {
notifiedFIFO_elt_t *res;
processingData_L1tx_t *syncMsg;
......@@ -256,8 +256,17 @@ void rx_func(void *param) {
syncMsg->timestamp_tx = info->timestamp_tx;
res->key = slot_tx;
pushTpool(gNB->threadPool, res);
} else if (get_softmodem_params()->continuous_tx) {
notifiedFIFO_elt_t *res = pullTpool(gNB->L1_tx_free, gNB->threadPool);
processingData_L1tx_t *syncMsg = (processingData_L1tx_t *)NotifiedFifoData(res);
syncMsg->gNB = gNB;
syncMsg->timestamp_tx = info->timestamp_tx;
syncMsg->frame = frame_tx;
syncMsg->slot = slot_tx;
res->key = slot_tx;
pushNotifiedFIFO(gNB->L1_tx_out, res);
#if 0
LOG_D(PHY, "rxtx:%lld nfapi:%lld phy:%lld tx:%lld rx:%lld prach:%lld ofdm:%lld ",
softmodem_stats_rxtx_sf.diff_now, nfapi_meas.diff_now,
......@@ -397,7 +406,11 @@ void *tx_reorder_thread(void* param) {
syncMsgRU.slot_tx = syncMsgL1->slot;
syncMsgRU.timestamp_tx = syncMsgL1->timestamp_tx; = gNB->RU_list[0];
next_tx_slot = get_next_downlink_slot(gNB, &gNB->gNB_config, syncMsgRU.frame_tx, syncMsgRU.slot_tx);
if (get_softmodem_params()->continuous_tx) {
int slots_per_frame = gNB->frame_parms.slots_per_frame;
next_tx_slot = (syncMsgRU.slot_tx + 1) % slots_per_frame;
} else
next_tx_slot = get_next_downlink_slot(gNB, &gNB->gNB_config, syncMsgRU.frame_tx, syncMsgRU.slot_tx);
pushNotifiedFIFO(gNB->L1_tx_free, resL1);
if (resL1==resL1Reserve)
......@@ -703,46 +703,53 @@ void tx_rf(RU_t *ru,int frame,int slot, uint64_t timestamp) {
nfapi_nr_config_request_scf_t *cfg = &ru->config;
void *txp[ru->nb_tx];
unsigned int txs;
int i,txsymb=fp->symbols_per_slot;
int i;
T(T_ENB_PHY_OUTPUT_SIGNAL, T_INT(0), T_INT(0), T_INT(frame), T_INT(slot),
T_INT(0), T_BUFFER(&ru->common.txdata[0][fp->get_samples_slot_timestamp(slot,fp,0)], fp->samples_per_subframe * 4));
int slot_type = nr_slot_select(cfg,frame,slot%fp->slots_per_frame);
int prevslot_type = nr_slot_select(cfg,frame,(slot+(fp->slots_per_frame-1))%fp->slots_per_frame);
int nextslot_type = nr_slot_select(cfg,frame,(slot+1)%fp->slots_per_frame);
int sf_extension = 0;
int siglen=fp->get_samples_per_slot(slot,fp);
int flags=1;
//nr_subframe_t SF_type = nr_slot_select(cfg,slot%fp->slots_per_frame);
if (slot_type == NR_DOWNLINK_SLOT || slot_type == NR_MIXED_SLOT || IS_SOFTMODEM_RFSIM) {
if (cfg->cell_config.frame_duplex_type.value == TDD) {
if(slot_type == NR_MIXED_SLOT) {
txsymb = 0;
for(int symbol_count = 0; symbol_count<NR_NUMBER_OF_SYMBOLS_PER_SLOT; symbol_count++) {
if (cfg->tdd_table.max_tdd_periodicity_list[slot].max_num_of_symbol_per_slot_list[symbol_count].slot_config.value == 0)
int flags = 0;
AssertFatal(txsymb>0,"illegal txsymb %d\n",txsymb);
if (cfg->cell_config.frame_duplex_type.value == TDD && !get_softmodem_params()->continuous_tx) {
int slot_type = nr_slot_select(cfg,frame,slot%fp->slots_per_frame);
if(slot_type == NR_MIXED_SLOT) {
int txsymb = 0;
siglen = txsymb * (fp->ofdm_symbol_size + fp->nb_prefix_samples);
siglen = (fp->ofdm_symbol_size + fp->nb_prefix_samples0) + (txsymb - 1) * (fp->ofdm_symbol_size + fp->nb_prefix_samples);
//+ ru->end_of_burst_delay;
flags = 3; // end of burst
for(int symbol_count = 0; symbol_count<NR_NUMBER_OF_SYMBOLS_PER_SLOT; symbol_count++) {
if (cfg->tdd_table.max_tdd_periodicity_list[slot].max_num_of_symbol_per_slot_list[symbol_count].slot_config.value == 0)
if (slot_type == NR_DOWNLINK_SLOT && prevslot_type == NR_UPLINK_SLOT) {
AssertFatal(txsymb>0,"illegal txsymb %d\n",txsymb);
siglen = txsymb * (fp->ofdm_symbol_size + fp->nb_prefix_samples);
siglen = (fp->ofdm_symbol_size + fp->nb_prefix_samples0) + (txsymb - 1) * (fp->ofdm_symbol_size + fp->nb_prefix_samples);
//+ ru->end_of_burst_delay;
flags = 3; // end of burst
} else if (slot_type == NR_DOWNLINK_SLOT) {
int prevslot_type = nr_slot_select(cfg,frame,(slot+(fp->slots_per_frame-1))%fp->slots_per_frame);
int nextslot_type = nr_slot_select(cfg,frame,(slot+1)%fp->slots_per_frame);
if (prevslot_type == NR_UPLINK_SLOT) {
flags = 2; // start of burst
sf_extension = ru->sf_extension;
if (slot_type == NR_DOWNLINK_SLOT && nextslot_type == NR_UPLINK_SLOT)
} else if (nextslot_type == NR_UPLINK_SLOT) {
flags = 3; // end of burst
} else {
flags = 1; // middle of burst
} else { // FDD
if (proc->first_tx == 1) {
flags = 2; // start of burst
} else {
flags = 1; // middle of burst
if (flags) {
if (fp->freq_range==nr_FR2) {
// the beam index is written in bits 8-10 of the flags
// bit 11 enables the gpio programming
......@@ -1091,9 +1091,8 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg) {
int flags = 0;
int slot_tx_usrp = slot_nr + DURATION_RX_TO_TX - NR_RX_NB_TH;
if (openair0_cfg[0].duplex_mode == duplex_mode_TDD) {
if (openair0_cfg[0].duplex_mode == duplex_mode_TDD && !get_softmodem_params()->continuous_tx) {
uint8_t tdd_period = mac->phy_config.config_req.tdd_table.tdd_period_in_slots;
int nrofUplinkSlots, nrofUplinkSymbols;
......@@ -1105,8 +1104,9 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg) {
nrofUplinkSlots = mac->scc_SIB->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon->pattern1.nrofUplinkSlots;
nrofUplinkSymbols = mac->scc_SIB->tdd_UL_DL_ConfigurationCommon->pattern1.nrofUplinkSymbols;
uint8_t num_UL_slots = nrofUplinkSlots + (nrofUplinkSymbols != 0);
int slot_tx_usrp = slot_nr + DURATION_RX_TO_TX - NR_RX_NB_TH;
uint8_t num_UL_slots = nrofUplinkSlots + (nrofUplinkSymbols != 0);
uint8_t first_tx_slot = tdd_period - num_UL_slots;
if (slot_tx_usrp % tdd_period == first_tx_slot)
......@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ extern "C"
#define CONFIG_HLP_USRP_THREAD "having extra thead for usrp tx\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_NFAPI "Change the nFAPI mode for NR\n"
#define CONFIG_L1_EMULATOR "Run in L1 emulated mode (disable PHY layer)\n"
#define CONFIG_HLP_CONTINUOUS_TX "perform continuous transmission, even in TDD mode (to work around USRP issues)\n"
/* command line parameters common to eNodeB and UE */
......@@ -127,6 +128,7 @@ extern "C"
#define NODE_NUMBER softmodem_params.node_number
#define NON_STOP softmodem_params.non_stop
#define EMULATE_L1 softmodem_params.emulate_l1
#define CONTINUOUS_TX softmodem_params.continuous_tx
#define DEFAULT_RFCONFIG_FILE "/usr/local/etc/syriq/ue.band7.tm1.PRB100.NR40.dat";
......@@ -166,6 +168,7 @@ extern int usrp_tx_thread;
{"nfapi", CONFIG_HLP_NFAPI, 0, u8ptr:&nfapi_mode, defintval:0, TYPE_UINT8, 0}, \
{"non-stop", CONFIG_HLP_NONSTOP, PARAMFLAG_BOOL, iptr:&NON_STOP, defintval:0, TYPE_INT, 0}, \
{"emulate-l1", CONFIG_L1_EMULATOR, PARAMFLAG_BOOL, iptr:&EMULATE_L1, defintval:0, TYPE_INT, 0}, \
{"continuous-tx", CONFIG_HLP_CONTINUOUS_TX,PARAMFLAG_BOOL, iptr:&CONTINUOUS_TX, defintval:0, TYPE_INT, 0}, \
#define CONFIG_HLP_NSA "Enable NSA mode \n"
......@@ -262,6 +265,7 @@ typedef struct {
uint16_t node_number;
int non_stop;
int emulate_l1;
int continuous_tx;
} softmodem_params_t;
extern uint64_t get_softmodem_optmask(void);
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